package gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps; import gregtech.api.util.GTRecipe; import gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.interfaces.ISpaceBody; import gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.interfaces.ISpaceProject; /** * @author BlueWeabo */ public class SpaceProjectManager { /** * Do not use! Only meant to be used in */ public static Map<UUID, Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject>> spaceTeamProjects = new HashMap<>(); /** * Do not use! Only meant to be used in Stores a Players UUID to the Leader UUID, * players in lone groups give back their own UUID. */ public static Map<UUID, UUID> spaceTeams = new HashMap<>(); /** * Stores all the locations to a hash map to be accessed easier instead of through an enum */ private static final HashMap<String, ISpaceBody> spaceLocations = new HashMap<>(); /** * Stores all projects that have been made. Only adds them to this map if {@link #addProject(ISpaceProject)} has * been used */ private static final Map<String, ISpaceProject> spaceProjects = new HashMap<>(); // #region Space Project Team Helper methods /** * Used to get a specific project of the team dependent on the location and the project's name */ public static ISpaceProject getTeamProject(UUID member, ISpaceBody location, String projectName) { Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject> map = spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)); if (map == null) { return null; } return map.get(Pair.of(location, projectName)); } /** * Makes a new Map for the teams if they don't have one. Adds a project to the team's project map. * * @param member Member of the team. * @param location The location of where the project will belong to. * @param projectName The name of the project being added. * @param project Project which will be added to the team. * @return Returns true when a project was added to the map of the player. Returns false otherwise. */ public static boolean addTeamProject(UUID member, ISpaceBody location, String projectName, ISpaceProject project) { if (!spaceTeamProjects.containsKey(getLeader(member)) || spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)) == null) { spaceTeamProjects.put(getLeader(member), new HashMap<>()); } Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject> map = spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)); if (map.containsKey(Pair.of(location, projectName))) { return false; } project.setProjectLocation(location); map.put(Pair.of(location, projectName), project); if (SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE != null) { SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE.markDirty(); } return true; } /** * Check whether a team has a project or not * * @param member Member of the team * @param project The project, which you are checking for. This only compares the internal names of the project. * @return True if the team has said project, false otherwise */ public static boolean teamHasProject(UUID member, ISpaceProject project) { Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject> map = spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)); if (map == null) { return false; } return map.containsValue(project); } /** * Used to handle when 2 players want to join together in a team. Player A can join player B's team. If player C * gets an invite from A, C will join player B's team. * * @param teamMember Member which is joining the teamLeader * @param teamLeader Leader of the party */ public static void putInTeam(UUID teamMember, UUID teamLeader) { if (teamMember.equals(teamLeader)) { spaceTeams.put(teamMember, teamLeader); } else if (!spaceTeams.get(teamLeader) .equals(teamLeader)) { putInTeam(teamMember, spaceTeams.get(teamLeader)); } else { spaceTeams.put(teamMember, teamLeader); } if (SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE != null) { SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE.markDirty(); } } /** * Used to give back the UUID of the team leader. * * @return The UUID of the team leader. */ public static UUID getLeader(UUID teamMember) { checkOrCreateTeam(teamMember); return spaceTeams.get(teamMember); } /** * Used the multiblocks to check whether a given player has a team or not. If they don't have a team create one * where they are their own leader. * * @param teamMember Member to check for. */ public static void checkOrCreateTeam(UUID teamMember) { if (spaceTeams.containsKey(teamMember)) { return; } spaceTeams.put(teamMember, teamMember); if (SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE != null) { SpaceProjectWorldSavedData.INSTANCE.markDirty(); } } public static boolean isInTeam(UUID member) { return spaceTeams.containsKey(member); } /** * Will give back all the projects a team has made or is making. * * @param member UUID of the team member, used to find the leader of the team. * @return All the projects a team has. */ public static Collection<ISpaceProject> getTeamSpaceProjects(UUID member) { Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject> map = spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)); if (map == null) { return null; } return map.values(); } /** * Getting the project of a Team or a new copy. * * @param member UUID of the team member, which is used to find the team leader. * @param projectName The name of the project, which needs to be found. * @param location The location at which the project is found at. * @return the project that the team has or a copy of a project. */ public static ISpaceProject getTeamProjectOrCopy(UUID member, String projectName, ISpaceBody location) { Map<Pair<ISpaceBody, String>, ISpaceProject> map = spaceTeamProjects.get(getLeader(member)); if (map == null) { return getProject(projectName); } return map.getOrDefault(Pair.of(location, projectName), getProject(projectName)); } // #endregion // #region Project Helper methods public static class FakeSpaceProjectRecipe extends GTRecipe { public final String projectName; public FakeSpaceProjectRecipe(boolean aOptimize, ItemStack[] aInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue, String projectName) { super(aOptimize, aInputs, null, null, null, aFluidInputs, null, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue); this.projectName = projectName; } } /** * Used to add projects to the internal map. * * @param project Newly created project. */ public static void addProject(ISpaceProject project) { spaceProjects.put(project.getProjectName(), project); RecipeMaps.spaceProjectFakeRecipes.add( new FakeSpaceProjectRecipe( false, project.getTotalItemsCost(), project.getTotalFluidsCost(), project.getProjectBuildTime(), (int) project.getProjectVoltage(), project.getTotalStages(), project.getProjectName())); } /** * @param projectName Internal name of the project. * @return a copy of the stored project. */ public static ISpaceProject getProject(String projectName) { ISpaceProject tProject = spaceProjects.get(projectName); return tProject != null ? tProject.copy() : null; } /** * Should only be used for GUIs! * * @return The Map that the projects are stored at. */ public static Map<String, ISpaceProject> getProjectsMap() { return spaceProjects; } /** * Should only be used for GUIs! * * @return A Collection of all the projects contained in the map. */ public static Collection<ISpaceProject> getAllProjects() { return spaceProjects.values(); } // #endregion // #region Location Helper methods /** * Adds a location to the internal map. For it to be used later * * @param location to add to the internal map */ public static void addLocation(ISpaceBody location) { spaceLocations.put(location.getName(), location); } /** * * @return a Collection of all locations, which have been registered. */ public static Collection<ISpaceBody> getLocations() { return spaceLocations.values(); } /** * * @return a Collection fo all location names, which have been registered */ public static Collection<String> getLocationNames() { return spaceLocations.keySet(); } /** * * @param locationName Name used to search for the location * @return The location, which has been registered with said name */ public static ISpaceBody getLocation(String locationName) { return spaceLocations.get(locationName); } // #endregion // #region General Helper methods /** * Gets the UUID using the player's username */ public static UUID getPlayerUUIDFromName(String playerName) { return MinecraftServer.getServer() .func_152358_ax() .func_152655_a(playerName) .getId(); } /** * Gets the player's name using their UUID */ public static String getPlayerNameFromUUID(UUID playerUUID) { return MinecraftServer.getServer() .func_152358_ax() .func_152652_a(playerUUID) .getName(); } // #endregion }