package tectech.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.client.renderer.CapturingTessellator; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.client.renderer.TessellatorManager; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.client.renderer.vbo.VertexBuffer; import com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormat; public class StructureVBO { private String[][] structure; private final HashSet values = new HashSet<>(); private final HashMap> mapper = new HashMap<>(); public StructureVBO assignStructure(String[][] structure) { this.structure = structure; return this; } public StructureVBO addMapping(char letter, Block block) { mapper.put(letter, Pair.of(block, 0)); return this; } public StructureVBO addMapping(char letter, Block block, int meta) { mapper.put(letter, Pair.of(block, meta)); return this; } public TextureUpdateRequester getTextureUpdateRequestor() { TextureUpdateRequester textureUpdateRequester = new TextureUpdateRequester(); for (char key : mapper.keySet()) { Pair pair = mapper.get(key); textureUpdateRequester.add(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight()); } return textureUpdateRequester; } private boolean isOpaqueAt(int x, int y, int z) { char letter = structure[x][y].charAt(z); if (letter == ' ') return false; Pair info = mapper.get(letter); if (info == null) return false; if (info.getLeft() == Blocks.air) return false; return info.getLeft() .isOpaqueCube(); } private FaceVisibility getVisibleFaces(int x, int y, int z) { FaceVisibility visibility = new FaceVisibility(); int maxX = structure.length - 1; int maxY = structure[0].length - 1; int maxZ = structure[0][0].length() - 1; // X is ordered from left to right if ((x > 0) && (isOpaqueAt(x - 1, y, z))) visibility.left = false; if ((x < maxX) && (isOpaqueAt(x + 1, y, z))) visibility.right = false; // Y is ordered from top to bottom if ((y > 0) && (isOpaqueAt(x, y - 1, z))) = false; if ((y < maxY) && (isOpaqueAt(x, y + 1, z))) visibility.bottom = false; // Z is ordered from front to back if ((z > 0) && (isOpaqueAt(x, y, z - 1))) visibility.back = false; if ((z < maxZ) && (isOpaqueAt(x, y, z + 1))) visibility.front = false; return visibility; } public VertexBuffer build() { TessellatorManager.startCapturing(); CapturingTessellator tess = (CapturingTessellator) TessellatorManager.get(); FaceCulledRenderBlocks renderer = new FaceCulledRenderBlocks(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld); renderer.enableAO = false; for (int x = 0; x < structure.length; x++) { String[] plane = structure[x]; for (int y = 0; y < plane.length; y++) { String row = plane[y]; for (int z = 0; z < row.length(); z++) { char letter = row.charAt(z); if (letter == ' ') continue; Pair info = mapper.get(letter); if (info == null) { values.add(letter); continue; } if (info.getLeft() == Blocks.air) continue; FaceVisibility faceInfo = getVisibleFaces(x, y, z); if (faceInfo.isEntireObscured()) continue; renderer.setFaceVisibility(faceInfo); // The floor division is intended to produce proper offsets tess.setTranslation( -structure.length / 2f + x, plane.length / 2f - y, // y needs to be drawn from top to bottom -row.length() / 2f + z); renderer.renderBlockAsItem(info.getLeft(), info.getRight(), 1f); } } } return TessellatorManager.stopCapturingToVBO(DefaultVertexFormat.POSITION_TEXTURE_NORMAL); } }