package gtPlusPlus.plugin.villagers.tile; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.reflect.ReflectionUtils; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.MobSpawnerBaseLogic; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityMobSpawner; public class TileEntityGenericSpawner extends TileEntityMobSpawner { /* * Static Variables */ /** A HashMap storing string names of classes mapping to the actual java.lang.Class type. */ private static Map nameToClassMap_Ex = new HashMap(); /** A HashMap storing the classes and mapping to the string names (reverse of nameToClassMap). */ private static Map classToNameMap_Ex = new HashMap(); /** * The Mob Spawner Map */ public static HashMap> mSpawners = new HashMap>(); /** * Registers a New Mob Spawner Type * * @param aID * - the Spawner type ID * @param aEntity * - the Entity which you'd like to spawn */ public static boolean registerNewMobSpawner(int aID, Class aEntity) { int registered = mSpawners.size(); Logger.INFO("Currently " + registered + " spawners are registered."); if (!mSpawners.containsKey(aID) && !mSpawners.containsValue(aEntity)) { mSpawners.put(aID, aEntity); } return mSpawners.size() > registered; } /* * Instance Variables */ /** * The {@link Entity} type which spawns. */ protected int mID; private final Class mSpawnType; private MobSpawnerCustomLogic spawnerLogic; /* * Constructors */ /** * Constructs a new Spawner, based on an existing type registered. * * @param aID * - The ID in the {@link mSpawners} map. */ public TileEntityGenericSpawner(int aID) { mID = aID; if (mSpawners.get(aID) != null) { mSpawnType = mSpawners.get(aID); } else { mSpawnType = null; } // Last thing to Init generateLogicObject(); } /** * Constructs a new Spawner, then registers it. * * @param aID * - The ID to be used in the {@link mSpawners} map. * @param aEntity * - The {@link Entity} type which will be spawned. */ public TileEntityGenericSpawner(int aID, Entity aEntity) { mID = aID; if (aEntity != null) { mSpawnType = aEntity.getClass(); if (mSpawners.containsKey(aID)) { registerNewMobSpawner(aID, mSpawnType); } } else { mSpawnType = null; } // Last thing to Init generateLogicObject(); } public final MobSpawnerCustomLogic getLogic() { if (spawnerLogic == null || spawnerLogic.getSpawnerWorld() == null) { generateLogicObject(); } return spawnerLogic; } private final void generateLogicObject() { spawnerLogic = new MobSpawnerCustomLogic(this); } public int getID() { return this.mID; } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_145839_1_) { if (hasInternalFieldBeenSet()) { this.getLogic().readFromNBT(p_145839_1_); this.xCoord = p_145839_1_.getInteger("x"); this.yCoord = p_145839_1_.getInteger("y"); this.zCoord = p_145839_1_.getInteger("z"); this.mID = p_145839_1_.getInteger("mID"); } } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_145841_1_) { if (hasInternalFieldBeenSet()) { String s = (String) classToNameMap_Ex.get(this.getClass()); if (s == null) { for (Object g : classToNameMap_Ex.values()) { if (g instanceof String) { Logger.INFO("Found Translation for " + ((Class) nameToClassMap_Ex.get(g)).getName() + ": " + g); } } // throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass() + " is missing a mapping! This is a bug!"); s = mSpawners.containsKey(this.mID) ? mSpawners.get(this.mID).getSimpleName() : ""; p_145841_1_.setString("id", s); Logger.WARNING(this.getClass() + " is missing a mapping! This is a bug! Used key: " + s); p_145841_1_.setInteger("x", this.xCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("y", this.yCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("z", this.zCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("mID", this.mID); } else { Logger.INFO(this.getClass() + " is not missing a mapping! Used key: " + s); p_145841_1_.setString("id", s); p_145841_1_.setInteger("x", this.xCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("y", this.yCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("z", this.zCoord); p_145841_1_.setInteger("mID", this.mID); } this.getLogic().writeToNBT(p_145841_1_); } } @Override public void updateEntity() { if (Utils.isServer()) { mTicks++; if (hasInternalFieldBeenSet()) { this.getLogic().updateSpawner(); } } } private boolean isReady = false; private long mTicks = 0; private boolean hasInternalFieldBeenSet() { if (isReady && mTicks % 200 != 0) { return true; } else { if (Utils.isServer()) { try { Map a1 = (Map) ReflectionUtils.getField(TileEntity.class, "nameToClassMap") .get(this); Map a2 = (Map) ReflectionUtils.getField(TileEntity.class, "classToNameMap") .get(this); if (a1 != null) { if (nameToClassMap_Ex == null) { nameToClassMap_Ex = a1; } if (nameToClassMap_Ex != null) { if (nameToClassMap_Ex.size() != a1.size()) { nameToClassMap_Ex = a1; } } } if (a2 != null) { if (classToNameMap_Ex == null) { classToNameMap_Ex = a2; } if (classToNameMap_Ex != null) { if (classToNameMap_Ex.size() != a2.size()) { classToNameMap_Ex = a2; } } if (nameToClassMap_Ex != null && classToNameMap_Ex != null) { // Logger.INFO("nameToClassMap_Ex has a size of "+nameToClassMap_Ex.size()+"."); // Logger.INFO("a1 has a size of "+a1.size()+"."); // Logger.INFO("classToNameMap_Ex has a size of "+classToNameMap_Ex.size()+"."); // Logger.INFO("a2 has a size of "+a2.size()+"."); isReady = true; return true; } } /*Field mInternalLogicField = ReflectionUtils.getField(getClass(), "field_145882_a"); if (mInternalLogicField != null) { MobSpawnerBaseLogic a = (MobSpawnerBaseLogic) mInternalLogicField.get(this); if (a != null) { ReflectionUtils.setField(this, "field_145882_a", getLogic()); if (a.equals(getLogic())) { isReady = true; return true; } } }*/ } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { } } return false; } } /** * Called when a client event is received with the event number and argument, * see World.sendClientEvent */ @Override public boolean receiveClientEvent(int p_145842_1_, int p_145842_2_) { return this.spawnerLogic.setDelayToMin(p_145842_1_) ? true : super.receiveClientEvent(p_145842_1_, p_145842_2_); } @Override public MobSpawnerBaseLogic func_145881_a() { return this.spawnerLogic; } }