package gregtech.common.config.opstuff; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.config.Config; import gregtech.api.enums.Mods; @Config( modid = Mods.Names.GREG_TECH, category = "general", configSubDirectory = "GregTech", filename = "OverpoweredStuff") public class ConfigGeneral { @Config.Comment("How much RF you get with 100 EU in input.") @Config.DefaultInt(360) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static int howMuchRFWith100EUInInput; @Config.Comment("How much EU you get with 100 RF in input.") @Config.DefaultInt(100) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static int howMuchEUWith100RFInInput; @Config.Comment("if true, enables RF -> EU conversion.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(false) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static boolean inputRF; @Config.Comment("if true, enables EU -> RF conversion.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(true) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static boolean outputRF; @Config.Comment("If true, machines will explode if RFs injected to a GT machine are above 600 * the max energy they can store.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(false) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static boolean RFExplosions; @Config.Comment("if true, ignores TinkerConstruct in ore registration.") @Config.DefaultBoolean(true) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static boolean ignoreTinkerConstruct; @Config.Comment("Controls the exposant used in the computation of the UUM required to replicate an element (uum = mass^replicatorExponent)") @Config.DefaultFloat(1.2f) @Config.RequiresMcRestart public static float replicatorExponent; }