package gregtech.api.util.shutdown; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; /** * Simple implementation of {@link ShutDownReason}. You can create new object without registering it. */ public class SimpleShutDownReason implements ShutDownReason { private String key; private boolean wasCritical; public SimpleShutDownReason(String key, boolean isCritical) { this.key = key; this.wasCritical = isCritical; } @NotNull @Override public String getID() { return "simple_result"; } @NotNull @Override public String getDisplayString() { return Objects.requireNonNull(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.text." + key)); } @Override public @NotNull NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(@NotNull NBTTagCompound tag) { tag.setString("key", key); tag.setBoolean("wasCritical", wasCritical); return tag; } @Override public void readFromNBT(@NotNull NBTTagCompound tag) { key = tag.getString("key"); wasCritical = tag.getBoolean("wasCritical"); } @NotNull @Override public ShutDownReason newInstance() { return new SimpleShutDownReason("", false); } @Override public void encode(@NotNull PacketBuffer buffer) { buffer.writeBoolean(wasCritical); NetworkUtils.writeStringSafe(buffer, key); } @Override public void decode(PacketBuffer buffer) { wasCritical = buffer.readBoolean(); key = NetworkUtils.readStringSafe(buffer); } @Override public boolean wasCritical() { return wasCritical; } /** * Creates new reason with critical state. Add your localized description with `GT5U.gui.text.{key}`. * This is already registered to registry. */ @Nonnull public static ShutDownReason ofCritical(String key) { return new SimpleShutDownReason(key, true); } /** * Creates new reason with normal state. Add your localized description with `GT5U.gui.text.{key}`. * This is already registered to registry. */ @Nonnull public static ShutDownReason ofNormal(String key) { return new SimpleShutDownReason(key, false); } }