using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using Jellyfin.Api; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace Jellyfin.Plugin.JCoverXtremePro.Api; [ApiController] [Route("JCoverXtreme")] // [Authorize(Policy = "RequiresElevation")] public class JCoverSharedController : BaseJellyfinApiController { private readonly IProviderManager _providerManager; private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager; /// /// This key is appended to image URLs to inform the frontend about the presence of a potential mass-download. /// Keep in sync with coverscript.js#URL_META_KEY. /// public static string URL_META_KEY = "JCoverXtremeProMeta"; public JCoverSharedController( IProviderManager providerManager, IServerApplicationPaths applicationPaths, ILibraryManager libraryManager) { _providerManager = providerManager; _libraryManager = libraryManager; } public static string AppendUrlMeta(string baseUrl, string key, string value) { return baseUrl + (baseUrl.Contains('?', StringComparison.InvariantCulture) ? "&" : "?") + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(key) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value); } public class SetMeta { public Guid seriesId { get; set; } public string setId { get; set; } } public static string PackSetInfo(string baseUrl, Series series, POJO.Set set) { return AppendUrlMeta( baseUrl, URL_META_KEY, JsonSerializer.Serialize(new SetMeta { setId =, seriesId = series.Id })); } private static Dictionary<(int, int), POJO.File> CreateCoverFileLUT(POJO.Set set) { Dictionary episodeIdToEpisodeNumber = new(); foreach (var showSeason in { episodeIdToEpisodeNumber[] = (showSeason.season_number, -10); foreach (var showEpisode in showSeason.episodes) { episodeIdToEpisodeNumber[] = (showSeason.season_number, showEpisode.episode_number); } } Dictionary<(int, int), POJO.File> episodeNumberToFile = new(); foreach (var file in set.files) { string id = string.Empty; if (file.episode_id != null) { id =; } if (file.season_id != null) { id =; } var tup = episodeIdToEpisodeNumber.GetValueOrDefault(id); episodeNumberToFile[tup] = file; } return episodeNumberToFile; } [HttpPost("DownloadSeries")] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status204NoContent)] public async Task DownloadEntireSeriesImages( [FromBody, Required] JsonObject setMeta ) { // TODO: handle missing fields, local seasons missing, series missing, etc. var setMetaObj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(setMeta); var series = _libraryManager.GetItemById(setMetaObj.seriesId) as Series; var jsonMeta = await MediuxDownloader.instance.GetMediuxMetadata($"{setMetaObj.setId}") .ConfigureAwait(false); var set = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonMeta).set; var files = CreateCoverFileLUT(set); foreach (var item in series.GetSeasons(null, new DtoOptions(true))) { var season = item as Season; var seasonNumber = season.GetLookupInfo().IndexNumber.Value; Plugin.Logger.LogInformation($"Season id: {seasonNumber}:"); await TryDownloadEpisode(season, files, (seasonNumber, -10)) .ConfigureAwait(false); foreach (var itemAgain in season.GetEpisodes()) { var episode = itemAgain as Episode; var episodeNumber = episode.GetLookupInfo().IndexNumber.Value; Plugin.Logger.LogInformation($" * Episode id: {episodeNumber} {episode.Name}"); await TryDownloadEpisode(episode, files, (seasonNumber, episodeNumber)) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } return Empty; } private async Task TryDownloadEpisode( BaseItem item, Dictionary<(int, int), POJO.File> files, (int, int) episodeNumber) { POJO.File file; if (files.TryGetValue(episodeNumber, out file)) { Plugin.Logger.LogInformation($" Found cover: {file.downloadUrl}"); await SaveCoverFileForItem(item, file.downloadUrl) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } private async Task SaveCoverFileForItem( BaseItem item, string downloadUrl ) { await _providerManager.SaveImage( item, downloadUrl, // Note: this needs to be updated if SeriesImageProvider ever supports more image types ImageType.Primary, null, CancellationToken.None ).ConfigureAwait(false); await item.UpdateToRepositoryAsync(ItemUpdateType.ImageUpdate, CancellationToken.None) .ConfigureAwait(false); } }