package kubatech.api.eig; import static kubatech.api.utils.ItemUtils.readItemStackFromNBT; import static kubatech.api.utils.ItemUtils.writeItemStackToNBT; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import; public class EIGDropTable { private static final String NBT_DROP_TABLE_ITEM_KEY = "item"; private static final String NBT_DROP_TABLE_COUNT_KEY = "count"; private final ItemStackMap dropTable; /** * Initialises a new empty drop table. */ public EIGDropTable() { this.dropTable = new ItemStackMap<>(true); } /** * Loads a serialised drop table from nbt. * * @param nbt The nbt tag that contains the key for a drop table * @param key The name of the key name for the drop table. */ public EIGDropTable(NBTTagCompound nbt, String key) { // should create an empty table if no drops are found. this(nbt.getTagList(key, 10)); } /** * Loads a serialised drop table from nbt. * * @param nbt The nbt tag that contains the key for a drop table */ public EIGDropTable(NBTTagList nbt) { this(); for (int i = 0; i < nbt.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound drop = nbt.getCompoundTagAt(i); dropTable.merge( readItemStackFromNBT(drop.getCompoundTag(NBT_DROP_TABLE_ITEM_KEY)), drop.getDouble(NBT_DROP_TABLE_COUNT_KEY), Double::sum); } } /** * Serialises the drop table to nbt * * @return The serialised drop table. */ public NBTTagList save() { NBTTagList nbt = new NBTTagList(); for (Map.Entry entry : this.dropTable.entrySet()) { NBTTagCompound entryNBT = new NBTTagCompound(); entryNBT.setTag(NBT_DROP_TABLE_ITEM_KEY, writeItemStackToNBT(entry.getKey())); entryNBT.setDouble(NBT_DROP_TABLE_COUNT_KEY, entry.getValue()); nbt.appendTag(entryNBT); } return nbt; } /** * Adds a drop to the drop table * * @param itemStack The item to add to the table. * @param amount The amount to add to the table. */ public void addDrop(ItemStack itemStack, double amount) { ItemStack key = itemStack.copy(); key.stackSize = 1; this.dropTable.merge(key, amount, Double::sum); } /** * Adds the values from this drop table to another, but multiplies the amount by a random amount bound by variance. * * @param target The drop table that you want to add the value to. * @param variance How much to vary the amounts of this drop table to, 0 < x < 1 plz * @param rand The random source for the variance. */ public void addTo(EIGDropTable target, double variance, Random rand) { this.addTo(target, 1.0, variance, rand); } /** * Adds the values from this drop table to another, but multiplies the amount by a multiplier and a random amount * bound by variance. * * @param target The drop table that you want to add the value to. * @param multiplier A multiplier to apply to all amounts from this drop table. * @param variance How much to vary the amounts of this drop table to, 0 < x < 1 plz. * @param rand The random source for the variance. */ public void addTo(EIGDropTable target, double multiplier, double variance, Random rand) { this.addTo(target, variance * (rand.nextDouble() - 0.5) * multiplier); } /** * Adds the values from this drop table to another. * * @param target The drop table that you want to add the value to. */ public void addTo(EIGDropTable target) { this.addTo(target, 1.0); } /** * Adds the values from this drop table to another but multiplies the values by a multiplier. * * @param target The drop table that you want to add the value to. * @param multiplier A multiplier to apply to all amounts from this drop table. */ public void addTo(EIGDropTable target, double multiplier) { for (Map.Entry entry : this.dropTable.entrySet()) { target.dropTable.merge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() * multiplier, Double::sum); } } /** * Checks if the drop table is empty; * * @return true if empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.dropTable.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the entry set for this drop table. * * @return ItemStack -> amount */ public Set> entrySet() { return this.dropTable.entrySet(); } /** * Gets the amount for a specific item. * * @param item The item to look for. * @return 0 if nothing is found else a positive value. */ public double getItemAmount(ItemStack item) { if (this.dropTable.containsKey(item)) { return this.dropTable.get(item); } return 0; } /** * Sets the amount for a specific item. * * @param item The item to look for. */ public void setItemAmount(ItemStack item, double value) { this.dropTable.put(item, value); } /** * Removes an item from the drop table * * @param item The item to remove from the drop table. */ public void removeItem(ItemStack item) { this.dropTable.remove(item); } /** * Creates a new drop table that is the intersection of this drop table and another. * * * @param with The drop table to intersect with. * @return The result of the intersection. */ public EIGDropTable intersect(EIGDropTable with) { EIGDropTable ret = new EIGDropTable(); for (ItemStack key : with.dropTable.keySet()) { if (this.dropTable.containsKey(key)) { ret.addDrop(key, this.dropTable.get(key)); } } return ret; } /** * Consumes drops with drop counts above 1 and returns a list of the consumed item stacks. * * @return The list of consumed items; */ public ItemStack[] getDrops() { // doesn't need to filter for less than 0 so that the EIG displays the progress of incomplete items. return this.dropTable.entrySet() .parallelStream() .map(EIGDropTable::computeDrops) .toArray(ItemStack[]::new); } /** * Consumes the items in the entry and returns the consumed item without removing partial items. * * @param entry The entry to consume from * @return The item tha twas removed. */ private static ItemStack computeDrops(Map.Entry entry) { ItemStack copied = entry.getKey() .copy(); copied.stackSize = (int) Math.floor(entry.getValue()); if (entry.getValue() >= 1.0d) { entry.setValue(entry.getValue() % 1); } return copied; } }