package com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.config; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec; import net.minecraftforge.fml.Logging; import net.minecraftforge.fml.config.IConfigSpec; import net.minecraftforge.fml.unsafe.UnsafeHacks; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.Loader; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.AbstractCommentedConfig; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.CommentedConfig; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.Config; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.ConfigFormat; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.ConfigSpec.CorrectionAction; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.ConfigSpec.CorrectionListener; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.InMemoryFormat; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.UnmodifiableConfig; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.FileConfig; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.FileWatcher; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.utils.UnmodifiableConfigWrapper; import; import; import; import; /* * Basically an improved ForgeConfigSpec that supports subconfigs. */ public class IcebergConfigSpec extends UnmodifiableConfigWrapper implements IConfigSpec { private Map, String> levelComments = new HashMap<>(); private UnmodifiableConfig values; private Config childConfig; private boolean isCorrecting = false; private IcebergConfigSpec(UnmodifiableConfig storage, UnmodifiableConfig values, Map, String> levelComments) { super(storage); this.values = values; this.levelComments = levelComments; // Update the filewatcher's default instance to have a more sensible exception handler. try { Field exceptionHandlerField = FileWatcher.class.getDeclaredField("exceptionHandler"); UnsafeHacks.setField(exceptionHandlerField, FileWatcher.defaultInstance(), (Consumer)e -> { LogManager.getLogger().warn(Logging.CORE, "An error occurred while reloading config:", e); }); } catch (Exception e) {} } public void setConfig(CommentedConfig config) { this.childConfig = config; if (config != null && !isCorrect(config)) { String configName = config instanceof FileConfig fileConfig ? fileConfig.getNioPath().toString() : config.toString(); Loader.LOGGER.warn("Configuration file {} is not correct. Correcting", configName); correct(config, (action, path, incorrectValue, correctedValue) -> Loader.LOGGER.warn("Incorrect key {} was corrected from {} to its default, {}. {}", DOT_JOINER.join( path ), incorrectValue, correctedValue, incorrectValue == correctedValue ? "This seems to be an error." : ""), (action, path, incorrectValue, correctedValue) -> Loader.LOGGER.debug("The comment on key {} does not match the spec. This may create a backup.", DOT_JOINER.join( path ))); if (config instanceof FileConfig fileConfig) {; } } this.afterReload(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getRaw(List path) { T value = super.getRaw(path); if (value != null) { return value; } // Try to "recursively" get the value if needed. List subPath = path.subList(0, path.size() - 1); Object test = super.getRaw(subPath); if (test instanceof ValueSpec valueSpec && valueSpec.getDefault() instanceof MutableSubconfig subconfig) { // Okay, this is a dynamic subconfig. That means that only values defined in the default have // an actual value spec. value = subconfig.getRaw(path.get(path.size() - 1)); // Value will be null here for non-default entries. In that case, just return a default value spec. if (value == null) { value = (T) subconfig.defaultValueSpec(); } return value; } return null; } @Override public void acceptConfig(final CommentedConfig data) { setConfig(data); } public boolean isCorrecting() { return isCorrecting; } public boolean isLoaded() { return childConfig != null; } public UnmodifiableConfig getSpec() { return this.config; } public UnmodifiableConfig getValues() { return this.values; } public void afterReload() { this.resetCaches(getValues().valueMap().values()); } private void resetCaches(final Iterable configValues) { configValues.forEach(value -> { if (value instanceof ConfigValue configValue) { configValue.clearCache(); } else if (value instanceof Config innerConfig) { this.resetCaches(innerConfig.valueMap().values()); } }); } public void save() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(childConfig, "Cannot save config value without assigned Config object present!"); if (childConfig instanceof FileConfig fileConfig) {; } } public synchronized boolean isCorrect(CommentedConfig config) { LinkedList parentPath = new LinkedList<>(); // Forge's config watcher isn't properly atomic, so sometimes this method can give false negatives leading // to the entire config file reverting to defaults. To prevent this, we'll check for an invalid state and // skip the correction process when that happens. if (config.valueMap().isEmpty() && config instanceof FileConfig fileConfig) { File configFile = fileConfig.getFile(); // Sleep for 10 ms to give it a chance to catch up. This shouldn't cause any issues since // this method only runs when the file changes and at startup. try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) { } // The file isn't actually empty, so this is an invalid state. Skip this correction phase. if (configFile.length() > 0) { return true; } } return correct(this.config, config, parentPath, Collections.unmodifiableList( parentPath ), (a, b, c, d) -> {}, null, true) == 0; } public synchronized int correct(CommentedConfig config) { return correct(config, (action, path, incorrectValue, correctedValue) -> {}, null); } public synchronized int correct(CommentedConfig config, CorrectionListener listener) { return correct(config, listener, null); } public synchronized int correct(CommentedConfig config, CorrectionListener listener, CorrectionListener commentListener) { LinkedList parentPath = new LinkedList<>(); int ret = -1; try { isCorrecting = true; ret = correct(this.config, config, parentPath, Collections.unmodifiableList(parentPath), listener, commentListener, false); } finally { isCorrecting = false; } return ret; } private synchronized int correct(UnmodifiableConfig spec, CommentedConfig config, LinkedList parentPath, List parentPathUnmodifiable, CorrectionListener listener, CorrectionListener commentListener, boolean dryRun) { int count = 0; Map specMap = spec.valueMap(); Map configMap = config.valueMap(); for (Map.Entry specEntry : specMap.entrySet()) { final String key = specEntry.getKey(); Object specValue = specEntry.getValue(); final Object configValue = configMap.get(key); final CorrectionAction action = configValue == null ? CorrectionAction.ADD : CorrectionAction.REPLACE; parentPath.addLast(key); String subConfigComment = null; // If this value is a config, use that as the spec value to support subconfigs. if (specValue instanceof ValueSpec valueSpec && valueSpec.getDefault() instanceof UnmodifiableConfig) { subConfigComment = valueSpec.getComment(); specValue = valueSpec.getDefault(); } if (specValue instanceof UnmodifiableConfig) { if (configValue instanceof Config) { count += correct((UnmodifiableConfig)specValue, configValue instanceof CommentedConfig commentedConfig ? commentedConfig : CommentedConfig.copy((Config)configValue), parentPath, parentPathUnmodifiable, listener, commentListener, dryRun); if (count > 0 && dryRun) { return count; } } else if (dryRun) { return 1; } else { CommentedConfig newValue = config.createSubConfig(); configMap.put(key, newValue); listener.onCorrect(action, parentPathUnmodifiable, configValue, newValue); count++; count += correct((UnmodifiableConfig)specValue, newValue, parentPath, parentPathUnmodifiable, listener, commentListener, dryRun); } String newComment = subConfigComment == null ? levelComments.get(parentPath) : subConfigComment; String oldComment = config.getComment(key); if (!stringsMatchIgnoringNewlines(oldComment, newComment)) { if (commentListener != null) { commentListener.onCorrect(action, parentPathUnmodifiable, oldComment, newComment); } if (dryRun) { return 1; } config.setComment(key, newComment); } } else { ValueSpec valueSpec = (ValueSpec)specValue; if (!valueSpec.test(configValue)) { if (dryRun) { return 1; } Object newValue = valueSpec.correct(configValue); configMap.put(key, newValue); listener.onCorrect(action, parentPathUnmodifiable, configValue, newValue); count++; } String oldComment = config.getComment(key); if (!stringsMatchIgnoringNewlines(oldComment, valueSpec.getComment())) { if (commentListener != null) { commentListener.onCorrect(action, parentPathUnmodifiable, oldComment, valueSpec.getComment()); } if (dryRun) { return 1; } config.setComment(key, valueSpec.getComment()); } } parentPath.removeLast(); } // Now remove any config values that are not explicitly set in the spec. for (Iterator> iterator = configMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry =; // If the spec is a dynamic subconfig, don't bother checking the spec since that's the point. if (!(spec instanceof MutableSubconfig) && !specMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { if (dryRun) { return 1; } iterator.remove(); parentPath.addLast(entry.getKey()); listener.onCorrect(CorrectionAction.REMOVE, parentPathUnmodifiable, entry.getValue(), null); parentPath.removeLast(); count++; } } return count; } private boolean stringsMatchIgnoringNewlines(@Nullable Object obj1, @Nullable Object obj2) { if (obj1 instanceof String && obj2 instanceof String) { String string1 = (String) obj1; String string2 = (String) obj2; if (string1.length() > 0 && string2.length() > 0) { return string1.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").equals(string2.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n")); } } // Fallback for when we're not given Strings, or one of them is empty return Objects.equals(obj1, obj2); } public static ValueSpec createValueSpec(String comment, String langKey, boolean worldRestart, Class clazz, Supplier defaultSupplier, Predicate validator) { Objects.requireNonNull(defaultSupplier, "Default supplier can not be null!"); Objects.requireNonNull(validator, "Validator can not be null!"); // Instantiate the new ValueSpec instance, then use reflection to set the required fields. ValueSpec result = UnsafeHacks.newInstance(ValueSpec.class); try { Field commentField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("comment"); Field langKeyField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("langKey"); Field rangeField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("range"); Field worldRestartField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("worldRestart"); Field clazzField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("clazz"); Field supplierField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("supplier"); Field validatorField = ValueSpec.class.getDeclaredField("validator"); UnsafeHacks.setField(commentField, result, comment); UnsafeHacks.setField(langKeyField, result, langKey); UnsafeHacks.setField(rangeField, result, null); UnsafeHacks.setField(worldRestartField, result, worldRestart); UnsafeHacks.setField(clazzField, result, clazz); UnsafeHacks.setField(supplierField, result, defaultSupplier); UnsafeHacks.setField(validatorField, result, validator); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } public static class Builder extends ForgeConfigSpec.Builder { @Override public Builder comment(String comment) { return (Builder) super.comment(comment); } @Override public Builder comment(String... comment) { return (Builder) super.comment(comment); } @Override public Builder translation(String translationKey) { return (Builder) super.translation(translationKey); } @Override public Builder worldRestart() { return (Builder) super.worldRestart(); } @Override public Builder push(String path) { return (Builder) super.push(path); } @Override public Builder push(List path) { return (Builder) super.push(path); } @Override public Builder pop() { return (Builder) super.pop(); } @Override public Builder pop(int count) { return (Builder) super.pop(count); } public ConfigValue defineSubconfig(String path, UnmodifiableConfig defaultValue, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { return defineSubconfig(split(path), defaultValue, keyValidator, valueValidator); } public ConfigValue defineSubconfig(List path, UnmodifiableConfig defaultValue, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { return defineSubconfig(path, () -> defaultValue, keyValidator, valueValidator); } public ConfigValue defineSubconfig(String path, Supplier defaultSupplier, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { return defineSubconfig(split(path), defaultSupplier, keyValidator, valueValidator); } public ConfigValue defineSubconfig(List path, Supplier defaultSupplier, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { final UnmodifiableConfig defaultConfig = defaultSupplier.get(); return define(path, () -> MutableSubconfig.copy(defaultConfig, keyValidator, valueValidator), o -> o != null); } private IcebergConfigSpec finishBuild() { IcebergConfigSpec result = null; try { Field valuesField = ForgeConfigSpec.Builder.class.getDeclaredField("values"); Field storageField = ForgeConfigSpec.Builder.class.getDeclaredField("storage"); Field levelCommentsField = ForgeConfigSpec.Builder.class.getDeclaredField("levelComments"); List> values = UnsafeHacks.>>getField(valuesField, this); Config storage = UnsafeHacks.getField(storageField, this); Map, String> levelComments = UnsafeHacks., String>>getField(levelCommentsField, this); Config valueCfg = Config.of(Config.getDefaultMapCreator(true, true), InMemoryFormat.withSupport(ConfigValue.class::isAssignableFrom)); values.forEach(v -> valueCfg.set(v.getPath(), v)); final IcebergConfigSpec ret = new IcebergConfigSpec(storage, valueCfg, levelComments); values.forEach(v -> { try { Field specField = ConfigValue.class.getDeclaredField("spec"); UnsafeHacks.setField(specField, v, ret); } catch (Exception e) { } }); result = ret; } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } Pair finish(Function consumer) { T o = consumer.apply(this); return Pair.of(o, this.finishBuild()); } @Deprecated @Override public Pair configure(Function consumer) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Configure method not supported. Use IcebergConfig instead."); } @Deprecated @Override public ForgeConfigSpec build() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Build method not supported. Use IcebergConfig instead."); } } /** * This class is specifically meant for dynamic subconfigs--subconfigs where both keys and values are mutable. */ final public static class MutableSubconfig extends AbstractCommentedConfig { private final ConfigFormat configFormat; private final Predicate keyValidator; private final Predicate valueValidator; private static ValueSpec defaultValueSpec = null; /** * Creates a Subconfig by copying a config and with the specified format. * * @param toCopy the config to copy * @param configFormat the config's format */ MutableSubconfig(UnmodifiableConfig toCopy, ConfigFormat configFormat, boolean concurrent, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { super(toCopy, concurrent); this.configFormat = configFormat; this.keyValidator = keyValidator; this.valueValidator = valueValidator; } // Returns a value spec to use for each entry in this subconfig. public ValueSpec defaultValueSpec() { if (defaultValueSpec == null) { defaultValueSpec = createValueSpec(null, null, false, Object.class, () -> null, valueValidator); } return defaultValueSpec; } @Override public ConfigFormat configFormat() { return configFormat; } public Predicate keyValidator() { return keyValidator; } public Predicate valueValidator() { return valueValidator; } /** * Creates a new Subconfig with the content of the given config. The returned config will have * the same format as the copied config. * * @param config the config to copy * @return a copy of the config */ public static MutableSubconfig copy(UnmodifiableConfig config, Predicate keyValidator, Predicate valueValidator) { return new MutableSubconfig(config, config.configFormat(), false, keyValidator, valueValidator); } @Override public CommentedConfig createSubConfig() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't make a subconfig of a dynamic subconfig!"); } @Override public AbstractCommentedConfig clone() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't clone a dynamic subconfig!"); } } private static final Joiner DOT_JOINER = Joiner.on("."); private static final Splitter DOT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on("."); private static List split(String path) { return Lists.newArrayList(DOT_SPLITTER.split(path)); } }