package gtneioreplugin.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import gregtech.api.GregTechAPI;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OreMixes;
import gregtech.common.OreMixBuilder;

public class GT5OreLayerHelper {

    public static class NormalOreDimensionWrapper {

        public final ArrayList<OreLayerWrapper> internalDimOreList = new ArrayList<>();
        public final HashMap<OreLayerWrapper, Double> oreVeinToProbabilityInDimension = new HashMap<>();

        // Calculate all weights of ore veins once dimension is initialised.
        private void calculateWeights() {
            int totalWeight = 0;
            for (OreLayerWrapper oreVein : internalDimOreList) {
                totalWeight += oreVein.randomWeight;
            for (OreLayerWrapper oreVein : internalDimOreList) {
                oreVeinToProbabilityInDimension.put(oreVein, ((double) oreVein.randomWeight) / ((double) totalWeight));

    private static final int DIMENSION_COUNT = 33;
    public static final Integer[] weightPerWorld = new Integer[DIMENSION_COUNT];
    public static final Integer[] DimIDs = new Integer[DIMENSION_COUNT];
    public static final HashMap<String, OreLayerWrapper> mapOreLayerWrapper = new HashMap<>();
    public static final HashMap<OreLayerWrapper, Map<String, Boolean>> bufferedDims = new HashMap<>();
    public static final HashMap<String, NormalOreDimensionWrapper> dimToOreWrapper = new HashMap<>();

    public static void init() {
        Arrays.fill(weightPerWorld, 0);
        Arrays.fill(DimIDs, 0);
        for (OreMixes mix : OreMixes.values())
            mapOreLayerWrapper.put(mix.oreMixBuilder.oreMixName, new OreLayerWrapper(mix.oreMixBuilder));
        for (OreLayerWrapper layer : mapOreLayerWrapper.values()) {
            bufferedDims.put(layer, DimensionHelper.getDims(layer));

        // --- Handling of dimToOreWrapper ---

        // Get dims as "Ow,Ne,Ma" etc.
        bufferedDims.forEach((veinInfo, dims) -> {

            for (String dim : dims.keySet()) {
                NormalOreDimensionWrapper dimensionOres = dimToOreWrapper
                    .getOrDefault(dim, new NormalOreDimensionWrapper());
                dimToOreWrapper.put(dim, dimensionOres);

            // Calculate probabilities for each dim.
            for (String dim : dimToOreWrapper.keySet()) {
        // --- End of handling for dimToOreWrapper ---

    public static class OreLayerWrapper {

        public final String veinName, worldGenHeightRange, localizedName;
        public final short[] Meta = new short[4];
        public final short randomWeight, size, density;
        public final Map<String, Boolean> allowedDimWithOrigNames;

        public final Materials mPrimaryVeinMaterial;
        public final Materials mSecondaryMaterial;
        public final Materials mBetweenMaterial;
        public final Materials mSporadicMaterial;

        public OreLayerWrapper(OreMixBuilder mix) {
            this.veinName = mix.oreMixName;
            this.localizedName = mix.localizedName;
            this.Meta[0] = (short) mix.primary.mMetaItemSubID;
            this.Meta[1] = (short) mix.secondary.mMetaItemSubID;
            this.Meta[2] = (short) mix.between.mMetaItemSubID;
            this.Meta[3] = (short) mix.sporadic.mMetaItemSubID;

            this.mPrimaryVeinMaterial = mix.primary;
            this.mSecondaryMaterial = mix.secondary;
            this.mBetweenMaterial = mix.between;
            this.mSporadicMaterial = mix.sporadic;

            this.size = (short) mix.size;
            this.density = (short) mix.density;
            this.worldGenHeightRange = mix.minY + "-" + mix.maxY;
            this.randomWeight = (short) mix.weight;

            this.allowedDimWithOrigNames = mix.dimsEnabled;

        public List<ItemStack> getVeinLayerOre(int maximumMaterialIndex, int veinLayer) {
            List<ItemStack> stackList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < maximumMaterialIndex; i++) {
                stackList.add(getLayerOre(veinLayer, i));
            return stackList;

        public ItemStack getLayerOre(int veinLayer, int materialIndex) {
            return new ItemStack(GregTechAPI.sBlockOres1, 1, Meta[veinLayer] + materialIndex * 1000);

        public boolean containsOre(short materialIndex) {
            return Meta[OreVeinLayer.VEIN_PRIMARY] == materialIndex
                || Meta[OreVeinLayer.VEIN_SECONDARY] == materialIndex
                || Meta[OreVeinLayer.VEIN_BETWEEN] == materialIndex
                || Meta[OreVeinLayer.VEIN_SPORADIC] == materialIndex;