path: root/src/main/java
diff options
authorJuuxel <6596629+Juuxel@users.noreply.github.com>2020-11-28 12:57:41 +0200
committerJuuxel <6596629+Juuxel@users.noreply.github.com>2020-11-28 12:57:41 +0200
commit832f66f4b5f24f37e8c033c622c47bcdee5f6913 (patch)
treea14723f5f826a1658ef9de07595013968f5b7f17 /src/main/java
parent900e1722a8e11b9414d43c6de9b9c0c55e93ce36 (diff)
Remove commented out thonkjang code from WTextField
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/cottonmc/cotton/gui/widget/WTextField.java b/src/main/java/io/github/cottonmc/cotton/gui/widget/WTextField.java
index 5bd7f31..33c302d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/cottonmc/cotton/gui/widget/WTextField.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/cottonmc/cotton/gui/widget/WTextField.java
@@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
package io.github.cottonmc.cotton.gui.widget;
-import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager;
-import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
import net.fabricmc.api.EnvType;
import net.fabricmc.api.Environment;
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.Tessellator;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexFormat;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import io.github.cottonmc.cotton.gui.client.BackgroundPainter;
-import io.github.cottonmc.cotton.gui.client.ScreenDrawing;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
@@ -86,78 +78,6 @@ public class WTextField extends WWidget {
public void setSize(int x, int y) {
super.setSize(x, 20);
- /*
- public String getSelectedText() {
- int start = this.cursorMax < this.cursorMin ? this.cursorMax : this.cursorMin;
- int end = this.cursorMax < this.cursorMin ? this.cursorMin : this.cursorMax;
- return this.text.substring(start, end);
- }*/
- /*
- //This would seem to insert or paste text in the vanilla control
- public void addText(String string_1) {
- String string_2 = "";
- String string_3 = SharedConstants.stripInvalidChars(string_1);
- int int_1 = this.cursorMax < this.cursorMin ? this.cursorMax : this.cursorMin;
- int int_2 = this.cursorMax < this.cursorMin ? this.cursorMin : this.cursorMax;
- int int_3 = this.maxLength - this.text.length() - (int_1 - int_2);
- if (!this.text.isEmpty()) {
- string_2 = string_2 + this.text.substring(0, int_1);
- }
- int int_5;
- if (int_3 < string_3.length()) {
- string_2 = string_2 + string_3.substring(0, int_3);
- int_5 = int_3;
- } else {
- string_2 = string_2 + string_3;
- int_5 = string_3.length();
- }
- if (!this.text.isEmpty() && int_2 < this.text.length()) {
- string_2 = string_2 + this.text.substring(int_2);
- }
- if (this.textPredicate.test(string_2)) {
- this.text = string_2;
- this.setCursor(int_1 + int_5);
- this.method_1884(this.cursorMax);
- this.onChanged(this.text);
- }
- }*/
- /*
- //this would seem to delete text. if int_1 is negative, deletes from the end?
- public void method_1878(int int_1) {
- if (!this.text.isEmpty()) {
- if (this.cursorMin != this.cursorMax) {
- this.addText("");
- } else {
- boolean boolean_1 = int_1 < 0;
- int int_2 = boolean_1 ? this.cursorMax + int_1 : this.cursorMax;
- int int_3 = boolean_1 ? this.cursorMax : this.cursorMax + int_1;
- String string_1 = "";
- if (int_2 >= 0) {
- string_1 = this.text.substring(0, int_2);
- }
- if (int_3 < this.text.length()) {
- string_1 = string_1 + this.text.substring(int_3);
- }
- if (this.textPredicate.test(string_1)) {
- this.text = string_1;
- if (boolean_1) {
- this.moveCursor(int_1);
- }
- this.onChanged(this.text);
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
public void setCursorPos(int location) {
this.cursor = MathHelper.clamp(location, 0, this.text.length());
@@ -190,124 +110,6 @@ public class WTextField extends WWidget {
public boolean isEditable() {
return this.editable;
- /*
- public boolean keyPressed(int int_1, int int_2, int int_3) {
- if (!this.method_20315()) {
- return false;
- } else {
- this.field_17037 = Screen.hasShiftDown();
- if (Screen.isSelectAll(int_1)) {
- this.method_1872();
- this.method_1884(0);
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isCopy(int_1)) {
- MinecraftClient.getInstance().keyboard.setClipboard(this.getSelectedText());
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isPaste(int_1)) {
- if (this.editable) {
- this.addText(MinecraftClient.getInstance().keyboard.getClipboard());
- }
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isCut(int_1)) {
- MinecraftClient.getInstance().keyboard.setClipboard(this.getSelectedText());
- if (this.editable) {
- this.addText("");
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- switch(int_1) {
- case 259:
- if (this.editable) {
- this.method_16873(-1);
- }
- return true;
- case 260:
- case 264:
- case 265:
- case 266:
- case 267:
- default:
- return false;
- case 261:
- if (this.editable) {
- this.method_16873(1);
- }
- return true;
- case 262:
- if (Screen.hasControlDown()) {
- this.method_1883(this.method_1853(1));
- } else {
- this.moveCursor(1);
- }
- return true;
- case 263:
- if (Screen.hasControlDown()) {
- this.method_1883(this.method_1853(-1));
- } else {
- this.moveCursor(-1);
- }
- return true;
- case 268:
- this.method_1870();
- return true;
- case 269:
- this.method_1872();
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
- /*
- public boolean charTyped(char char_1, int int_1) {
- if (!this.method_20315()) {
- return false;
- } else if (SharedConstants.isValidChar(char_1)) {
- if (this.editable) {
- this.addText(Character.toString(char_1));
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }*/
- /*
- @Override
- public void onClick(int x, int y, int button) {
- }
- public boolean mouseClicked(double double_1, double double_2, int int_1) {
- if (!this.isVisible()) {
- return false;
- } else {
- boolean boolean_1 = double_1 >= (double)this.x && double_1 < (double)(this.x + this.width) && double_2 >= (double)this.y && double_2 < (double)(this.y + this.height);
- if (this.field_2096) {
- this.method_1876(boolean_1);
- }
- if (this.isFocused() && boolean_1 && int_1 == 0) {
- int int_2 = MathHelper.floor(double_1) - this.x;
- if (this.focused) {
- int_2 -= 4;
- }
- String string_1 = this.textRenderer.trimToWidth(this.text.substring(this.field_2103), this.method_1859());
- this.method_1883(this.textRenderer.trimToWidth(string_1, int_2).length() + this.field_2103);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }*/
protected void renderTextField(MatrixStack matrices, int x, int y) {