package gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.interfaces; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture; import gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.enums.SpaceBodyType; import gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.enums.StarType; import gregtech.common.misc.spaceprojects.enums.UpgradeStatus; /** * @author BlueWeabo */ public interface ISpaceProject { /** * @return the internal name of the project. */ String getProjectName(); /** * @return Unlocalized name of the project. */ String getUnlocalizedName(); /** * @return Localized name of the project using StatCollect#translateToLocal. */ String getLocalizedName(); /** * @return The voltage the project requires to be built at. Used by the project manager. */ long getProjectVoltage(); /** * @return The duration it takes to build out one(1) stage of the project. The time returned is in ticks */ int getProjectBuildTime(); /** * @return The Current Progress of the project in percentage form. 1 being 100% and 0 being 0%. */ float getProjectCurrentProgress(); /** * @return Currently unused, but this is the project's tier. Will be used to determine the min-tier motors needed on * the Space Elevator */ int getProjectTier(); /** * @return The Current stage of the project */ int getCurrentStage(); /** * @return The Total amount of stages the project has */ int getTotalStages(); /** * @return a Collection of all upgrades the project has */ Collection getAllUpgrades(); /** * @return a Map of all upgrades that have been built. */ Map getUpgradesBuiltMap(); /** * @return */ Collection getAllBuiltUpgrades(); /** * @param upgradeName The name of the upgrade wanted * @return The upgrade with the appropriate name found in the available upgrades for the project */ ISP_Upgrade getUpgrade(String upgradeName); /** * @return The Items cost required per stage in an array form. Used for making the recipe. */ ItemStack[] getItemsCostPerStage(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no item * costs */ ItemStack getItemCostPerStage(int index); /** * @return The Items current progress in an array form. */ ItemStack[] getCurrentItemsProgress(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's current progress at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there * are no item costs */ ItemStack getCurrentItemProgress(int index); /** * @return The items total cost required in an array form. */ ItemStack[] getTotalItemsCost(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's total cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no * item costs */ ItemStack getTotalItemCost(int index); /** * @return The fluids cost required per stage in an array form. Used for making the recipe. */ FluidStack[] getFluidsCostPerStage(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no fluid * costs */ FluidStack getFluidCostPerStage(int index); /** * @return The fluids current progress in an array form. Null if there are no fluid costs */ FluidStack[] getCurrentFluidsProgress(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's current progress at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there * are no fluid costs */ FluidStack getCurrentFluidProgress(int index); /** * @return The fluids total cost required in an array form. Null if there are no fluid costs */ FluidStack[] getTotalFluidsCost(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's total cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no * fluid costs */ FluidStack getTotalFluidCost(int index); /** * @return The current upgrade for this project, which is being built */ ISP_Upgrade getUpgradeBeingBuilt(); /** * @return The location of the project */ ISpaceBody getProjectLocation(); /** * @return The texture used in GUIs for the project */ UITexture getTexture(); /** * Sets the current stage of the project */ void setProjectCurrentStage(int stage); /** * Sets the current upgrade, which needs to be built */ void setCurrentUpgradeBeingBuilt(ISP_Upgrade upgrade); /** * Sets the project's location when it starts being built */ void setProjectLocation(ISpaceBody newLocation); /** * Sets the project's upgrades, which have been built */ void setBuiltUpgrade(ISP_Upgrade... upgrades); /** * Goes to the next stage of the project */ void goToNextStage(); /** * Creates a copy of the space project */ ISpaceProject copy(); /** * Checks if the project meets all requirements with its current location * * @param team Team wanting said project and checking their projects * @return true if all requirements met, false otherwise */ boolean meetsRequirements(UUID team); /** * Checks if the project meets requirements if it requires other projects, unless {@code checkLocation} is true, * then it also checks for the location * * @param team Team wanting said project and checking their projects * @param checkLocation If the location position should be checked * @return true if all requirements met, false otherwise */ boolean meetsRequirements(UUID team, boolean checkLocation); /** * Checks if the projects is finished */ boolean isFinished(); /** * Checks if the project has a certain upgrade installed or not * * @param upgradeName Upgrade being searched for * @return True if that upgrade has been installed, false otherwise */ boolean hasUpgrade(String upgradeName); /** * @author BlueWeabo */ interface ISP_Upgrade { /** * @return internal name of the upgrade */ String getUpgradeName(); /** * @return unlocalized name of the upgrade */ String getUnlocalizedName(); /** * @return localized name of the upgrade */ String getLocalizedName(); /** * @return The Items cost required per stage in an array form. Used for making the recipe. */ ItemStack[] getItemsCostPerStage(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no * item costs */ ItemStack getItemCostPerStage(int index); /** * @return The Items current progress in an array form. */ ItemStack[] getCurrentItemsProgress(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's current progress at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or * there are no item costs */ ItemStack getCurrentItemProgress(int index); /** * @return The items total cost required in an array form. */ ItemStack[] getTotalItemsCost(); /** * @param index Index at which the itemstack is found at * @return an item's total cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are * no item costs */ ItemStack getTotalItemCost(int index); /** * @return The fluids cost required per stage in an array form. Used for making the recipe. */ FluidStack[] getFluidsCostPerStage(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are no * fluid costs */ FluidStack getFluidCostPerStage(int index); /** * @return The fluids current progress in an array form. Null if there are no fluid costs */ FluidStack[] getCurrentFluidsProgress(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's current progress at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or * there are no fluid costs */ FluidStack getCurrentFluidProgress(int index); /** * @return The fluids total cost required in an array form. Null if there are no fluid costs */ FluidStack[] getTotalFluidsCost(); /** * @param index Index at which the fluidstack is found at * @return a fluid's total cost at the appropriate index. Null otherwise if it goes above the index or there are * no fluid costs */ FluidStack getTotalFluidCost(int index); /** * @return the total stages an upgrade has */ int getTotalStages(); /** * @return the build time for the upgrade to go to its next stage */ int getUpgradeBuildTime(); /** * @return current stage of the upgrade */ int getCurrentStage(); /** * @return The Current Progress of the upgrade in percentage form. 1 being 100% and 0 being 0%. */ float getCurrentProgress(); /** * @return The voltage at which the upgrade requires to be build at. */ long getVoltage(); /** * Unused, unsure if it will get a sure */ UpgradeStatus getStatus(); /** * @return the requirements the upgrade has */ ISP_Requirements getUpgradeRequirements(); /** * @return the parent project, which the upgrade belongs to */ ISpaceProject getParentProject(); /** * @param project The project the upgrade belongs to */ void setUpgradeProject(ISpaceProject project); /** * Sets the current stage of the upgrade * * @param stage */ void setUpgradeCurrentStage(int stage); /** * Checks if the team has met all requirements to be able to build said upgrade * * @param team The one starting the upgrade * @return true if all requirements are met, false otherwise */ boolean meetsRequirements(UUID team); /** * Creates a copy of the upgrade */ ISP_Upgrade copy(); /** * Goes to the next stage of the upgrade */ void goToNextStage(); /** * @return true if the upgrade has finished all of its stages, false otherwise */ boolean isFinished(); } /** * @author BlueWeabo */ interface ISP_Requirements { /** * @return Space Body Type required by the project/upgrade */ SpaceBodyType getBodyType(); /** * @return Star Type required by the project/upgrade */ StarType getStarType(); /** * @return a list of all project required for the team to have to unlock it */ List getProjects(); /** * @return a list of all upgrades an upgrade can have as required. */ List getUpgrades(); } }