package gregtech.common.config.client; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.config.Config; import gregtech.api.enums.Mods; @Config(modid = Mods.Names.GREG_TECH, category = "interface", configSubDirectory = "GregTech", filename = "Client") public class ConfigInterface { @Config.Comment("if true, makes cover tabs visible on GregTech machines.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(true) public static boolean coverTabsVisible; @Config.Comment("if true, puts the cover tabs display on the right of the UI instead of the left.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(false) public static boolean coverTabsFlipped; @Config.Comment("How verbose should tooltips be? 0: disabled, 1: one-line, 2: normal, 3+: extended.") @Config.DefaultInt(2) public static int tooltipVerbosity; @Config.Comment("How verbose should tooltips be when LSHIFT is held? 0: disabled, 1: one-line, 2: normal, 3+: extended.") @Config.DefaultInt(3) public static int tooltipShiftVerbosity; @Config.Comment("Which style to use for title tab on machine GUI? 0: text tab split-dark, 1: text tab unified, 2: item icon tab.") @Config.DefaultInt(0) public static int titleTabStyle; }