package; import static gregtech.api.enums.Mods.*; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler.getModItem; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCutterRecipes; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.MINUTES; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.SECONDS; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.TICKS; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import gregtech.api.enums.*; import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler; import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator; public class CuttingRecipes implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // silicon wafer recipes { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Ingot.get(1) }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer.get(16), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.SiliconSG, 4) }, 20 * SECONDS, TierEU.RECIPE_LV, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Ingot2.get(1) }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2.get(32), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.SiliconSG, 8) }, 40 * SECONDS, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, true); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Ingot3.get(1) }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3.get(64), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.SiliconSG, 16) }, 1 * MINUTES + 20 * SECONDS, TierEU.RECIPE_HV, true); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Ingot4.get(1) }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer4.get(64), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer4.get(32), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.SiliconSG, 32) }, 2 * MINUTES, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, true); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Ingot5.get(1) }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer5.get(64), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer5.get(64), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.SiliconSG, 64) }, 2 * MINUTES + 40 * SECONDS, TierEU.RECIPE_IV, true); } // doesnt seem to be in game? recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.block, Materials.Graphite, 1) }, new ItemStack[] { GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.Graphite, 9) }, 25 * SECONDS, 48, true); // glass pane recipes { // stained-glass -> glass pane recipes for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stained_glass, 3, i) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stained_glass, 3, i), new ItemStack(Blocks.stained_glass_pane, 8, i) }, 2 * SECONDS + 10 * TICKS, 8, false); } recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(, 3, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(, 3, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.glass_pane, 8, 0) }, 2 * SECONDS + 10 * TICKS, 8, false); if (TinkerConstruct.isModLoaded()) { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { getModItem(TinkerConstruct.ID, "GlassBlock", 3L, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { getModItem(TinkerConstruct.ID, "GlassBlock", 3L, 0), getModItem(TinkerConstruct.ID, "GlassPane", 8L, 0) }, 2 * SECONDS + 10 * TICKS, 8, false); } } // stone slab recipes { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stone, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stone, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 0) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.sandstone, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.sandstone, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 1) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 3) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.brick_block, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.brick_block, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 4) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stonebrick, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.stonebrick, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 5) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.nether_brick, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.nether_brick, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 6) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_block, 1, 32767) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_block, 1, 32767), new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 2, 7) }, 1 * SECONDS + 5 * TICKS, 8, false); } recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.glowstone, 1, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.glowstone, 1, 0), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Glowstone, 4) }, 5 * SECONDS, 16, false); for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++) { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1, i) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1, i), new ItemStack(Blocks.carpet, 2, i) }, 2 * SECONDS + 10 * TICKS, 8, false); } // vanilla planks recipes { ItemStack[] plankArray = new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Plank_Oak.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Spruce.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Birch.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Jungle.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Acacia.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_DarkOak.get(2L) }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 1, i) }, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 1, i), plankArray[i] }, 2 * SECONDS + 10 * TICKS, 8, false); } } if (Forestry.isModLoaded()) { ItemStack[] coverIDs = { ItemList.Plank_Larch.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Teak.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Acacia_Green.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Lime.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Chestnut.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Wenge.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Baobab.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Sequoia.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Kapok.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Ebony.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Mahagony.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Balsa.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Willow.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Walnut.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Greenheart.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Cherry.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Mahoe.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Poplar.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Palm.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Papaya.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Pine.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Plum.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Maple.get(2L), ItemList.Plank_Citrus.get(2L) }; for (int i = 0; i < coverIDs.length; i++) { ItemStack slabWood = getModItem(Forestry.ID, "slabs", 1, i); ItemStack slabWoodFireproof = getModItem(Forestry.ID, "slabsFireproof", 1, i); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { slabWood }, new ItemStack[] { slabWood, coverIDs[i] }, 2 * SECONDS, 8, false); recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { slabWoodFireproof }, new ItemStack[] { slabWoodFireproof, coverIDs[i] }, 2 * SECONDS, 8, false); } } if (BuildCraftTransport.isModLoaded()) { recipeWithClassicFluids( new ItemStack[] { getModItem(BuildCraftTransport.ID, "item.buildcraftPipe.pipestructurecobblestone", 1L, 0) }, new ItemStack[] { getModItem(BuildCraftTransport.ID, "item.buildcraftPipe.pipestructurecobblestone", 1L, 0), getModItem(BuildCraftTransport.ID, "pipePlug", 8L, 0) }, 1 * SECONDS + 12 * TICKS, 16, false); } } public void recipeWithClassicFluids(ItemStack[] inputs, ItemStack[] outputs, int duration, long eut, boolean cleanroomRequired) { if (cleanroomRequired) { GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(Materials.Water.getFluid(Math.max(4, Math.min(1000, duration * eut / 320)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(2 * duration) .eut(eut) .requiresCleanRoom() .addTo(sCutterRecipes); GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(GT_ModHandler.getDistilledWater(Math.max(3, Math.min(750, duration * eut / 426)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(2 * duration) .eut(eut) .requiresCleanRoom() .addTo(sCutterRecipes); GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(Materials.Lubricant.getFluid(Math.max(1, Math.min(250, duration * eut / 1280)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(duration) .eut(eut) .requiresCleanRoom() .addTo(sCutterRecipes); } else { GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(Materials.Water.getFluid(Math.max(4, Math.min(1000, duration * eut / 320)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(2 * duration) .eut(eut) .addTo(sCutterRecipes); GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(GT_ModHandler.getDistilledWater(Math.max(3, Math.min(750, duration * eut / 426)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(2 * duration) .eut(eut) .addTo(sCutterRecipes); GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(inputs) .itemOutputs(outputs) .fluidInputs(Materials.Lubricant.getFluid(Math.max(1, Math.min(250, duration * eut / 1280)))) .noFluidOutputs() .duration(duration) .eut(eut) .addTo(sCutterRecipes); } } }