package tectech.loader; import; import eu.usrv.yamcore.config.ConfigManager; public class TecTechConfig extends ConfigManager { public TecTechConfig(File pConfigBaseDirectory, String pModCollectionDirectory, String pModID) { super(pConfigBaseDirectory, pModCollectionDirectory, pModID); } // final static to allow compiler to remove the debug code when this is false public static boolean DEBUG_MODE = false; public static boolean POWERLESS_MODE = false; public boolean BOOM_ENABLE; public boolean DISABLE_BLOCK_HARDNESS_NERF; public boolean EASY_SCAN; public boolean NERF_FUSION; public boolean ENABLE_TURRET_EXPLOSIONS; public float TURRET_DAMAGE_FACTOR; public float TURRET_EXPLOSION_FACTOR; public boolean MOD_ADMIN_ERROR_LOGS; public boolean TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT; public float TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE; public int TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0; public int TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1; public int TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2; public int TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM; public int TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN; public int TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON; public int TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T1; public int TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T2; public int TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER; public int TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER; public int TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER; public float TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE; public int TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK; public int TESLA_SINGLE_RANGE; public boolean TESLA_VISUAL_EFFECT; /** * This loading phases do not correspond to mod loading phases! */ @Override protected void PreInit() { BOOM_ENABLE = true; DISABLE_BLOCK_HARDNESS_NERF = false; EASY_SCAN = false; NERF_FUSION = false; ENABLE_TURRET_EXPLOSIONS = true; TURRET_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 10; TURRET_EXPLOSION_FACTOR = 1; MOD_ADMIN_ERROR_LOGS = false; TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT = false; TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE = 0.25F; TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0 = 1; TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1 = 1; TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2 = 1; TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM = 100; TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN = 50; TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON = 50; TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T1 = 2; TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T2 = 4; TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER = 16; TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER = 32; TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER = 16; TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE = 0.25F; TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK = 1; TESLA_SINGLE_RANGE = 20; TESLA_VISUAL_EFFECT = true; } /** * This loading phases do not correspond to mod loading phases! */ @Override protected void Init() { DEBUG_MODE = _mainConfig .getBoolean("DebugMode", "debug", DEBUG_MODE, "Enables logging and other purely debug features"); POWERLESS_MODE = _mainConfig .getBoolean("PowerlessMode", "debug", POWERLESS_MODE, "Enables 0EU/t multi block machinery"); BOOM_ENABLE = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "BoomEnable", "features", BOOM_ENABLE, "Set to false to disable explosions on everything bad that you can do"); DISABLE_BLOCK_HARDNESS_NERF = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "DisableBlockHardnessNerf", "features", DISABLE_BLOCK_HARDNESS_NERF, "Set to true to disable the block hardness nerf"); EASY_SCAN = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "EasyScan", "features", EASY_SCAN, "Enables tricorder to scan EM i/o hatches directly, too CHEEKY"); NERF_FUSION = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "NerfFusion", "features", NERF_FUSION, "Set to true to enable removal of plasmas heavier than Fe and other weird ones"); ENABLE_TURRET_EXPLOSIONS = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "TurretBoomEnable", "features", ENABLE_TURRET_EXPLOSIONS, "Set to false to disable explosions caused by EM turrets"); TURRET_DAMAGE_FACTOR = _mainConfig.getFloat( "TurretDamageFactor", "features", TURRET_DAMAGE_FACTOR, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, "Damage is multiplied by this number"); TURRET_EXPLOSION_FACTOR = _mainConfig.getFloat( "TurretExplosionFactor", "features", TURRET_EXPLOSION_FACTOR, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, "Explosion strength is multiplied by this number"); MOD_ADMIN_ERROR_LOGS = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "AdminErrorLog", "modules", MOD_ADMIN_ERROR_LOGS, "If set to true, every op/admin will receive all errors occurred during the startup phase as in game message on join"); TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "TeslaMultiGasOutput", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT, "Set to true to enable outputting plasmas as gasses from the tesla tower with a 1:1 ratio"); TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE = _mainConfig.getFloat( "TeslaMultiLossFactorOverdrive", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE, 0, 1, "Additional Tesla Tower power loss per amp as a factor of the tier voltage"); TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0 = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiLossPerBlockT0", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower power transmission loss per block per amp using no plasmas"); TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1 = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiLossPerBlockT1", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower power transmission loss per block per amp using helium or nitrogen plasma"); TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2 = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiLossPerBlockT2", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower power transmission loss per block per amp using radon plasma"); TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiPlasmaPerSecondT1Helium", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower helium plasma consumed each second the tesla tower is active"); TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiPlasmaPerSecondT1Nitrogen", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower nitrogen plasma consumed each second the tesla tower is active"); TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiPlasmaPerSecondT2Radon", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower radon plasma consumed each second the tesla tower is active"); TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T1 = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiRangeCoefficientPlasmaT1", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower T1 Plasmas Range Multiplier"); TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T2 = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiRangeCoefficientPlasmaT2", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower T2 Plasmas Range Multiplier"); TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiRangeCover", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower to Tesla Coil Rich Edition Cover max range"); TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiRangeTower", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower to Tower max range"); TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaMultiRangeTransceiver", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower to Transceiver max range"); TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE = _mainConfig.getFloat( "TeslaSingleLossFactorOverdrive", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE, 0, 1, "Additional Tesla Transceiver power loss per amp as a factor of the tier voltage"); TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaSingleLossPerBlock", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Transceiver power transmission loss per block per amp"); TESLA_SINGLE_RANGE = _mainConfig.getInt( "TeslaSingleRange", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_SINGLE_RANGE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Transceiver to max range"); TESLA_VISUAL_EFFECT = _mainConfig.getBoolean( "EnableTeslaVisualEffect", "tesla_tweaks", TESLA_VISUAL_EFFECT, "Set true to enable the cool visual effect when tesla tower running."); } /** * This loading phases do not correspond to mod loading phases! */ @Override protected void PostInit() {} }