package com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.compat.configured; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.config.IcebergConfigSpec; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.UnmodifiableConfig; import; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.api.IConfigEntry; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.api.IConfigValue; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.api.ValueEntry; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.impl.forge.ForgeEnumValue; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.impl.forge.ForgeListValue; import com.mrcrayfish.configured.impl.forge.ForgeValue; import net.minecraft.client.resources.language.I18n; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec; public class IcebergFolderEntry implements IConfigEntry { protected final List path; protected final UnmodifiableConfig config; protected final IcebergConfigSpec spec; private final String customComment; protected List entries; public IcebergFolderEntry(UnmodifiableConfig config, IcebergConfigSpec spec) { this(new ArrayList<>(), config, spec); } public IcebergFolderEntry(List path, UnmodifiableConfig config, IcebergConfigSpec spec) { this(path, config, spec, null); } public IcebergFolderEntry(List path, UnmodifiableConfig config, IcebergConfigSpec spec, String customComment) { this.path = path; this.config = config; this.spec = spec; this.customComment = customComment; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getChildren() { if (this.entries == null) { ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); this.config.valueMap().forEach((key, value) -> { if (value instanceof ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec valueSpec && valueSpec.getDefault() instanceof UnmodifiableConfig) { value = valueSpec.getDefault(); } if (value instanceof UnmodifiableConfig) { List path = new ArrayList<>(this.path); path.add(key); builder.add(new IcebergFolderEntry(path, (UnmodifiableConfig) value, this.spec)); } else if (value instanceof ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue configValue) { ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec valueSpec = this.spec.getRaw(configValue.getPath()); if (valueSpec != null) { if (configValue.get() instanceof List) { builder.add(new ValueEntry(new ForgeListValue((ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue>) configValue, valueSpec))); } else if (configValue.get() instanceof Enum) { builder.add(new ValueEntry(new ForgeEnumValue<>((ForgeConfigSpec.EnumValue) configValue, valueSpec))); } // Configured doesn't currently support map configuration values, so leave a message for users. else if (configValue.get() instanceof UnmodifiableConfig) { List path = new ArrayList<>(this.path); path.add(key); builder.add(new IcebergFolderEntry(path, (UnmodifiableConfig) configValue.get(), this.spec, "This is a map configuration value, which is not currently supported by Configured. To edit this value, please modify the configuration file directly.")); } else { builder.add(new ValueEntry(new ForgeValue<>(configValue, valueSpec))); } } } }); this.entries =; } return this.entries; } @Override public boolean isRoot() { return this.path.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean isLeaf() { return false; } @Override public IConfigValue getValue() { return null; } @Override public String getEntryName() { return ForgeValue.lastValue(this.path, "Root"); } @Nullable @Override public Component getTooltip() { if (customComment != null) { return Component.translatable(customComment); } else { String translationKey = this.getTranslationKey(); if (translationKey != null) { String tooltipKey = translationKey + ".tooltip"; if (I18n.exists(tooltipKey)) { return Component.translatable(tooltipKey); } } String comment = this.spec.getLevelComment(this.path); if (comment != null) { return Component.literal(comment); } return null; } } @Nullable @Override public String getTranslationKey() { return this.spec.getLevelTranslationKey(this.path); } }