package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import gregtech.api.enums.GTValues; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps; import gregtech.api.util.GTRecipe; import gregtech.api.util.GTUtility; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.minecraft.ItemStackData; import gtPlusPlus.api.recipe.GTPPRecipeCategories; import gtPlusPlus.api.recipe.GTPPRecipeMaps; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.FluidUtils; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils; public class RecipeGenBlastSmelterGTNH { private static Map mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry = new HashMap<>(); private static Map mCachedHotToColdRegistry = new HashMap<>(); private static synchronized void setIngotToFluid(final ItemStackData stack, final FluidStack fluid) { if (stack != null && fluid != null) { mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry.put(stack.getUniqueDataIdentifier(), fluid); } } private static synchronized void setHotToCold(final ItemStackData hot, final ItemStackData cold) { if (hot != null && cold != null) { mCachedHotToColdRegistry.put(hot.getUniqueDataIdentifier(), cold.getUniqueDataIdentifier()); } } private static synchronized FluidStack getFluidFromIngot(final ItemStackData ingot) { ItemStackData h = ingot; if (mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry.containsKey(h.getUniqueDataIdentifier())) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry contains Output Ingot."); return mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry.get(h.getUniqueDataIdentifier()); } if (mCachedHotToColdRegistry.containsKey(h.getUniqueDataIdentifier())) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] mCachedHotToColdRegistry contains Output Ingot."); return mCachedIngotToFluidRegistry.get(mCachedHotToColdRegistry.get(h.getUniqueDataIdentifier())); } Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Neither Cache contains Output Ingot."); return null; } private static boolean isValid(final ItemStack[] inputs, final ItemStack outputs[], final FluidStack[] fluidIn, final FluidStack fluidOut) { if (inputs != null && outputs != null && fluidIn != null && fluidOut != null && inputs.length > 0 && outputs.length > 0) { return true; } return false; } public static synchronized boolean generateGTNHBlastSmelterRecipesFromEBFList() { // Make a counting object int mSuccess = 0; Logger.INFO("[ABS] Starting recipe generation based on EBF recipe map."); Logger.INFO("[ABS] Caching Ingots and their Molten fluid.."); // Ingots/Dusts -> Fluids for (GTRecipe x : RecipeMaps.fluidExtractionRecipes.getAllRecipes()) { ItemStack validInput = null; FluidStack validOutput = null; // If there aren't both non empty inputs and outputs, we skip if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(x.mInputs) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(x.mFluidOutputs)) { continue; } for (int tag : OreDictionary.getOreIDs(x.mInputs[0])) { String oreName = OreDictionary.getOreName(tag) .toLowerCase(); String mType = "ingot"; if (oreName.startsWith(mType) && !oreName.contains("double") && !oreName.contains("triple") && !oreName.contains("quad") && !oreName.contains("quintuple")) { validInput = x.mInputs[0]; } } validOutput = x.mFluidOutputs[0]; if (validInput != null) { ItemStackData R = new ItemStackData(validInput); setIngotToFluid(R, validOutput); Logger.MACHINE_INFO( "[ABS][I2F] Cached " + validInput.getDisplayName() + " to " + validOutput.getLocalizedName() + ". Stored Under ID of " + R.getUniqueDataIdentifier()); } } Logger.INFO("[ABS] Caching Ingots and their Hot form..."); // Hot Ingots -> Cold Ingots for (GTRecipe x : RecipeMaps.vacuumFreezerRecipes.getAllRecipes()) { ItemStack validInput = null; ItemStack validOutput = null; // If we the input is an ingot and it and the output are valid, map it to cache. if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(x.mInputs) && x.mInputs[0] != null) { validInput = x.mInputs[0]; } if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(x.mOutputs) && x.mOutputs[0] != null) { validOutput = x.mOutputs[0]; } if (validInput != null && validOutput != null) { ItemStackData R1 = new ItemStackData(validInput); ItemStackData R2 = new ItemStackData(validOutput); setHotToCold(R1, R2); Logger.MACHINE_INFO( "[ABS][H2C] Cached " + validInput.getDisplayName() + " to " + validOutput.getDisplayName() + ". Stored Under ID of " + R1.getUniqueDataIdentifier() + ", links to ID " + R2.getUniqueDataIdentifier()); } } Logger.INFO("[ABS] Generating recipes based on existing EBF recipes."); // Okay, so now lets Iterate existing EBF recipes. for (GTRecipe x : RecipeMaps.blastFurnaceRecipes.getAllRecipes()) { ItemStack[] inputs, outputs; FluidStack[] inputsF; int voltage, time, special; boolean enabled; inputs = x.mInputs.clone(); outputs = x.mOutputs.clone(); inputsF = x.mFluidInputs.clone(); voltage = x.mEUt; time = x.mDuration; enabled = x.mEnabled; special = x.mSpecialValue; // continue to next recipe if the Temp is too high. if (special > 3600) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Skipping ABS addition for GTNH due to temp."); continue; } else { FluidStack mMoltenStack = null; int mMoltenCount = 0; // If We have a valid Output, let's try use our cached data to get it's molten form. if (x.mOutputs != null && x.mOutputs[0] != null) { mMoltenCount = x.mOutputs[0].stackSize; ItemStackData R = new ItemStackData(x.mOutputs[0]); Logger.MACHINE_INFO( "[ABS] Found " + x.mOutputs[0].getDisplayName() + " as valid EBF output, finding it's fluid from the cache. We will require " + (144 * mMoltenCount) + "L. Looking for ID " + R.getUniqueDataIdentifier()); FluidStack tempFluid = getFluidFromIngot(R); if (tempFluid != null) { // Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Got Fluid from Cache."); mMoltenStack = FluidUtils.getFluidStack(tempFluid, mMoltenCount * 144); } else { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Failed to get Fluid from Cache."); } } // If this recipe is enabled and we have a valid molten fluidstack, let's try add this recipe. if (enabled && isValid(inputs, outputs, inputsF, mMoltenStack)) { // Boolean to decide whether or not to create a new circuit later boolean circuitFound = false; // Build correct input stack ArrayList aTempList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ItemStack recipeItem : inputs) { if (ItemUtils.isControlCircuit(recipeItem)) { circuitFound = true; } aTempList.add(recipeItem); } inputs = aTempList.toArray(new ItemStack[aTempList.size()]); int inputLength = inputs.length; // If no circuit was found, increase array length by 1 to add circuit at newInput[0] if (!circuitFound) { inputLength++; } ItemStack[] newInput = new ItemStack[inputLength]; int l = 0; // If no circuit was found, add a circuit here if (!circuitFound) { l = 1; newInput[0] = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(inputs.length); } for (ItemStack y : inputs) { newInput[l++] = y; } GTValues.RA.stdBuilder() .itemInputs(newInput) .fluidInputs(inputsF) .fluidOutputs(mMoltenStack) .duration(MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(time * 0.8)) .eut(voltage) .recipeCategory( inputLength <= 2 ? GTPPRecipeCategories.absNonAlloyRecipes : GTPPRecipeMaps.alloyBlastSmelterRecipes.getDefaultRecipeCategory()) .addTo(GTPPRecipeMaps.alloyBlastSmelterRecipes); } else { if (!enabled) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Failure. EBF recipe was not enabled."); } else { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Failure. Invalid Inputs or Outputs."); if (inputs == null) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Inputs were not Valid."); } else { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] inputs size: " + inputs.length); } if (outputs == null) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Outputs were not Valid."); } else { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] outputs size: " + outputs.length); } if (inputsF == null) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Input Fluids were not Valid."); } else { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] inputsF size: " + inputsF.length); } if (mMoltenStack == null) { Logger.MACHINE_INFO("[ABS] Output Fluid were not Valid."); } } } } } Logger.INFO("[ABS] Processed " + mSuccess + " recipes."); return mSuccess > 0; } }