package com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.util; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.BiPredicate; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.minecraft.nbt.NumericTag; import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag; import; import; import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.tags.ItemTags; import; import; public class Selectors { private static Map rarities = new HashMap() {{ put("common", Rarity.COMMON); put("uncommon", Rarity.UNCOMMON); put("rare", Rarity.RARE); put("epic", Rarity.EPIC); }}; private static Map> nbtComparators = new HashMap>() {{ put("=", (tag, value) -> tag.getAsString().contentEquals(value)); put("!=", (tag, value) -> !tag.getAsString().contentEquals(value)); put(">", (tag, value) -> { try { double parsedValue = Double.valueOf(value); if (tag instanceof NumericTag) { return ((NumericTag)tag).getAsDouble() > parsedValue; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }); put("<", (tag, value) -> { try { double parsedValue = Double.valueOf(value); if (tag instanceof NumericTag) { return ((NumericTag)tag).getAsDouble() < parsedValue; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }); }}; /** * Returns true if this selector is syntactically valid. * @param value The selector. * @return True if the selector syntax is valid, false otherwise. */ public static boolean validateSelector(String value) { // This is a tag, which should be a resource location. if (value.startsWith("$")) { return ResourceLocation.isValidResourceLocation(value.substring(1)); } // Mod IDs need to conform to this regex: ^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]{1,63}$ else if (value.startsWith("@")) { return value.substring(1).matches("^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]{1,63}$"); } // If this is a rarity, make sure it's a valid one. else if (value.startsWith("!")) { return rarities.keySet().contains(value.substring(1).toLowerCase()); } // If this is a hex color, ensure it's in a valid format. else if (value.startsWith("#")) { return TextColor.parseColor(value) != null; } // Text matches are always considered valid. else if (value.startsWith("%") || value.startsWith("^")) { return true; } // Any text is valid for NBT tag selectors. else if (value.startsWith("&")) { return true; } // Otherwise it's an item, so just make sure it's a value resource location. else { return value == null || value == "" || ResourceLocation.isValidResourceLocation(value); } } /** * Returns true if the given item is matched by the given selector. * @param item An ItemStack instance of an item to check. * @param selector A selector string to check against. * @return True if the item matches, false otherwise. */ public static boolean itemMatches(ItemStack item, String selector) { String itemResourceLocation = item.getItem().getRegistryName().toString(); // Item ID if (selector.equals(itemResourceLocation) || selector.equals(itemResourceLocation.replace("minecraft:", ""))) { return true; } // Item name color else if (selector.startsWith("#")) { TextColor entryColor = TextColor.parseColor(selector); if (entryColor != null && entryColor.equals(ItemColor.getColorForItem(item, TextColor.fromRgb(0xFFFFFF)))) { return true; } } // Vanilla rarity else if (selector.startsWith("!")) { if (item.getRarity() == rarities.get(selector.substring(1))) { return true; } } // Mod ID else if (selector.startsWith("@")) { if (itemResourceLocation.startsWith(selector.substring(1) + ":")) { return true; } } // Item tag else if (selector.startsWith("$")) { if (ItemTags.getAllTags().getTagOrEmpty(new ResourceLocation(selector.substring(1))).getValues().contains(item.getItem())) { return true; } } // Item display name else if (selector.startsWith("%")) { if (item.getDisplayName().getString().contains(selector.substring(1))) { return true; } } // Tooltip text else if (selector.startsWith("^")) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); List lines = item.getTooltipLines(mc.player, TooltipFlag.Default.ADVANCED); String tooltipText = ""; // Skip title line. for (int n = 1; n < lines.size(); n++) { tooltipText += lines.get(n).getString() + '\n'; } if (tooltipText.contains(selector.substring(1))) { return true; } } // NBT tag else if (selector.startsWith("&")) { String tagName = selector.substring(1); String tagValue = null; BiPredicate valueChecker = null; // This implementation means tag names containing and comparator strings can't be compared. // Hopefully this isn't common. for (String comparator : nbtComparators.keySet()) { if (tagName.contains(comparator)) { valueChecker = nbtComparators.get(comparator); String[] components = tagName.split(comparator); tagName = components[0]; if (components.length > 1) { tagValue = components[1]; } break; } } // Look for a tag matching the given name. Tag matchedTag = getSubtag(item.getTag(), tagName); if (matchedTag != null) { // A tag value of null means that we are just looking for the presence of this tag. if (tagValue == null) { return true; } // Otherwise, we will use the provided comparator. else { if (valueChecker != null) { return valueChecker.test(matchedTag, tagValue); } } } } return false; } /** * Retrieves the first inner tag with the given key, or null if there is no match. */ private static Tag getSubtag(CompoundTag tag, String key) { if (tag == null) { return null; } if (tag.contains(key)) { return tag.get(key); } else { for (String innerKey : tag.getAllKeys()) { if (tag.getTagType(innerKey) == Tag.TAG_COMPOUND) { Tag innerTag = getSubtag(tag.getCompound(innerKey), key); if (innerTag != null) { return innerTag; } } } return null; } } }