package gtPlusPlus.everglades.gen; import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.PI; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; public class WorldGenMinable_Custom extends WorldGenMinable { /** The block to generate. */ private Block oreToGenerate; /** The number of blocks to generate. */ private int numberOfBlocks; /** The block to replace. */ private Block blockToReplace; /** The meta of the block. */ private int mineableBlockMeta; public WorldGenMinable_Custom(final Block block, final int count){ super(block, count, Blocks.stone); } public WorldGenMinable_Custom(final Block block, final int count, final Block target){ super(block, count, target); this.oreToGenerate = block; this.numberOfBlocks = count; this.blockToReplace = target; } public WorldGenMinable_Custom(final Block block, final int meta, final int number, final Block target){ this(block, number, target); this.mineableBlockMeta = meta; } @Override public boolean generate(final World world, final Random rand, final int x, final int y, final int z) { final float f = rand.nextFloat() * PI; final double d0 = x + 16 + ((MathHelper.sin(f) * this.numberOfBlocks) / 4.0F); final double d1 = (x + 16) - ((MathHelper.sin(f) * this.numberOfBlocks) / 4.0F); final double d2 = z + 16 + ((MathHelper.cos(f) * this.numberOfBlocks) / 4.0F); final double d3 = (z + 16) - ((MathHelper.cos(f) * this.numberOfBlocks) / 4.0F); final double d4 = (y + rand.nextInt(8)) - 1; final double d5 = (y + rand.nextInt(8)) - 1; for (int l = 0; l <= this.numberOfBlocks; ++l) { final double d6 = d0 + (((d1 - d0) * l) / this.numberOfBlocks); final double d7 = d4 + (((d5 - d4) * l) / this.numberOfBlocks); final double d8 = d2 + (((d3 - d2) * l) / this.numberOfBlocks); final double d9 = (rand.nextDouble() * this.numberOfBlocks) / 8.0D; final double d10 = ((MathHelper.sin((l * PI) / this.numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9) + 1.0D; final double d11 = ((MathHelper.sin((l * PI) / this.numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9) + 1.0D; final int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 - (d10 / 2.0D)); final int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 - (d11 / 2.0D)); final int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 - (d10 / 2.0D)); final int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 + (d10 / 2.0D)); final int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 + (d11 / 2.0D)); final int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 + (d10 / 2.0D)); for (int k2 = i1; k2 <= l1; ++k2){ final double d12 = ((k2 + 0.5D) - d6) / (d10 / 2.0D); if ((d12 * d12) < 1.0D){ for (int l2 = j1; l2 <= i2; ++l2){ final double d13 = ((l2 + 0.5D) - d7) / (d11 / 2.0D); if (((d12 * d12) + (d13 * d13)) < 1.0D){ for (int i3 = k1; i3 <= j2; ++i3){ final double d14 = ((i3 + 0.5D) - d8) / (d10 / 2.0D); if ((((d12 * d12) + (d13 * d13) + (d14 * d14)) < 1.0D) && world.getBlock(k2, l2, i3).isReplaceableOreGen(world, k2, l2, i3, this.blockToReplace)) { world.setBlock(k2, l2, i3, this.oreToGenerate, this.mineableBlockMeta, 3); Logger.INFO("Generated a "+this.oreToGenerate.getLocalizedName()+" at x: "+k2+" | y: "+l2+" | z: "+i3); } } } } } } } return true; } }