package tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi; import static com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.StructureUtility.ofBlock; import static com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.StructureUtility.ofBlocksTiered; import static com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.StructureUtility.transpose; import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.V; import static gregtech.api.enums.HatchElement.Dynamo; import static gregtech.api.enums.HatchElement.Energy; import static gregtech.api.enums.HatchElement.InputHatch; import static gregtech.api.enums.HatchElement.Maintenance; import static gregtech.api.enums.HatchElement.OutputHatch; import static gregtech.api.util.GTStructureUtility.buildHatchAdder; import static gregtech.api.util.GTStructureUtility.ofFrame; import static gregtech.api.util.GTUtility.validMTEList; import static java.lang.Math.min; import static net.minecraft.util.StatCollector.translateToLocal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.constructable.ISurvivalConstructable; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.IItemSource; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.IStructureDefinition; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.util.Vec3Impl; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.enums.Textures; import gregtech.api.interfaces.IHatchElement; import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture; import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity; import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatch; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchDynamo; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchEnergy; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchInput; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchMaintenance; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchOutput; import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResult; import gregtech.api.recipe.check.SimpleCheckRecipeResult; import gregtech.api.util.IGTHatchAdder; import gregtech.api.util.MultiblockTooltipBuilder; import gregtech.api.util.shutdown.ShutDownReason; import tectech.loader.ConfigHandler; import tectech.loader.NetworkDispatcher; import tectech.mechanics.spark.RendererMessage; import tectech.mechanics.spark.ThaumSpark; import tectech.mechanics.tesla.ITeslaConnectable; import tectech.mechanics.tesla.ITeslaConnectableSimple; import tectech.thing.casing.BlockGTCasingsTT; import tectech.thing.casing.TTCasingsContainer; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.hatch.MTEHatchCapacitor; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.hatch.MTEHatchDynamoMulti; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.hatch.MTEHatchEnergyMulti; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.hatch.MTEHatchParam; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.INameFunction; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.IStatusFunction; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.LedStatus; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.Parameters; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.TTMultiblockBase; import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.render.TTRenderedExtendedFacingTexture; public class MTETeslaTower extends TTMultiblockBase implements ISurvivalConstructable, ITeslaConnectable { // Interface fields private final Multimap teslaNodeMap = MultimapBuilder.treeKeys() .linkedListValues() .build(); private final HashSet sparkList = new HashSet<>(); private int sparkCount = 20; // Face icons private static Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon ScreenOFF; private static Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon ScreenON; private int mTier = 0; // Determines max voltage (LV to ZPM) private int plasmaTier = 0; // 0 is None, 1 is Helium or Nitrogen, 2 is Radon (Does not match actual plasma tiers) private FluidStack[] mOutputFluidsQueue; // Used to buffer the fluid outputs, so the tesla takes a second to 'cool' // any plasma it // would output as a gas private final ArrayList eCapacitorHatches = new ArrayList<>(); // Capacitor // hatches which // determine the // max voltage // tier and count // of amps private long energyCapacity = 0; // Total energy storage limited by capacitors private long outputVoltageMax = 0; // Tesla voltage output limited by capacitors private int vTier = -1; // Tesla voltage tier limited by capacitors private long outputCurrentMax = 0; // Tesla current output limited by capacitors // outputVoltage and current after settings private long outputVoltage; private long outputCurrent; // Prevents unnecessary offset calculation, saving on lag private byte oldRotation = -1; private ForgeDirection oldOrientation = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN; // Location of the center of the sphere on top of the tower, used as the Thaumcraft lightning and origin public Vec3Impl posTop = Vec3Impl.NULL_VECTOR; // endregion // region structure private static final String[] description = new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + translateToLocal("tt.keyphrase.Hint_Details") + ":", translateToLocal(""), // 1 - Classic Hatches, Capacitor // Hatches or Tesla // Base Casing translateToLocal(""), // 2 - ""Titanium frames"" }; private static final IStructureDefinition STRUCTURE_DEFINITION = IStructureDefinition .builder() .addShape( "main", transpose( new String[][] { { " ", " ", " BBB ", " BBB ", " BBB ", " ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBBBB ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " ", " BBB ", " BCB ", " BBB ", " ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " B F B ", " BFCFB ", " B F B ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " B F B ", " BFCFB ", " B F B ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " B F B ", " BFCFB ", " B F B ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " BBB ", " B F B ", " BFCFB ", " B F B ", " BBB ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " ", " ", " C ", " ", " ", " " }, { " ", " DDD ", " D D ", " D C D ", " D D ", " DDD ", " " }, { " EE~EE ", "EAAAAAE", "EADDDAE", "EADADAE", "EADDDAE", "EAAAAAE", " EEEEE " } })) .addElement('A', ofBlock(TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0, 6)) .addElement('B', ofBlock(TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0, 7)) .addElement('C', ofBlock(TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0, 8)) .addElement( 'D', ofBlocksTiered( (block, meta) -> block != TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0 ? null : meta <= 5 ? Integer.valueOf(meta) : meta == 9 ? 6 : null, IntStream.range(0, 7) .map(tier -> tier == 6 ? 9 : tier) .mapToObj(meta -> Pair.of(TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0, meta)) .collect(Collectors.toList()), -1, (t, v) -> t.mTier = v, t -> t.mTier)) .addElement( 'E', buildHatchAdder(MTETeslaTower.class) .atLeast( CapacitorHatchElement.INSTANCE, HatchElement.EnergyMulti, Energy, HatchElement.DynamoMulti, Dynamo, InputHatch, OutputHatch, HatchElement.Param, Maintenance) .dot(1) .casingIndex(BlockGTCasingsTT.textureOffset + 16 + 6) .buildAndChain(TTCasingsContainer.sBlockCasingsBA0, 6)) .addElement('F', ofFrame(Materials.Titanium)) .build(); // endregion // region parameters protected Parameters.Group.ParameterIn popogaSetting, histLowSetting, histHighSetting, transferRadiusTowerSetting, transferRadiusTransceiverSetting, transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting, outputVoltageSetting, outputCurrentSetting, sortTimeMinSetting, overDriveSetting; protected Parameters.Group.ParameterOut popogaDisplay, transferRadiusTowerDisplay, transferRadiusTransceiverDisplay, transferRadiusCoverUltimateDisplay, outputVoltageDisplay, outputCurrentDisplay, outputMaxDisplay, energyCapacityDisplay, energyStoredDisplay, energyFractionDisplay, sortTimeDisplay; private static final INameFunction HYSTERESIS_LOW_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Hysteresis low setting private static final INameFunction HYSTERESIS_HIGH_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Hysteresis high setting private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Towers transfer radius // setting private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Transceiver transfer // radius setting private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Ultimate Cover // transfer radius // setting private static final INameFunction OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Output voltage setting private static final INameFunction OUTPUT_CURRENT_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Output current setting private static final INameFunction SCAN_TIME_MIN_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Scan time Min setting private static final INameFunction OVERDRIVE_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Overdrive setting private static final INameFunction POPOGA_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Unused private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Towers transfer radius // display private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Transceiver transfer // radius display private static final INameFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Tesla Ultimate Cover // transfer radius // display private static final INameFunction OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Output voltage display private static final INameFunction OUTPUT_MAX_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Output max display private static final INameFunction OUTPUT_CURRENT_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Output current display private static final INameFunction ENERGY_CAPACITY_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Energy Capacity display private static final INameFunction ENERGY_STORED_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Energy Stored display private static final INameFunction ENERGY_FRACTION_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Energy Fraction display private static final INameFunction SCAN_TIME_DISPLAY_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal(""); // Scan time display private static final IStatusFunction HYSTERESIS_LOW_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; } if (value <= 0.05) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value > base.histHighSetting.get()) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_HIGH; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction HYSTERESIS_HIGH_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; if (value <= base.histLowSetting.get()) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value > 0.95) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_HIGH; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value < 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value > ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER) return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; if (value < ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER) return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value < 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value > ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER) return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; if (value < ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER) return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value < 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value > ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER) return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; if (value < ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER) return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_OR_CURRENT_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (long) value; if (value == -1) return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; if (value <= 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; }; private static final IStatusFunction SCAN_TIME_MIN_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value < 100) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value == 100) return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; }; private static final IStatusFunction OVERDRIVE_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value < 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_TOO_LOW; if (value == 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; }; private static final IStatusFunction POPOGA_STATUS = (base, p) -> { if (base.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .getWorld() .isThundering()) { return LedStatus.STATUS_WTF; } return LedStatus.STATUS_NEUTRAL; }; private static final IStatusFunction SCAN_TIME_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (int) value; if (value == 0) return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; }; private static final IStatusFunction POWER_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; value = (long) value; if (value > 0) { return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; } else { return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; } }; private static final IStatusFunction ENERGY_STATUS = (base, p) -> { double value = p.get(); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return LedStatus.STATUS_WRONG; if (base.energyFractionDisplay.get() > base.histHighSetting.get()) { return LedStatus.STATUS_HIGH; } else if (base.energyFractionDisplay.get() < base.histLowSetting.get()) { return LedStatus.STATUS_LOW; } else { return LedStatus.STATUS_OK; } }; // endregion public MTETeslaTower(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional) { super(aID, aName, aNameRegional); } public MTETeslaTower(String aName) { super(aName); } private float getRangeMulti(int mTier, int vTier) { // By Default: // Helium and Nitrogen Plasmas will double the range // Radon will quadruple the range int plasmaBoost; switch (plasmaTier) { case 2: plasmaBoost = ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T2; break; case 1: plasmaBoost = ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COEFFICIENT_PLASMA_T1; break; default: plasmaBoost = 1; } // Over-tiered coils will add +25% range if (vTier > mTier) { return 1.25F * plasmaBoost; } return 1F * plasmaBoost; } private void checkPlasmaBoost() { // If there's fluid in the queue, try to output it // That way it takes at least a second to 'process' the plasma if (mOutputFluidsQueue != null) { mOutputFluids = mOutputFluidsQueue; mOutputFluidsQueue = null; } for (MTEHatchInput fluidHatch : mInputHatches) { if (fluidHatch.mFluid != null) { if (fluidHatch.mFluid.isFluidEqual(Materials.Helium.getPlasma(1)) && fluidHatch.mFluid.amount >= ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM) { fluidHatch.mFluid.amount = fluidHatch.mFluid.amount - ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_HELIUM; plasmaTier = 1; return; } else if (fluidHatch.mFluid.isFluidEqual(Materials.Nitrogen.getPlasma(1)) && fluidHatch.mFluid.amount >= ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN) { fluidHatch.mFluid.amount = fluidHatch.mFluid.amount - ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T1_NITROGEN; plasmaTier = 1; return; } else if (fluidHatch.mFluid.isFluidEqual(Materials.Radon.getPlasma(1)) && fluidHatch.mFluid.amount >= ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON) { fluidHatch.mFluid.amount = fluidHatch.mFluid.amount - ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_PLASMA_PER_SECOND_T2_RADON; plasmaTier = 2; return; } } } plasmaTier = 0; } @Override public IMetaTileEntity newMetaEntity(IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) { return new MTETeslaTower(mName); } @Override public boolean checkMachine_EM(IGregTechTileEntity iGregTechTileEntity, ItemStack itemStack) { for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setActive(false); } eCapacitorHatches.clear(); mTier = -1; if (structureCheck_EM("main", 3, 16, 0)) { for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setActive(iGregTechTileEntity.isActive()); } // Only recalculate offsets on orientation or rotation change if (oldRotation != getExtendedFacing().ordinal() || oldOrientation != iGregTechTileEntity.getFrontFacing()) { oldRotation = (byte) getExtendedFacing().ordinal(); oldOrientation = iGregTechTileEntity.getFrontFacing(); Vec3Impl posBMTE = new Vec3Impl( getBaseMetaTileEntity().getXCoord(), getBaseMetaTileEntity().getYCoord(), getBaseMetaTileEntity().getZCoord()); // Calculate coordinates of the middle bottom posTop = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(0, 0, 2)) .add(posBMTE); // Calculate coordinates of the top sphere posTop = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(0, -14, 2)) .add(posBMTE); } // Generate node map if (!getBaseMetaTileEntity().isClientSide()) { TeslaUtil.teslaSimpleNodeSetAdd(this); TeslaUtil.generateTeslaNodeMap(this); } return true; } return false; } @Override @NotNull protected CheckRecipeResult checkProcessing_EM() { checkPlasmaBoost(); if (!histHighSetting.getStatus(false).isOk || !histLowSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_hysteresis"); if (!transferRadiusTowerSetting.getStatus(false).isOk || !transferRadiusTransceiverSetting.getStatus(false).isOk || !transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_transfer_radius"); if (!outputVoltageSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_voltage_setting"); if (!outputCurrentSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_current_setting"); if (!sortTimeMinSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_time_setting"); if (!overDriveSetting.getStatus(false).isOk) return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofFailure("invalid_overdrive_setting"); mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000; mMaxProgresstime = 20; vTier = -1; long[] capacitorData; for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { if (cap.getCapacitors()[0] > vTier) { vTier = (int) cap.getCapacitors()[0]; } } energyCapacity = 0; outputCurrentMax = 0; if (vTier < 0) { // Returning true to allow for 'passive running' outputVoltageMax = 0; return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofSuccess("routing"); } else if (vTier > mTier && getEUVar() > 0) { explodeMultiblock(); } outputVoltageMax = V[vTier + 1]; for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setActive(true); capacitorData = cap.getCapacitors(); if (capacitorData[0] < vTier) { if (getEUVar() > 0 && capacitorData[0] != 0) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setToFire(); } eCapacitorHatches.remove(cap); } else { outputCurrentMax += capacitorData[1]; energyCapacity += capacitorData[2]; } } return SimpleCheckRecipeResult.ofSuccess("routing"); } @Override public MultiblockTooltipBuilder createTooltip() { final MultiblockTooltipBuilder tt = new MultiblockTooltipBuilder(); tt.addMachineType(translateToLocal("")) // Machine Type: Tesla // Tower .addInfo(translateToLocal("")) // Controller block of // the Tesla Tower .addInfo(translateToLocal("")) // Used to transmit // power to Tesla // Coil Covers and Tesla // Transceivers .addInfo(translateToLocal("")) // Can be fed with // Helium/Nitrogen/Radon Plasma to // increase the range .addInfo(translateToLocal("")) // Transmitted voltage // depends on // the used Tesla Capacitor tier .addInfo(translateToLocal("")) // Primary Tesla // Windings need to // be at least the same tier as // the Tesla Capacitor .beginStructureBlock(7, 17, 7, false) .addOtherStructurePart( translateToLocal(""), translateToLocal("tt.keyword.Structure.AnyTeslaBaseCasingOuter"), 1) // Capacitor Hatch: Any outer Tesla Base Casing .addEnergyHatch(translateToLocal("tt.keyword.Structure.AnyTeslaBaseCasingOuter"), 1) // Energy Hatch: // Any outer Tesla // Base Casing .addMaintenanceHatch(translateToLocal("tt.keyword.Structure.AnyTeslaBaseCasingOuter"), 1) // Maintenance // Hatch: Any // outer Tesla // Base Casing .toolTipFinisher(); return tt; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IIconRegister aBlockIconRegister) { super.registerIcons(aBlockIconRegister); ScreenOFF = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon("iconsets/TM_TESLA_TOWER"); ScreenON = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon("iconsets/TM_TESLA_TOWER_ACTIVE"); } @Override public ITexture[] getTexture(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, ForgeDirection side, ForgeDirection facing, int colorIndex, boolean aActive, boolean aRedstone) { if (side == facing) { return new ITexture[] { Textures.BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[BlockGTCasingsTT.texturePage][16 + 6], new TTRenderedExtendedFacingTexture(aActive ? ScreenON : ScreenOFF) }; } return new ITexture[] { Textures.BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[BlockGTCasingsTT.texturePage][16 + 6] }; } @Override public void onRemoval() { super.onRemoval(); if (!getBaseMetaTileEntity().isClientSide()) { TeslaUtil.teslaSimpleNodeSetRemove(this); for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setActive(false); } } } @Override public void onUnload() { if (!getBaseMetaTileEntity().isClientSide()) { TeslaUtil.teslaSimpleNodeSetRemove(this); } } @Override protected void parametersInstantiation_EM() { Parameters.Group hatch_0 = parametrization.getGroup(0, true); Parameters.Group hatch_1 = parametrization.getGroup(1, true); Parameters.Group hatch_2 = parametrization.getGroup(2, true); Parameters.Group hatch_3 = parametrization.getGroup(3, true); Parameters.Group hatch_4 = parametrization.getGroup(4, true); Parameters.Group hatch_5 = parametrization.getGroup(5, true); Parameters.Group hatch_6 = parametrization.getGroup(6, true); Parameters.Group hatch_7 = parametrization.getGroup(7, true); Parameters.Group hatch_8 = parametrization.getGroup(8, true); Parameters.Group hatch_9 = parametrization.getGroup(9, true); histLowSetting = hatch_0.makeInParameter(0, 0.25, HYSTERESIS_LOW_SETTING_NAME, HYSTERESIS_LOW_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_0.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); histHighSetting = hatch_1.makeInParameter(0, 0.75, HYSTERESIS_HIGH_SETTING_NAME, HYSTERESIS_HIGH_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_1.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); transferRadiusTowerSetting = hatch_2.makeInParameter( 0, ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TOWER, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_SETTING_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_2.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); transferRadiusTransceiverSetting = hatch_3.makeInParameter( 0, ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_TRANSCEIVER, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_SETTING_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_STATUS); transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting = hatch_3.makeInParameter( 1, ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_RANGE_COVER, TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_SETTING_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_STATUS); outputVoltageSetting = hatch_4 .makeInParameter(0, -1, OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_SETTING_NAME, OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_OR_CURRENT_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_4.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); outputCurrentSetting = hatch_5 .makeInParameter(0, -1, OUTPUT_CURRENT_SETTING_NAME, OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_OR_CURRENT_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_5.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_6.makeInParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_6.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); sortTimeMinSetting = hatch_7.makeInParameter(0, 100, SCAN_TIME_MIN_SETTING_NAME, SCAN_TIME_MIN_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_7.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); overDriveSetting = hatch_8.makeInParameter(0, 0, OVERDRIVE_SETTING_NAME, OVERDRIVE_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_8.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_9.makeInParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaSetting = hatch_9.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_0.makeOutParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_0.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_1.makeOutParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_1.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); transferRadiusTowerDisplay = hatch_2 .makeOutParameter(0, 0, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_DISPLAY_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TOWER_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_2.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); transferRadiusTransceiverDisplay = hatch_3 .makeOutParameter(0, 0, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_DISPLAY_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_TRANSCEIVER_STATUS); transferRadiusCoverUltimateDisplay = hatch_3 .makeOutParameter(1, 0, TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_DISPLAY_NAME, TRANSFER_RADIUS_COVER_ULTIMATE_STATUS); outputVoltageDisplay = hatch_4.makeOutParameter(0, 0, OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_DISPLAY_NAME, POWER_STATUS); outputMaxDisplay = hatch_4.makeOutParameter(1, 0, OUTPUT_MAX_DISPLAY_NAME, POWER_STATUS); outputCurrentDisplay = hatch_5.makeOutParameter(0, 0, OUTPUT_CURRENT_DISPLAY_NAME, POWER_STATUS); energyCapacityDisplay = hatch_5.makeOutParameter(1, 0, ENERGY_CAPACITY_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS); energyStoredDisplay = hatch_6.makeOutParameter(0, 0, ENERGY_STORED_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS); energyFractionDisplay = hatch_6.makeOutParameter(1, 0, ENERGY_FRACTION_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS); sortTimeDisplay = hatch_7.makeOutParameter(0, 0, SCAN_TIME_DISPLAY_NAME, SCAN_TIME_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_7.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_8.makeOutParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_8.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_9.makeOutParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); popogaDisplay = hatch_9.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS); } @Override public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound aNBT) { super.saveNBTData(aNBT); aNBT.setLong("eEnergyCapacity", energyCapacity); } @Override public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound aNBT) { super.loadNBTData(aNBT); energyCapacity = aNBT.getLong("eEnergyCapacity"); TeslaUtil.teslaSimpleNodeSetAdd(this); } @Override public void stopMachine(@Nonnull ShutDownReason reason) { super.stopMachine(reason); for (MTEHatchCapacitor cap : validMTEList(eCapacitorHatches)) { cap.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .setActive(false); } ePowerPass = false; setEUVar(0); energyStoredDisplay.set(0); energyFractionDisplay.set(0); outputMaxDisplay.set(0); } @Override public boolean onRunningTick(ItemStack aStack) { // Hysteresis based ePowerPass setting float energyFrac = (float) getEUVar() / energyCapacity; energyCapacityDisplay.set(energyCapacity); energyStoredDisplay.set(getEUVar()); energyFractionDisplay.set(energyFrac); if (!ePowerPass && energyFrac > histHighSetting.get()) { ePowerPass = true; } else if (ePowerPass && energyFrac < histLowSetting.get()) { ePowerPass = false; } // Power Limit Settings if (outputVoltageSetting.get() > 0) { outputVoltage = min(outputVoltageMax, (long) outputVoltageSetting.get()); } else { outputVoltage = outputVoltageMax; } outputVoltageDisplay.set(outputVoltage); if (outputCurrentSetting.get() > 0) { outputCurrent = min(outputCurrentMax, (long) outputCurrentSetting.get()); } else { outputCurrent = outputCurrentMax; } // Range calculation and display int transferRadiusTower = getTeslaTransmissionRange(); transferRadiusTowerDisplay.set(transferRadiusTower); transferRadiusTransceiverDisplay.set(transferRadiusTower * 2); transferRadiusCoverUltimateDisplay.set(transferRadiusTower); // Power transfer outputCurrentDisplay.set(TeslaUtil.powerTeslaNodeMap(this)); outputMaxDisplay.set(Math.max(outputCurrentDisplay.get(), outputMaxDisplay.get())); // TODO Encapsulate the spark sender sparkCount--; if (sparkCount == 0 && ConfigHandler.teslaTweaks.TESLA_VISUAL_EFFECT) { IGregTechTileEntity mte = getBaseMetaTileEntity(); sparkCount = 20; if (!sparkList.isEmpty()) { NetworkDispatcher.INSTANCE.sendToAllAround( new RendererMessage.RendererData(sparkList), mte.getWorld().provider.dimensionId, mte.getXCoord(), mte.getYCoord(), mte.getZCoord(), 256); sparkList.clear(); } } return true; } @Override public long maxEUStore() { // Setting the power here so that the tower looses all it's charge once disabled // This also stops it from exploding return getBaseMetaTileEntity().isActive() ? energyCapacity * 2 : 0; } @Override public long getEUVar() { // Same reason as maxEUStore, set to 1 instead of zero so it doesn't drain constantly return getBaseMetaTileEntity().isActive() ? super.getEUVar() : 1; } private boolean addCapacitorToMachineList(IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity, int aBaseCasingIndex) { if (aTileEntity == null) { return false; } IMetaTileEntity aMetaTileEntity = aTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity(); if (aMetaTileEntity == null) { return false; } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchCapacitor) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return eCapacitorHatches.add((MTEHatchCapacitor) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchMaintenance) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return mMaintenanceHatches.add((MTEHatchMaintenance) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchEnergy) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return mEnergyHatches.add((MTEHatchEnergy) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchEnergyMulti) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return eEnergyMulti.add((MTEHatchEnergyMulti) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchDynamo) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return mDynamoHatches.add((MTEHatchDynamo) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchDynamoMulti) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return eDynamoMulti.add((MTEHatchDynamoMulti) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchParam) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return eParamHatches.add((MTEHatchParam) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchInput) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return mInputHatches.add((MTEHatchInput) aMetaTileEntity); } if (aMetaTileEntity instanceof MTEHatchOutput) { ((MTEHatch) aMetaTileEntity).updateTexture(aBaseCasingIndex); return mOutputHatches.add((MTEHatchOutput) aMetaTileEntity); } return false; } @Override public IStructureDefinition getStructure_EM() { return STRUCTURE_DEFINITION; } @Override public void construct(ItemStack stackSize, boolean hintsOnly) { structureBuild_EM("main", 3, 16, 0, stackSize, hintsOnly); } @Override public int survivalConstruct(ItemStack stackSize, int elementBudget, IItemSource source, EntityPlayerMP actor) { if (mMachine) return -1; return survivialBuildPiece("main", stackSize, 3, 16, 0, elementBudget, source, actor, false, true); } @Override public String[] getStructureDescription(ItemStack stackSize) { return description; } @Override public byte getTeslaReceptionCapability() { return 0; } @Override public float getTeslaReceptionCoefficient() { return 0; } @Override public Multimap getTeslaNodeMap() { return teslaNodeMap; } @Override public HashSet getSparkList() { return sparkList; } @Override public byte getTeslaTransmissionCapability() { return 1; } @Override public int getTeslaTransmissionRange() { return (int) (transferRadiusTowerSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier)); } @Override public boolean isOverdriveEnabled() { return overDriveSetting.get() > 0; } @Override public int getTeslaEnergyLossPerBlock() { return switch (plasmaTier) { case 0 -> ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0; case 1 -> ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1; case 2 -> ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2; default -> throw new IllegalStateException(); }; } @Override public float getTeslaOverdriveLossCoefficient() { return ConfigHandler.TeslaTweaks.TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_FACTOR_OVERDRIVE; } @Override public long getTeslaOutputVoltage() { return outputVoltage; } @Override public long getTeslaOutputCurrent() { return outputCurrent; } @Override public boolean teslaDrainEnergy(long teslaVoltageDrained) { if (getEUVar() < teslaVoltageDrained) { return false; } setEUVar(getEUVar() - teslaVoltageDrained); return true; } @Override public boolean isTeslaReadyToReceive() { return !this.ePowerPass; } @Override public long getTeslaStoredEnergy() { return getEUVar(); } @Override public Vec3Impl getTeslaPosition() { return posTop; } @Override public Integer getTeslaDimension() { return this.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .getWorld().provider.dimensionId; } @Override public boolean teslaInjectEnergy(long teslaVoltageInjected) { if (this.getEUVar() + teslaVoltageInjected <= (this.maxEUStore() / 2)) { this.getBaseMetaTileEntity() .increaseStoredEnergyUnits(teslaVoltageInjected, true); return true; } return false; } private enum CapacitorHatchElement implements IHatchElement { INSTANCE; @Override public List> mteClasses() { return Collections.singletonList(MTEHatchCapacitor.class); } @Override public IGTHatchAdder adder() { return MTETeslaTower::addCapacitorToMachineList; } @Override public long count(MTETeslaTower MTETeslaTower) { return MTETeslaTower.eCapacitorHatches.size(); } } }