package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders; import gregtech.api.GregTech_API; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe; import gtPlusPlus.api.interfaces.RunnableWithInfo; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; import; import; import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE; import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material; import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MaterialGenerator; import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MaterialStack; import gtPlusPlus.core.material.state.MaterialState; import gtPlusPlus.core.recipe.common.CI; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.MaterialUtils; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.RecipeUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; public class RecipeGen_Ore extends RecipeGen_Base { public static final Set> mRecipeGenMap = new HashSet>(); static { MaterialGenerator.mRecipeMapsToGenerate.put(mRecipeGenMap); } public RecipeGen_Ore(final Material M) { this(M, false); } public RecipeGen_Ore(final Material M, final boolean O) { this.toGenerate = M; this.disableOptional = O; mRecipeGenMap.add(this); } @Override public void run() { generateRecipes(this.toGenerate, this.disableOptional); } private static Material mStone; private void generateRecipes(final Material material, final boolean disableOptional) { if (mStone == null) { mStone = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Stone); } // if (material.getMaterialComposites().length > 1){ Logger.MATERIALS("[Recipe Generator Debug] [" + material.getLocalizedName() + "]"); int tVoltageMultiplier = MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(material.vTier); final ItemStack dustStone = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("dustStone", 1); Material bonusA = null; // Ni Material bonusB = null; // Tin if (material.getComposites().size() >= 1 && material.getComposites().get(0) != null) { bonusA = material.getComposites().get(0).getStackMaterial(); } else { bonusA = material; } boolean allFailed = false; // Setup Bonuses ArrayList aMatComp = new ArrayList(); for (Material j : MaterialUtils.getCompoundMaterialsRecursively(material)) { aMatComp.add(j); } if (aMatComp.size() < 3) { while (aMatComp.size() < 3) { aMatComp.add(material); } } AutoMap amJ = new AutoMap(); int aIndexCounter = 0; for (Material g : aMatComp) { if (g.hasSolidForm()) { if (getDust(g) != null && getTinyDust(g) != null) { amJ.put(g); } } } if (amJ.size() < 2) { if (material.getComposites().size() >= 2 && material.getComposites().get(1) != null) { bonusB = material.getComposites().get(1).getStackMaterial(); // If Secondary Output has no solid output, try the third (If it exists) if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm() && material.getComposites().size() >= 3 && material.getComposites().get(2) != null) { bonusB = material.getComposites().get(2).getStackMaterial(); // If Third Output has no solid output, try the Fourth (If it exists) if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm() && material.getComposites().size() >= 4 && material.getComposites().get(3) != null) { bonusB = material.getComposites().get(3).getStackMaterial(); // If Fourth Output has no solid output, try the Fifth (If it exists) if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm() && material.getComposites().size() >= 5 && material.getComposites().get(4) != null) { bonusB = material.getComposites().get(4).getStackMaterial(); // If Fifth Output has no solid output, default out to Stone dust. if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm()) { allFailed = true; bonusB = mStone; } } } } } else { allFailed = true; } } else { bonusA = amJ.get(0); bonusB = amJ.get(1); } // Default out if it's made of fluids or some shit. if (bonusA == null) { bonusA = tVoltageMultiplier > 100 ? material : mStone; } // Default out if it's made of fluids or some shit. if (allFailed || bonusB == null) { bonusB = tVoltageMultiplier > 100 ? material : mStone; } AutoMap> componentMap = new AutoMap>(); for (MaterialStack r : material.getComposites()) { if (r != null) { componentMap.put(new Pair(r.getPartsPerOneHundred(), r.getStackMaterial())); } } // Need two valid outputs if (bonusA == null || bonusB == null || !bonusA.hasSolidForm() || !bonusB.hasSolidForm()) { if (bonusA == null) { bonusA = mStone; } if (bonusB == null) { bonusB = mStone; } if (!bonusA.hasSolidForm()) { bonusA = mStone; } if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm()) { bonusB = mStone; } } ItemStack matDust = getDust(material); ItemStack matDustA = getDust(bonusA); ItemStack matDustB = getDust(bonusB); /** * Package */ // Allow ore dusts to be packaged if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(material.getSmallDust(1)) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(material.getTinyDust(1))) { RecipeGen_DustGeneration.generatePackagerRecipes(material); } /** * Macerate */ // Macerate ore to Crushed if (GT_Values.RA.addPulveriserRecipe( material.getOre(1), new ItemStack[] {material.getCrushed(2)}, new int[] {10000}, 20 * 20, tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Macerator] Added Recipe: 'Macerate ore to Crushed ore'"); } // Macerate Crushed to Impure Dust if (GT_Values.RA.addPulveriserRecipe( material.getCrushed(1), new ItemStack[] {material.getDustImpure(1), matDustA}, new int[] {10000, 1000}, 20 * 20, tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Macerator] Added Recipe: 'Macerate Crushed ore to Impure Dust'"); } // Macerate Washed to Purified Dust if (GT_Values.RA.addPulveriserRecipe( material.getCrushedPurified(1), new ItemStack[] {material.getDustPurified(1), matDustA}, new int[] {10000, 1000}, 20 * 20, tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Macerator] Added Recipe: 'Macerate Washed ore to Purified Dust'"); } // Macerate Centrifuged to Pure Dust if (GT_Values.RA.addPulveriserRecipe( material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), new ItemStack[] {matDust, matDustA}, new int[] {10000, 1000}, 20 * 20, tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Macerator] Added Recipe: 'Macerate Centrifuged ore to Pure Dust'"); } /** * Wash */ // Wash into Purified Crushed /*if (GT_Values.RA.addOreWasherRecipe(material.getCrushed(1), material.getCrushedPurified(1), bonusA.getTinyDust(1), dustStone, FluidUtils.getWater(1000), 25*20, 16)){ Logger.MATERIALS("[OreWasher] Added Recipe: 'Wash Crushed ore into Purified Crushed ore'"); }*/ // .08 compat method if (GT_ModHandler.addOreWasherRecipe( material.getCrushed(1), new int[] {10000, 1111, 10000}, 1000, material.getCrushedPurified(1), matDustA, dustStone)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[OreWasher] Added Recipe: 'Wash Crushed ore into Purified Crushed ore'"); } /** * Thermal Centrifuge */ /*//Crushed ore to Centrifuged Ore if (GT_Values.RA.addThermalCentrifugeRecipe(material.getCrushed(1), material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), tinyDustB, dustStone, 25*20, 24)){ Logger.MATERIALS("[ThermalCentrifuge] Added Recipe: 'Crushed ore to Centrifuged Ore'"); } //Washed ore to Centrifuged Ore if (GT_Values.RA.addThermalCentrifugeRecipe(material.getCrushedPurified(1), material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), bonusA.getTinyDust(1), dustStone, 25*20, 24)){ Logger.MATERIALS("[ThermalCentrifuge] Added Recipe: 'Washed ore to Centrifuged Ore'"); }*/ Logger.MATERIALS("material.getCrushed(1): " + (material.getCrushed(1) != null)); Logger.MATERIALS("material.getCrushedPurified(1): " + (material.getCrushedPurified(1) != null)); Logger.MATERIALS("material.getTinyDust(1): " + (ItemUtils.getItemName(bonusA.getCrushed(1)))); Logger.MATERIALS("material.getTinyDust(1): " + (ItemUtils.getItemName(bonusB.getCrushed(1)))); try { // .08 compat if (GT_ModHandler.addThermalCentrifugeRecipe( material.getCrushed(1), new int[] {10000, 1111, 10000}, (int) Math.min(5000L, Math.abs(material.getMass() * 20L)), material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), matDustB, dustStone)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[ThermalCentrifuge] Added Recipe: 'Crushed ore to Centrifuged Ore' | Input: " + material.getCrushed(1).getDisplayName() + " | Outputs: " + material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1).getDisplayName() + ", " + matDustB.getDisplayName() + ", " + dustStone.getDisplayName() + "."); } } catch (Throwable t) { } try { if (GT_ModHandler.addThermalCentrifugeRecipe( material.getCrushedPurified(1), new int[] {10000, 1111, 10000}, (int) Math.min(5000L, Math.abs(material.getMass() * 20L)), material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), matDustA, dustStone)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[ThermalCentrifuge] Added Recipe: 'Washed ore to Centrifuged Ore' | Input: " + material.getCrushedPurified(1).getDisplayName() + " | Outputs: " + material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1).getDisplayName() + ", " + matDustA.getDisplayName() + ", " + dustStone.getDisplayName() + "."); } } catch (Throwable t) { } /** * Forge Hammer */ if (GT_Values.RA.addForgeHammerRecipe(material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), matDust, 10, tVoltageMultiplier / 4)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[ForgeHammer] Added Recipe: 'Crushed Centrifuged to Pure Dust'"); } if (GT_Values.RA.addForgeHammerRecipe( material.getCrushedPurified(1), material.getDustPurified(1), 10, tVoltageMultiplier / 4)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[ForgeHammer] Added Recipe: 'Crushed Purified to Purified Dust'"); } if (GT_Values.RA.addForgeHammerRecipe(material.getOre(1), material.getCrushed(1), 10, tVoltageMultiplier / 4)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[ForgeHammer] Added Recipe: 'Ore to Crushed'"); } /** * Centrifuge */ // Purified Dust to Clean if (GT_Values.RA.addCentrifugeRecipe( material.getDustPurified(1), null, null, // In Fluid null, // Out Fluid matDust, matDustA, null, null, null, null, new int[] {10000, 1111}, // Chances (int) Math.max(1L, material.getMass() * 8L), // Time tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { // Eu Logger.MATERIALS("[Centrifuge] Added Recipe: Purified Dust to Clean Dust"); } // Impure Dust to Clean if (GT_Values.RA.addCentrifugeRecipe( material.getDustImpure(1), null, null, // In Fluid null, // Out Fluid matDust, matDustB, null, null, null, null, new int[] {10000, 1111}, // Chances (int) Math.max(1L, material.getMass() * 8L), // Time tVoltageMultiplier / 2)) { // Eu Logger.MATERIALS("[Centrifuge] Added Recipe: Inpure Dust to Clean Dust"); } /** * Electrolyzer */ if (!disableOptional) { // Process Dust if (componentMap.size() > 0 && componentMap.size() <= 6) { ItemStack mInternalOutputs[] = new ItemStack[6]; int mChances[] = new int[6]; int mCellCount = 0; int mTotalCount = 0; int mCounter = 0; for (Pair f : componentMap) { if (f.getValue().getState() != MaterialState.SOLID) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Found Fluid Component, adding " + f.getKey() + " cells of " + f.getValue().getLocalizedName() + "."); mInternalOutputs[mCounter++] = f.getValue().getCell(f.getKey()); mCellCount += f.getKey(); mTotalCount += f.getKey(); Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] In total, adding " + mCellCount + " cells for " + material.getLocalizedName() + " processing."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Found Solid Component, adding " + f.getKey() + " dusts of " + f.getValue().getLocalizedName() + "."); mInternalOutputs[mCounter++] = f.getValue().getDust(f.getKey()); mTotalCount += f.getKey(); } } // Build Output Array for (int g = 0; g < mInternalOutputs.length; g++) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Is output[" + g + "] valid with a chance? " + (mInternalOutputs[g] != null ? 10000 : 0)); mChances[g] = (mInternalOutputs[g] != null ? 10000 : 0); } ItemStack emptyCell = null; if (mCellCount > 0) { emptyCell = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("cellEmpty", mCellCount); Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Recipe now requires " + mCellCount + " empty cells as input."); } ItemStack mainDust = material.getDust(material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing); if (mainDust != null) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Recipe now requires " + material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing + "x " + mainDust.getDisplayName() + " as input."); } else { mainDust = material.getDust(mTotalCount); Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Could not find valid input dust, trying alternative."); if (mainDust != null) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Recipe now requires " + mTotalCount + "x " + mainDust.getDisplayName() + " as input."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Could not find valid input dust, exiting."); } } for (int j = 0; j < mInternalOutputs.length; j++) { if (mInternalOutputs[j] == null) { mInternalOutputs[j] = GT_Values.NI; Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Set slot " + j + " to null."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS( "[Electrolyzer] Set slot " + j + " to " + mInternalOutputs[j].getDisplayName() + "."); } } try { if (addElectrolyzerRecipe( mainDust, emptyCell, // input 2 null, // Input fluid 1 null, // Output fluid 1 mInternalOutputs[0], mInternalOutputs[1], mInternalOutputs[2], mInternalOutputs[3], mInternalOutputs[4], mInternalOutputs[5], mChances, (int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 3L * 1, 1), tVoltageMultiplier)) { Logger.MATERIALS( "[Electrolyzer] Generated Electrolyzer recipe for " + matDust.getDisplayName()); } else { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Failed to generate Electrolyzer recipe for " + matDust.getDisplayName()); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } else if (componentMap.size() > 6 && componentMap.size() <= 9) { Logger.MATERIALS( "[Issue][Electrolyzer] " + material.getLocalizedName() + " is composed of over 6 materials, so an electrolyzer recipe for processing cannot be generated. Trying to create one for the Dehydrator instead."); ItemStack mInternalOutputs[] = new ItemStack[9]; int mChances[] = new int[9]; int mCellCount = 0; int mTotalCount = 0; int mCounter = 0; for (Pair f : componentMap) { if (f.getValue().getState() != MaterialState.SOLID && f.getValue().getState() != MaterialState.ORE) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Found Fluid Component, adding " + f.getKey() + " cells of " + f.getValue().getLocalizedName() + "."); mInternalOutputs[mCounter++] = f.getValue().getCell(f.getKey()); mCellCount += f.getKey(); mTotalCount += f.getKey(); Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] In total, adding " + mCellCount + " cells for " + material.getLocalizedName() + " processing."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Found Solid Component, adding " + f.getKey() + " dusts of " + f.getValue().getLocalizedName() + "."); mInternalOutputs[mCounter++] = f.getValue().getDust(f.getKey()); mTotalCount += f.getKey(); } } // Build Output Array for (int g = 0; g < mInternalOutputs.length; g++) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Is output[" + g + "] valid with a chance? " + (mInternalOutputs[g] != null ? 10000 : 0)); mChances[g] = (mInternalOutputs[g] != null ? 10000 : 0); } ItemStack emptyCell = null; if (mCellCount > 0) { emptyCell = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("cellEmpty", mCellCount); Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Recipe now requires " + mCellCount + " empty cells as input."); } ItemStack mainDust = material.getDust(material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing); if (mainDust != null) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Recipe now requires " + material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing + "x " + mainDust.getDisplayName() + " as input."); } else { mainDust = material.getDust(mTotalCount); Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Could not find valid input dust, trying alternative."); if (mainDust != null) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Recipe now requires " + mTotalCount + "x " + mainDust.getDisplayName() + " as input."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Could not find valid input dust, exiting."); } } for (int j = 0; j < mInternalOutputs.length; j++) { if (mInternalOutputs[j] == null) { mInternalOutputs[j] = GT_Values.NI; Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Set slot " + j + " to null."); } else { Logger.MATERIALS( "[Dehydrator] Set slot " + j + " to " + mInternalOutputs[j].getDisplayName() + "."); } } try { if (CORE.RA.addDehydratorRecipe( new ItemStack[] {mainDust, emptyCell}, null, null, mInternalOutputs, mChances, (int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 4L * 1, 1), tVoltageMultiplier)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Dehydrator] Generated Dehydrator recipe for " + matDust.getDisplayName()); Logger.MATERIALS("Inputs: " + mainDust.getDisplayName() + " x" + mainDust.stackSize + ", " + (emptyCell == null ? "No Cells" : "" + emptyCell.getDisplayName() + " x" + emptyCell.stackSize)); Logger.MATERIALS("Outputs " + ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(mInternalOutputs)); Logger.MATERIALS("Time: " + ((int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 4L * 1, 1))); Logger.MATERIALS("EU: " + tVoltageMultiplier); } else { Logger.MATERIALS( "[Dehydrator] Failed to generate Dehydrator recipe for " + matDust.getDisplayName()); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Shaped Crafting */ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( CI.craftingToolHammer_Hard, null, null, material.getCrushedPurified(1), null, null, null, null, null, material.getDustPurified(1)); RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( CI.craftingToolHammer_Hard, null, null, material.getCrushed(1), null, null, null, null, null, material.getDustImpure(1)); RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( CI.craftingToolHammer_Hard, null, null, material.getCrushedCentrifuged(1), null, null, null, null, null, matDust); final ItemStack normalDust = matDust; final ItemStack smallDust = material.getSmallDust(1); final ItemStack tinyDust = material.getTinyDust(1); if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, tinyDust, normalDust)) { Logger.WARNING("9 Tiny dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success"); } else { Logger.WARNING("9 Tiny dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed"); } if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( normalDust, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, material.getTinyDust(9))) { Logger.WARNING("9 Tiny dust from 1 Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success"); } else { Logger.WARNING("9 Tiny dust from 1 Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed"); } if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( smallDust, smallDust, null, smallDust, smallDust, null, null, null, null, normalDust)) { Logger.WARNING("4 Small dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success"); } else { Logger.WARNING("4 Small dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed"); } if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe( null, normalDust, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, material.getSmallDust(4))) { Logger.WARNING("4 Small dust from 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success"); } else { Logger.WARNING("4 Small dust from 1 Dust Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed"); } // } } public static boolean addElectrolyzerRecipe( ItemStack aInput1, ItemStack aInput2, FluidStack aFluidInput, FluidStack aFluidOutput, ItemStack aOutput1, ItemStack aOutput2, ItemStack aOutput3, ItemStack aOutput4, ItemStack aOutput5, ItemStack aOutput6, int[] aChances, int aDuration, int aEUt) { if (((aInput1 == null) && (aFluidInput == null)) || ((aOutput1 == null) && (aFluidOutput == null))) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Either both inputs or outputs are null."); return false; } if ((aInput1 != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("electrolyzer", aInput1, aDuration)) <= 0)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Fail 1."); return false; } if ((aFluidInput != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get( "electrolyzer", aFluidInput.getFluid().getName(), aDuration)) <= 0)) { Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Fail 2."); return false; } GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes.addRecipe( true, new ItemStack[] {aInput1, aInput2}, new ItemStack[] {aOutput1, aOutput2, aOutput3, aOutput4, aOutput5, aOutput6}, null, aChances, new FluidStack[] {aFluidInput}, new FluidStack[] {aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0); Logger.MATERIALS("[Electrolyzer] Recipe added."); return true; } public static ItemStack getTinyDust(Material m) { ItemStack x = m.getTinyDust(1); if (x == null) { x = mStone.getDust(1); } return x; } public static ItemStack getDust(Material m) { ItemStack x = m.getDust(1); if (x == null) { x = mStone.getDust(1); } return x; } }