package gregtech.common.items; import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.*; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import forestry.api.core.Tabs; import; import gregtech.GT_Mod; import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes; import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler; import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility; import gregtech.loaders.materialprocessing.ProcessingModSupport; import gregtech.loaders.misc.GT_Bees; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; public class ItemComb extends Item { @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private IIcon secondIcon; public ItemComb() { super(); this.setCreativeTab(Tabs.tabApiculture); this.setHasSubtypes(true); this.setUnlocalizedName("gt.comb"); GameRegistry.registerItem(this, "gt.comb", MOD_ID); } public ItemStack getStackForType(CombType type) { return new ItemStack(this, 1, type.getId()); } public ItemStack getStackForType(CombType type, int count) { return new ItemStack(this, count, type.getId()); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs tabs, List list) { for (CombType type : CombType.values()) { if (type.showInList) { list.add(this.getStackForType(type)); } } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean requiresMultipleRenderPasses() { return true; } @Override public int getRenderPasses(int meta) { return 2; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister) { this.itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("forestry:beeCombs.0"); this.secondIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("forestry:beeCombs.1"); } @Override public IIcon getIcon(ItemStack stack, int pass) { return (pass == 0) ? itemIcon : secondIcon; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack stack, int pass) { CombType type = CombType.valueOf(stack.getItemDamage()); return type.getColours()[GT_Utility.clamp(pass, 0, 1)]; } @Override public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { return CombType.valueOf(stack.getItemDamage()).getName(); } public void initCombsRecipes() { // Organic addProcessGT(CombType.LIGNIE, new Materials[] {Materials.Lignite}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.COAL, new Materials[] {Materials.Coal}, Voltage.LV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.STICKY, new ItemStack[] {ItemList.IC2_Resin.get(1), ItemList.IC2_Plantball.get(1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1)}, new int[] {50 * 100, 15 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addProcessGT(CombType.OIL, new Materials[] {Materials.Oilsands}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.APATITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Apatite}, Voltage.LV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ASH, new Materials[] {Materials.DarkAsh, Materials.Ash}, new int[] {50 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.PHOSPHORUS, new ItemStack[] { Materials.Phosphorus.getDust(3), Materials.TricalciumPhosphate.getDust(2), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100, 100 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.MICA, new ItemStack[] {Materials.Mica.getDust(2), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1)}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, Voltage.HV); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.LIGNIE, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, Materials.Lignite, 1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {90 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.COAL, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, Materials.Coal, 1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.OIL, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Crop_Drop_OilBerry.get(6), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.OIL), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); } else { addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.LIGNIE, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, Materials.Lignite, 1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Lignite, 1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {90 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.COAL, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, Materials.Coal, 1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Coal, 1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.OIL, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Crop_Drop_OilBerry.get(6), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.OIL), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Oilsands, 1), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.APATITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Apatite, Materials.Phosphate}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } // ic2 addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.COOLANT, new ItemStack[] {GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.COOLANT), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1)}, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100}, Voltage.HV, 196); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ENERGY, new ItemStack[] { GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.HOT_COOLANT), ItemList.IC2_Energium_Dust.get(1L), ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1) }, new int[] {20 * 100, 20 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.HV, 196); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.LAPOTRON, new ItemStack[] { GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.LAPIS), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.LapotronDust", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 2) }, new int[] {20 * 100, 15 * 100, 40 * 100}, Voltage.HV, 196); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PYROTHEUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Blaze, Materials.Pyrotheum}, new int[] {25 * 100, 20 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.CRYOTHEUM, new ItemStack[] {ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), Materials.Blizz.getDust(1)}, new int[] {50 * 100, 100 * 100}, Voltage.MV); // Alloy addProcessGT(CombType.REDALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedAlloy}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.REDSTONEALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedstoneAlloy}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.CONDUCTIVEIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.ConductiveIron}, Voltage.MV); addProcessGT(CombType.VIBRANTALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.VibrantAlloy}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.ENERGETICALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.EnergeticAlloy}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.ELECTRICALSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.ElectricalSteel}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.DARKSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.DarkSteel}, Voltage.MV); addProcessGT(CombType.PULSATINGIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.PulsatingIron}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.STAINLESSSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.StainlessSteel}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.BEDROCKIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Bedrockium}, Voltage.EV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ENDERIUM, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustSmall, Materials.EnderiumBase, 1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Enderium, 1) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.HV); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedAlloy}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDSTONEALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedstoneAlloy}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CONDUCTIVEIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.ConductiveIron}, new int[] {90 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.VIBRANTALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.VibrantAlloy}, new int[] {70 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ENERGETICALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.EnergeticAlloy}, new int[] {80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ELECTRICALSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.ElectricalSteel}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.DARKSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.DarkSteel}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PULSATINGIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.PulsatingIron}, new int[] {80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STAINLESSSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.StainlessSteel}, new int[] {50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.BEDROCKIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Bedrockium}, new int[] {50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedAlloy, Materials.Redstone, Materials.Copper}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100, 90 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDSTONEALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.RedstoneAlloy, Materials.Redstone, Materials.Silicon, Materials.Coal}, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CONDUCTIVEIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.ConductiveIron, Materials.Silver, Materials.Iron}, new int[] {90 * 100, 55 * 100, 65 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.VIBRANTALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.VibrantAlloy, Materials.Chrome}, new int[] {70 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ENERGETICALLOY, new Materials[] {Materials.EnergeticAlloy, Materials.Gold}, new int[] {80 * 100, 60 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ELECTRICALSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.ElectricalSteel, Materials.Silicon, Materials.Coal}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.DARKSTEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.DarkSteel, Materials.Coal}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PULSATINGIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.PulsatingIron, Materials.Iron}, new int[] {80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STAINLESSSTEEL, new Materials[] { Materials.StainlessSteel, Materials.Iron, Materials.Chrome, Materials.Manganese, Materials.Nickel }, new int[] {50 * 100, 75 * 100, 55 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.BEDROCKIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Bedrockium}, new int[] {50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 50 * 100); } // Thaumic addProcessGT(CombType.THAUMIUMDUST, new Materials[] {Materials.Thaumium}, Voltage.MV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.THAUMIUMSHARD, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 1), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 2), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 3), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 4), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 5), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1, 6), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0) }, new int[] {20 * 100, 20 * 100, 20 * 100, 20 * 100, 20 * 100, 20 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addProcessGT(CombType.AMBER, new Materials[] {Materials.Amber}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.QUICKSILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.Cinnabar}, Voltage.LV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SALISMUNDUS, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "ItemResource", 1, 14), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.MV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.TAINTED, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "ItemResource", 1, 11), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "ItemResource", 1, 12), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "blockTaintFibres", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "blockTaintFibres", 1, 1), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "blockTaintFibres", 1, 2), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0) }, new int[] {15 * 100, 15 * 100, 15 * 100, 15 * 100, 15 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addProcessGT(CombType.MITHRIL, new Materials[] {Materials.Mithril}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.ASTRALSILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.AstralSilver}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ASTRALSILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.AstralSilver, Materials.Silver}, new int[] {20 * 100, (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 10 : 75) * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.THAUMINITE, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("thaumicbases", "resource", 1, 0), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Thaumium, 1), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0) }, new int[] {20 * 100, 10 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.SHADOWMETAL, new Materials[] {Materials.Shadow}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SHADOWMETAL, new Materials[] {Materials.Shadow, Materials.ShadowSteel}, new int[] {(GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 20 : 75) * 100, 10 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); addProcessGT(CombType.DIVIDED, new Materials[] {Materials.Diamond}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.DIVIDED, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("ExtraUtilities", "unstableingot", 1, 1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Iron, 1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Diamond, 1) }, new int[] { 50 * 100, 20 * 100, (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 10 : 75) * 100, (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 5 : 55) * 100 }, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.SPARKELING, new Materials[] {Materials.NetherStar}, Voltage.EV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SPARKELING, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "miscResources", 2, 5), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.NetherStar, 1) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 10 * 100, (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 10 : 50) * 100}, Voltage.EV); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.THAUMIUMDUST, new Materials[] {Materials.Thaumium}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.QUICKSILVER, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "ItemNugget", 1, 5) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 100 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.THAUMIUMDUST, new Materials[] {Materials.Thaumium, Materials.Iron}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.AMBER, new Materials[] {Materials.Amber}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.QUICKSILVER, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("Thaumcraft", "ItemNugget", 1, 5), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Cinnabar, 1) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 100 * 100, 85 * 100}, Voltage.ULV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MITHRIL, new Materials[] {Materials.Mithril, Materials.Platinum}, new int[] {75 * 100, 55 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1, 0), 50 * 100); } // Gem Line addProcessGT(CombType.STONE, new Materials[] {Materials.Soapstone}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.CERTUS, new Materials[] {Materials.CertusQuartz}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.FLUIX, new Materials[] {Materials.Fluix}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.REDSTONE, new Materials[] {Materials.Redstone}, Voltage.LV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.RAREEARTH, new Materials[] {Materials.RareEarth}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {1}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addProcessGT(CombType.LAPIS, new Materials[] {Materials.Lapis}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.RUBY, new Materials[] {Materials.Ruby}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.REDGARNET, new Materials[] {Materials.GarnetRed}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.YELLOWGARNET, new Materials[] {Materials.GarnetYellow}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.SAPPHIRE, new Materials[] {Materials.Sapphire}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.DIAMOND, new Materials[] {Materials.Diamond}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.OLIVINE, new Materials[] {Materials.Olivine}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.EMERALD, new Materials[] {Materials.Emerald}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.FIRESTONE, new Materials[] {Materials.Firestone}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.PYROPE, new Materials[] {Materials.Pyrope}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.GROSSULAR, new Materials[] {Materials.Grossular}, Voltage.LV); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STONE, new Materials[] { Materials.Stone, Materials.GraniteBlack, Materials.GraniteRed, Materials.Basalt, Materials.Marble, Materials.Redrock }, new int[] {70 * 100, 50 * 100, 50 * 100, 50 * 100, 50 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.FLUIX, new Materials[] {Materials.Fluix}, new int[] {25 * 100}, new int[] {9}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STONE, new Materials[] { Materials.Soapstone, Materials.Talc, Materials.Apatite, Materials.Phosphate, Materials.TricalciumPhosphate }, new int[] {95 * 100, 90 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CERTUS, new Materials[] {Materials.CertusQuartz, Materials.Quartzite, Materials.Barite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 50 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.FLUIX, new Materials[] {Materials.Fluix, Materials.Redstone, Materials.CertusQuartz, Materials.NetherQuartz }, new int[] {25 * 100, 90 * 100, 90 * 100, 90 * 100}, new int[] {9, 1, 1, 1}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDSTONE, new Materials[] {Materials.Redstone, Materials.Cinnabar}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LAPIS, new Materials[] {Materials.Lapis, Materials.Sodalite, Materials.Lazurite, Materials.Calcite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 90 * 100, 85 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.RUBY, new Materials[] {Materials.Ruby, Materials.Redstone}, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.REDGARNET, new Materials[] {Materials.GarnetRed, Materials.GarnetYellow}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.YELLOWGARNET, new Materials[] {Materials.GarnetYellow, Materials.GarnetRed}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SAPPHIRE, new Materials[] {Materials.Sapphire, Materials.GreenSapphire, Materials.Almandine, Materials.Pyrope }, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 90 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.DIAMOND, new Materials[] {Materials.Diamond, Materials.Graphite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.OLIVINE, new Materials[] {Materials.Olivine, Materials.Bentonite, Materials.Magnesite, Materials.Glauconite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.EMERALD, new Materials[] {Materials.Emerald, Materials.Beryllium, Materials.Thorium}, new int[] {100 * 100, 85 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.FIRESTONE, new Materials[] {Materials.Firestone}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1), 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PYROPE, new Materials[] {Materials.Pyrope, Materials.Aluminium, Materials.Magnesium, Materials.Silicon}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.GROSSULAR, new Materials[] {Materials.Grossular, Materials.Aluminium, Materials.Silicon}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } // Metals Line addProcessGT(CombType.SLAG, new Materials[] {Materials.Limestone}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.COPPER, new Materials[] {Materials.Copper}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.TIN, new Materials[] {Materials.Tin}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.LEAD, new Materials[] {Materials.Lead}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.INDIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Indium}, Voltage.ZPM); addProcessGT(CombType.NICKEL, new Materials[] {Materials.Nickel}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.ZINC, new Materials[] {Materials.Zinc}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.SILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.Silver}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.CRYOLITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Cryolite}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.GOLD, new Materials[] {Materials.Gold}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.SULFUR, new Materials[] {Materials.Sulfur}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.GALLIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Gallium}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.ARSENIC, new Materials[] {Materials.Arsenic}, Voltage.LV); if (ProcessingModSupport.aEnableGCMarsMats) { addProcessGT(CombType.IRON, new Materials[] {Materials.Iron}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.STEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.Steel}, Voltage.LV); } else { addProcessGT(CombType.IRON, new Materials[] {Materials.Iron}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.STEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.Steel}, Voltage.LV); } if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SLAG, new Materials[] {Materials.Stone, Materials.GraniteBlack, Materials.GraniteRed}, new int[] {50 * 100, 20 * 100, 20 * 100}, new int[] {9, 9, 9}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.COPPER, new Materials[] {Materials.Copper}, new int[] {70 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.TIN, new Materials[] {Materials.Tin}, new int[] {60 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LEAD, new Materials[] {Materials.Lead}, new int[] {45 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.IRON, new Materials[] {Materials.Iron}, new int[] {30 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STEEL, new Materials[] {Materials.Steel}, new int[] {40 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.Silver}, new int[] {80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CRYOLITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Cryolite}, new int[] {80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SULFUR, new Materials[] {Materials.Sulfur}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SLAG, new Materials[] { Materials.Salt, Materials.RockSalt, Materials.Lepidolite, Materials.Spodumene, Materials.Monazite }, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100, 100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.COPPER, new Materials[] { Materials.Copper, Materials.Tetrahedrite, Materials.Chalcopyrite, Materials.Malachite, Materials.Pyrite, Materials.Stibnite }, new int[] {100 * 100, 85 * 100, 95 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 65 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.TIN, new Materials[] {Materials.Tin, Materials.Cassiterite, Materials.CassiteriteSand}, new int[] {100 * 100, 85 * 100, 65 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LEAD, new Materials[] {Materials.Lead, Materials.Galena}, new int[] {100 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); if (ProcessingModSupport.aEnableGCMarsMats) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.IRON, new Materials[] { Materials.Iron, Materials.Magnetite, Materials.BrownLimonite, Materials.YellowLimonite, Materials.VanadiumMagnetite, Materials.MeteoricIron }, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 85 * 100, 85 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LEAD, new Materials[] { Materials.Steel, Materials.Magnetite, Materials.VanadiumMagnetite, Materials.Molybdenite, Materials.Molybdenum, Materials.MeteoricIron }, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 80 * 100, 65 * 100, 65 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.IRON, new Materials[] { Materials.Iron, Materials.Magnetite, Materials.BrownLimonite, Materials.YellowLimonite, Materials.VanadiumMagnetite, Materials.BandedIron }, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 85 * 100, 85 * 100, 80 * 100, 85 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.STEEL, new Materials[] { Materials.Steel, Materials.Magnetite, Materials.VanadiumMagnetite, Materials.BandedIron, Materials.Molybdenite, Materials.Molybdenum }, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 80 * 100, 85 * 100, 65 * 100, 65 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.NICKEL, new Materials[] { Materials.Nickel, Materials.Garnierite, Materials.Pentlandite, Materials.Cobaltite, Materials.Wulfenite, Materials.Powellite }, new int[] {100 * 100, 85 * 100, 85 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ZINC, new Materials[] {Materials.Zinc, Materials.Sphalerite, Materials.Sulfur}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SILVER, new Materials[] {Materials.Silver, Materials.Galena}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CRYOLITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Cryolite, Materials.Silver}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.GOLD, new Materials[] {Materials.Gold}, new int[] {100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.SULFUR, new Materials[] {Materials.Sulfur, Materials.Pyrite, Materials.Sphalerite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 90 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.GALLIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Gallium, Materials.Niobium}, new int[] {80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ARSENIC, new Materials[] {Materials.Arsenic, Materials.Bismuth, Materials.Antimony}, new int[] {80 * 100, 70 * 100, 70 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); } // Rare Metals Line addProcessGT(CombType.BAUXITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Bauxite}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.ALUMINIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Aluminium}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.MANGANESE, new Materials[] {Materials.Manganese}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.TITANIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Titanium}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.MAGNESIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Magnesium}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.CHROME, new Materials[] {Materials.Chrome}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.TUNGSTEN, new Materials[] {Materials.Tungsten}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.PLATINUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Platinum}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.MOLYBDENUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Molybdenum}, Voltage.LV); addAutoclaveProcess(CombType.MOLYBDENUM, Materials.Osmium, Voltage.IV, 5); addProcessGT(CombType.IRIDIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Iridium}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.OSMIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Osmium}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.LITHIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Lithium}, Voltage.MV); addProcessGT(CombType.ELECTROTINE, new Materials[] {Materials.Electrotine}, Voltage.MV); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SALT, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Salt, 6), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.RockSalt, 6), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Saltpeter, 6) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100, 25 * 100}, Voltage.MV, 160); } else { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.BAUXITE, new Materials[] {Materials.Bauxite, Materials.Aluminium}, new int[] {75 * 100, 55 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ALUMINIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Aluminium, Materials.Bauxite}, new int[] {60 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MANGANESE, new Materials[] { Materials.Manganese, Materials.Grossular, Materials.Spessartine, Materials.Pyrolusite, Materials.Tantalite }, new int[] {30 * 100, 100 * 100, 100 * 100, 100 * 100, 100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.TITANIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Titanium, Materials.Ilmenite, Materials.Bauxite, Materials.Rutile}, new int[] {90 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MAGNESIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Magnesium, Materials.Magnesite}, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CHROME, new Materials[] { Materials.Chrome, Materials.Ruby, Materials.Chromite, Materials.Redstone, Materials.Neodymium, Materials.Bastnasite }, new int[] {50 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100, 100 * 100, 80 * 100, 80 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.TUNGSTEN, new Materials[] {Materials.Tungsten, Materials.Tungstate, Materials.Scheelite, Materials.Lithium}, new int[] {50 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PLATINUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Platinum, Materials.Cooperite, Materials.Palladium}, new int[] {40 * 100, 40 * 100, 40 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MOLYBDENUM, new Materials[] { Materials.Molybdenum, Materials.Molybdenite, Materials.Powellite, Materials.Wulfenite }, new int[] {100 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.IRIDIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Iridium, Materials.Osmium}, new int[] {20 * 100, 15 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.OSMIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Osmium, Materials.Iridium}, new int[] {25 * 100, 15 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LITHIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Lithium, Materials.Aluminium}, new int[] {85 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.MV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SALT, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Salt, 6), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.RockSalt, 6), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Saltpeter, 6) }, new int[] {100 * 100, 100 * 100, 50 * 100, 25 * 100}, Voltage.MV, 160); } // Radioactive Line addProcessGT(CombType.ALMANDINE, new Materials[] {Materials.Almandine}, Voltage.LV); addProcessGT(CombType.URANIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Uranium}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.PLUTONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Plutonium}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.NAQUADAH, new Materials[] {Materials.Naquadah}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.NAQUADRIA, new Materials[] {Materials.Naquadria}, Voltage.LUV); addProcessGT(CombType.THORIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Thorium}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.LUTETIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Lutetium}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.AMERICIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Americium}, Voltage.LUV); addProcessGT(CombType.NEUTRONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Neutronium}, Voltage.UHV); if (!GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ALMANDINE, new Materials[] {Materials.Almandine, Materials.Pyrope, Materials.Sapphire, Materials.GreenSapphire }, new int[] {90 * 100, 80 * 100, 75 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ULV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.URANIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Uranium, Materials.Pitchblende, Materials.Uraninite, Materials.Uranium235 }, new int[] {50 * 100, 65 * 100, 75 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.PLUTONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Plutonium, Materials.Uranium235}, new int[] {10, 5}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.NAQUADAH, new Materials[] {Materials.Naquadah, Materials.NaquadahEnriched, Materials.Naquadria}, new int[] {10 * 100, 5 * 100, 5 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.NAQUADRIA, new Materials[] {Materials.Naquadria, Materials.NaquadahEnriched, Materials.Naquadah}, new int[] {10 * 100, 10 * 100, 15 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.LUV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.THORIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Thorium, Materials.Uranium, Materials.Coal}, new int[] {75 * 100, 75 * 100 * 100, 95 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LUTETIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Lutetium, Materials.Thorium}, new int[] {35 * 100, 55 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.AMERICIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Americium, Materials.Lutetium}, new int[] {25 * 100, 45 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.LUV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.NEUTRONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Neutronium, Materials.Americium}, new int[] {15 * 100, 35 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.UHV, NI, 30 * 100); } // Twilight addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.NAGA, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1L, 4), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.NagaScaleChip", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.NagaScaleFragment", 1L, 0), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 33 * 100, 8 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.MV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.LICH, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1L, 5), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.LichBoneChip", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.LichBoneFragment", 1L, 0), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 33 * 100, 8 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.HYDRA, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1L, 1), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.FieryBloodDrop", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.HYDRA), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 33 * 100, 8 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.URGHAST, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1L, 2), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CarminiteChip", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CarminiteFragment", 1L, 0), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 33 * 100, 8 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.EV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SNOWQUEEN, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "propolis", 1L, 3), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.SnowQueenBloodDrop", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.SNOW_QUEEN), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1) }, new int[] {5 * 100, 33 * 100, 8 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.EV); // HEE addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ENDDUST, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.End), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO), }, new int[] {20 * 100, 15 * 100, 10 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.STARDUST, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Stardust), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {20 * 100, 15 * 100, 10 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ECTOPLASMA, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Ectoplasma), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {25 * 100, 10 * 100, 15 * 100}, Voltage.EV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ARCANESHARD, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Arcaneshard), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {25 * 100, 10 * 100, 15 * 100}, Voltage.EV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.DRAGONESSENCE, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Dragonessence), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {30 * 100, (int) (7.5 * 100), 20 * 100}, Voltage.IV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.ENDERMAN, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Enderman), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {3000, 750, 2000}, Voltage.IV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SILVERFISH, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Silverfish), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO), new ItemStack(Items.spawn_egg, 1, 60) }, new int[] {25 * 100, 10 * 100, 20 * 100, 15 * 100}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.ENDIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.HeeEndium}, Voltage.HV); if (!GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ENDIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.HeeEndium}, new int[] {50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), 20 * 100); } addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.RUNEI, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfPowerFragment", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfAgilityFragment", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfVigorFragment", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfDefenseFragment", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfMagicFragment", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {25 * 100, 5 * 100, 5 * 100, 5 * 100, 5 * 100, 5 * 100}, Voltage.IV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.RUNEII, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.RuneOfVoidFragment", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, (int) (2.5 * 100)}, Voltage.IV); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.FIREESSENSE, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem("MagicBees", "wax", 1L, 0), GT_Bees.propolis.getStackForType(PropolisType.Fireessence), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.ENDERGOO) }, new int[] {30 * 100, (int) (7.5 * 100), 20 * 100}, Voltage.IV); // Walrus Recipe if (Loader.isModLoaded("extracells")) { addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.WALRUS, new ItemStack[] {GT_ModHandler.getModItem("extracells", "walrus", 1L, 0)}, new int[] {100 * 100}, Voltage.LV); } // Space Line addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SPACE, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), ItemList.FR_RefractoryWax.get(1L), GT_Bees.drop.getStackForType(DropType.OXYGEN), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CoinSpace", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 15 * 100, 5 * 100}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.METEORICIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.MeteoricIron}, Voltage.HV); addProcessGT(CombType.DESH, new Materials[] {Materials.Desh}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.LEDOX, new Materials[] {Materials.Ledox}, Voltage.EV); addProcessGT(CombType.CALLISTOICE, new Materials[] {Materials.CallistoIce}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.MYTRYL, new Materials[] {Materials.Mytryl}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.QUANTIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Quantium}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.ORIHARUKON, new Materials[] {Materials.Oriharukon}, Voltage.IV); addProcessGT(CombType.MYSTERIOUSCRYSTAL, new Materials[] {Materials.MysteriousCrystal}, Voltage.LUV); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MYSTERIOUSCRYSTAL, new Materials[] {Materials.MysteriousCrystal}, new int[] { (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 10 : 40) * 100, (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs ? 15 : 50) * 100 }, new int[] {}, Voltage.LUV, 512, NI, 50 * 100); addProcessGT(CombType.BLACKPLUTONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.BlackPlutonium}, Voltage.LUV); addProcessGT(CombType.TRINIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Trinium}, Voltage.ZPM); if (!GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.METEORICIRON, new Materials[] {Materials.MeteoricIron, Materials.Iron}, new int[] {85 * 100, 100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.HV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.DESH, new Materials[] {Materials.Desh, Materials.Titanium}, new int[] {75 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.LEDOX, new Materials[] {Materials.Ledox, Materials.CallistoIce, Materials.Lead}, new int[] {65 * 100, 55 * 100, 85 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.EV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.CALLISTOICE, new Materials[] {Materials.CallistoIce, Materials.Ledox, Materials.Lead}, new int[] {65 * 100, 75 * 100, 100 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.MYTRYL, new Materials[] {Materials.Mytryl, Materials.Mithril}, new int[] {55 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.QUANTIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Quantium, Materials.Osmium}, new int[] {50 * 100, 60 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.ORIHARUKON, new Materials[] {Materials.Oriharukon, Materials.Lead}, new int[] {50 * 100, 75 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.IV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.BLACKPLUTONIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.BlackPlutonium, Materials.Plutonium}, new int[] {25 * 100, 50 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.LUV, NI, 30 * 100); addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.TRINIUM, new Materials[] {Materials.Trinium, Materials.Iridium}, new int[] {35 * 100, 45 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ZPM, NI, 30 * 100); } // Planet Line addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.MOON, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MoonStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.MV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.MARS, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MarsStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.HV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.JUPITER, new ItemStack[] { GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.IoStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.EuropaIceDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.EuropaStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.GanymedeStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CallistoStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.CallistoIce, 1L), ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L) }, new int[] {30 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100, 5 * 100, 50 * 100}, Voltage.HV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.MERCURY, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MercuryCoreDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MercuryStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.EV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.VENUS, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.VenusStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.EV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SATURN, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.EnceladusStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.TitanStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.IV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.URANUS, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MirandaStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.OberonStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.IV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.NEPTUN, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.ProteusStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.TritonStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.IV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.PLUTO, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.PlutoStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.PlutoIceDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.LUV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.HAUMEA, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.HaumeaStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.LUV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.MAKEMAKE, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.MakeMakeStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.LUV, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.CENTAURI, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CentauriASurfaceDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.CentauriAStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.ZPM, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.TCETI, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.TCetiEStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.ZPM, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.BARNARDA, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.BarnardaEStoneDust", 1L, 0), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.BarnardaFStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.ZPM, 300); addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.VEGA, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem(MOD_ID_DC, "item.VegaBStoneDust", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 30 * 100}, Voltage.ZPM, 300); if (Loader.isModLoaded("GalaxySpace")) { addCentrifugeToItemStack( CombType.SEAWEED, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1L), GT_ModHandler.getModItem("GalaxySpace", "tcetiedandelions", 1L, 0) }, new int[] {50 * 100, 100 * 100}, Voltage.UV, 100); } // Infinity Line addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType.INFINITYCATALYST, new Materials[] {Materials.InfinityCatalyst, Materials.Neutronium}, new int[] {(int) (25 * 100), 20 * 100}, new int[] {}, Voltage.ZPM, 100, NI, 50 * 100); // (Noble)gas Line addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.HELIUM, Materials.Helium.getGas(250), Voltage.HV); addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.ARGON, Materials.Argon.getGas(250), Voltage.MV); addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.NITROGEN, Materials.Nitrogen.getGas(250), Voltage.MV); addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.HYDROGEN, Materials.Hydrogen.getGas(250), Voltage.MV); addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.FLUORINE, Materials.Fluorine.getGas(250), Voltage.MV); addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.OXYGEN, Materials.Oxygen.getGas(250), Voltage.MV); // Organic part 2, unknown liquid // yes, unknowwater. Its not my typo, its how it is spelled. Stupid game. addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType.UNKNOWNWATER, FluidRegistry.getFluidStack("unknowwater", 250), Voltage.ZPM); /** * The Centrifuge Recipes for Infused Shards and Nether/End-Shard from the Infused Shard Line are below the NobleGas * Lines for Xenon and co. in In Lines 1525 * **/ } /** * Currently only used for CombType.MOLYBDENUM * @param circuitNumber should not conflict with addProcessGT * * **/ public void addAutoclaveProcess(CombType comb, Materials aMaterial, Voltage volt, int circuitNumber) { if (GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial, 4) == NI) return; RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, getStackForType(comb)), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(circuitNumber), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid(Math.max(1, ((aMaterial.getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial, 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial.getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); } public void addFluidExtractorProcess(CombType comb, FluidStack fluid, Voltage volt) { if (fluid == null) return; RA.addFluidExtractionRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(1, getStackForType(comb)), null, fluid, 100 * 100, (fluid.getFluid().getDensity() * 128 > 0 ? (int) (fluid.getFluid().getDensity() * 100) : 128), volt.getSimpleEnergy() / 2); } /** * this only adds Chemical and AutoClave process. * If you need Centrifuge recipe. use addCentrifugeToMaterial or addCentrifugeToItemStack * @param volt This determine the required Tier of process for this recipes. This decide the required aEU/t, progress time, required additional UU-Matter, requirement of cleanRoom, needed fluid stack for Chemical. * @param aMaterial result of Material that should be generated by this process. * **/ public void addProcessGT(CombType comb, Materials[] aMaterial, Voltage volt) { ItemStack tComb = getStackForType(comb); for (int i = 0; i < aMaterial.length; i++) { if (GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4) != NI) { switch (comb) { case NEUTRONIUM: RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, tComb), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(i + 1), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid( Math.max(1, ((aMaterial[i].getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial[i].getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); RA.addChemicalRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(4, tComb), null, volt.getFluidAccordingToCombTier(), Materials.Neutronium.getMolten(576l), Materials.Neutronium.getNuggets(1), NI, volt.getComplexTime() * 17, volt.getChemicalEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.IV) > 0); case OSMIUM: RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, tComb), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(i + 1), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid( Math.max(1, ((aMaterial[i].getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial[i].getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); RA.addChemicalRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(4, tComb), null, volt.getFluidAccordingToCombTier(), Materials.Osmium.getMolten(288l), Materials.Osmium.getNuggets(1), NI, volt.getComplexTime() * 17, volt.getChemicalEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.IV) > 0); case PLATINUM: RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, tComb), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(i + 1), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid( Math.max(1, ((aMaterial[i].getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial[i].getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); RA.addChemicalRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(4, tComb), null, volt.getFluidAccordingToCombTier(), Materials.Platinum.getMolten(288l), Materials.Platinum.getNuggets(1), NI, volt.getComplexTime() * 10, volt.getChemicalEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); case IRIDIUM: RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, tComb), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(i + 1), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid( Math.max(1, ((aMaterial[i].getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial[i].getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); RA.addChemicalRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(4, tComb), null, volt.getFluidAccordingToCombTier(), Materials.Iridium.getMolten(288l), Materials.Iridium.getNuggets(1), NI, volt.getComplexTime() * 14, volt.getChemicalEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.EV) > 0); default: RA.addChemicalRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(4, tComb), null, volt.getFluidAccordingToCombTier(), null, GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), NI, volt.getComplexTime(), volt.getChemicalEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.IV) > 0); RA.addAutoclaveRecipe( GT_Utility.copyAmount(9, tComb), GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(i + 1), Materials.UUMatter.getFluid( Math.max(1, ((aMaterial[i].getMass() + volt.getUUAmplifier()) / 10))), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, aMaterial[i], 4), 10000, (int) (aMaterial[i].getMass() * 128), volt.getAutoClaveEnergy(), volt.compareTo(Voltage.HV) > 0); break; } } } } /** * this method only adds Centrifuge based on Material. If volt is lower than MV than it will also adds forestry centrifuge recipe. * @param comb BeeComb * @param aMaterial resulting Material of processing. can be more than 6. but over 6 will be ignored in Gregtech Centrifuge. * @param chance chance to get result, 10000 == 100% * @param volt required Voltage Tier for this recipe, this also affect the duration, amount of UU-Matter, and needed liquid type and amount for chemical reactor * @param stackSize This parameter can be null, in that case stack size will be just 1. This handle the stackSize of the resulting Item, and Also the Type of Item. if this value is multiple of 9, than related Material output will be dust, if this value is multiple of 4 than output will be Small dust, else the output will be Tiny dust * @param beeWax if this is null, then the comb will product default Bee wax. But if aMaterial is more than 5, beeWax will be ignored in Gregtech Centrifuge. * @param waxChance have same format like "chance" **/ public void addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType comb, Materials[] aMaterial, int[] chance, int[] stackSize, Voltage volt, ItemStack beeWax, int waxChance) { addCentrifugeToMaterial(comb, aMaterial, chance, stackSize, volt, volt.getSimpleTime(), beeWax, waxChance); } public void addCentrifugeToMaterial( CombType comb, Materials[] aMaterial, int[] chance, int[] stackSize, Voltage volt, int duration, ItemStack beeWax, int waxChance) { ItemStack[] aOutPut = new ItemStack[aMaterial.length + 1]; stackSize = Arrays.copyOf(stackSize, aMaterial.length); chance = Arrays.copyOf(chance, aOutPut.length); chance[chance.length - 1] = waxChance; for (int i = 0; i < (aMaterial.length); i++) { if (chance[i] == 0) { continue; } if (Math.max(1, stackSize[i]) % 9 == 0) { aOutPut[i] = GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, aMaterial[i], (Math.max(1, stackSize[i]) / 9)); } else if (Math.max(1, stackSize[i]) % 4 == 0) { aOutPut[i] = GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, aMaterial[i], (Math.max(1, stackSize[i]) / 4)); } else { aOutPut[i] = GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, aMaterial[i], Math.max(1, stackSize[i])); } } if (beeWax != NI) { aOutPut[aOutPut.length - 1] = beeWax; } else { aOutPut[aOutPut.length - 1] = ItemList.FR_Wax.get(1); } addCentrifugeToItemStack(comb, aOutPut, chance, volt, duration); } /** * @param volt required Tier of system. If it's lower than MV, it will also add forestry centrifuge. * @param aItem can be more than 6. but Over 6 will be ignored in Gregtech Centrifuge. **/ public void addCentrifugeToItemStack(CombType comb, ItemStack[] aItem, int[] chance, Voltage volt) { addCentrifugeToItemStack(comb, aItem, chance, volt, volt.getSimpleTime()); } public void addCentrifugeToItemStack(CombType comb, ItemStack[] aItem, int[] chance, Voltage volt, int duration) { ItemStack tComb = getStackForType(comb); Builder Product = new ImmutableMap.Builder(); for (int i = 0; i < aItem.length; i++) { if (aItem[i] == NI) { continue; } Product.put(aItem[i], chance[i] / 10000.0f); } if (volt.compareTo(Voltage.MV) < 0 || !GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { RecipeManagers.centrifugeManager.addRecipe(40, tComb,; } aItem = Arrays.copyOf(aItem, 6); if (aItem.length > 6) { chance = Arrays.copyOf(chance, 6); } RA.addCentrifugeRecipe( tComb, NI, NF, NF, aItem[0], aItem[1], aItem[2], aItem[3], aItem[4], aItem[5], chance, duration, volt.getSimpleEnergy()); } enum Voltage { ULV, LV, MV, HV, EV, IV, LUV, ZPM, UV, UHV, UEV, UIV, UMV, UXV, MAX; public int getVoltage() { return (int) V[this.ordinal()]; } /**@return aEU/t needed for chemical and autoclave process related to the Tier**/ public int getVoltageFromEU() { return (int) Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(2 * this.getVoltage()) / Math.log(4) - 1), 0); } /**@return Voltage tier according to EU provided. 0 = ULV, 1 = LV, 2 = MV ...**/ public int getChemicalEnergy() { return this.getVoltage() * 3 / 4; } public int getAutoClaveEnergy() { return (int) ((this.getVoltage() * 3 / 4) * (Math.max(1, Math.pow(2, 5 - this.ordinal())))); } /**@return FluidStack needed for chemical process related to the Tier**/ public FluidStack getComplexChemical() { if (this.compareTo(Voltage.MV) < 0) { return Materials.HydrofluoricAcid.getFluid((this.compareTo(Voltage.ULV) > 0) ? 1000 : 500); } else if (this.compareTo(Voltage.HV) < 0) { return GT_ModHandler.getDistilledWater(1000L); } else if (this.compareTo(Voltage.LUV) < 0) { return Materials.HydrofluoricAcid.getFluid((long) (Math.pow(2, this.compareTo(Voltage.HV)) * L)); } else if (this.compareTo(Voltage.UHV) < 0) { return FluidRegistry.getFluidStack("mutagen", (int) (Math.pow(2, this.compareTo(Voltage.LUV)) * L)); } else { return NF; } } /**@return FluidStack needed for chemical process related to the Tier**/ public FluidStack getFluidAccordingToCombTier() { // checking what Voltage tier the Comb is // cascading from IV to UMV since all recipes use HydrofluiricAcid // for later tiers, just add the corresponding tier to a case int fluidAmount = this.getFluidAmount(); switch (this.getVoltageFromEU()) { case 0: /**ULV**/ return Materials.Water.getFluid(fluidAmount); case 1: /**LV**/ return Materials.SulfuricAcid.getFluid(fluidAmount); case 2: /**MV**/ return Materials.HydrochloricAcid.getFluid(fluidAmount); case 3: /**HV**/ return Materials.PhosphoricAcid.getFluid(fluidAmount); case 4: /**EV**/ return Materials.PhthalicAcid.getFluid(fluidAmount); default: return Materials.HydrofluoricAcid.getFluid(this.getFluidAmount()); } } /**@return additional required UU-Matter amount for Autoclave process related to the Tier**/ public int getUUAmplifier() { return 9 * ((this.compareTo(Voltage.MV) < 0) ? 1 : this.compareTo(Voltage.MV)); } /**@return duration needed for Chemical process related to the Tier**/ public int getComplexTime() { return 64 + this.ordinal() * 32; } /**@return Fluid amount needed for Chemical process related to the Tier**/ public int getFluidAmount() { return 9 * this.getSimpleTime() / 3; } /**@return duration needed for Centrifuge process related to the Tier**/ public int getSimpleTime() { if (!GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNerfedCombs) { return 96 + this.ordinal() * 32; } else { // ULV, LV needs 128ticks, MV need 256 ticks, HV need 384 ticks, EV need 512 ticks, IV need 640 ticks return 128 * (Math.max(1, this.ordinal())); } } /**@return aEU/t needed for Centrifuge process related to the Tier**/ public int getSimpleEnergy() { if (this == Voltage.ULV) { return 5; } else { return (int) (this.getVoltage() / 16) * 15; } } } }