package com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Rectangle2d; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties; import net.minecraft.util.text.Style; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderTooltipEvent; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; public class Tooltips { public static Rectangle2d calculateRect(final ItemStack stack, MatrixStack mStack, List textLines, int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int maxTextWidth, FontRenderer font) { Rectangle2d rect = new Rectangle2d(0, 0, 0, 0); if (textLines.isEmpty()) { return rect; } // Generate a tooltip event even though we aren't rendering anything in case the event handlers are modifying the input values. RenderTooltipEvent.Pre event = new RenderTooltipEvent.Pre(stack, textLines, mStack, mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, maxTextWidth, font); if ( { return rect; } mouseX = event.getX(); mouseY = event.getY(); screenWidth = event.getScreenWidth(); screenHeight = event.getScreenHeight(); maxTextWidth = event.getMaxWidth(); font = event.getFontRenderer(); int tooltipTextWidth = 0; for (ITextProperties textLine : textLines) { int textLineWidth = font.width(textLine); if (textLineWidth > tooltipTextWidth) { tooltipTextWidth = textLineWidth; } } boolean needsWrap = false; int titleLinesCount = 1; int tooltipX = mouseX + 14; if (tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 4 > screenWidth) { tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth; if (tooltipX < 4) // if the tooltip doesn't fit on the screen { if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2) { tooltipTextWidth = mouseX - 14 - 8; } else { tooltipTextWidth = screenWidth - 16 - mouseX; } needsWrap = true; } } if (maxTextWidth > 0 && tooltipTextWidth > maxTextWidth) { tooltipTextWidth = maxTextWidth; needsWrap = true; } if (needsWrap) { int wrappedTooltipWidth = 0; List wrappedTextLines = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++) { ITextProperties textLine = textLines.get(i); List wrappedLine = font.getSplitter().splitLines(textLine, tooltipTextWidth, Style.EMPTY); if (i == 0) { titleLinesCount = wrappedLine.size(); } for (ITextProperties line : wrappedLine) { int lineWidth = font.width(line); if (lineWidth > wrappedTooltipWidth) { wrappedTooltipWidth = lineWidth; } wrappedTextLines.add(line); } } tooltipTextWidth = wrappedTooltipWidth; textLines = wrappedTextLines; if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2) { tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth; } else { tooltipX = mouseX + 14; } } int tooltipY = mouseY - 14; int tooltipHeight = 8; if (textLines.size() > 1) { tooltipHeight += (textLines.size() - 1) * 10; if (textLines.size() > titleLinesCount) { tooltipHeight += 2; // gap between title lines and next lines } } if (tooltipY < 4) { tooltipY = 4; } else if (tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 4 > screenHeight) { tooltipY = screenHeight - tooltipHeight - 4; } rect = new Rectangle2d(tooltipX - 4, tooltipY - 4, tooltipTextWidth + 8, tooltipHeight + 8); return rect; } }