Kotlin for Forge 1.2.2 - Added a sided delegate class that returns a "client value" on the client side and a "server value" on the server side. - Added a new utility file called "Kotlin.kt" that provides a few utility functions not related to Minecraft Forge. - Added an example mod. I will make a template GitHub repository for Kotlin for Forge soon. - Adjusted mod construction to accurately report exceptions in @Mod object initializers - Restructured Kotlin for Forge code to use Kotlin APIs whenever possible - Added styling to the maven repo Kotlin for Forge 1.2.1 - Added backwards compatibility to mods that used versions of Kotlin for Forge before 1.2.0 Kotlin for Forge 1.2.0 - Added a Kotlin implementation of the Forge EventBus that has working addListener and addGenericListener functions - Added an overload of addGenericListener that uses a reified type parameter instead of a class parameter. - Updated to Kotlin 1.4M1 Kotlin for Forge 1.1.0 - Events now properly fire through KotlinModContainer - Updated to Kotlin 1.3.70 Updated to coroutines 1.3.4 Updated to Jetbrains annotation 19.0.0 Kotlin for Forge 1.0.1 - Fixed an issue with language extensions - Fixed an internal crash Kotlin for Forge 1.0.0 - Initial release for 1.14 and 1.15