path: root/src/main/java/io
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-16Rename BackgroundPainter.VANILLA_9PATCH to VANILLA, make it the defaultJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove unused StyleEntry classJuuxel
2020-05-16WWidget + GuiDescription docs, improve "host is null" logging messageJuuxel
2020-05-16Fix typo in WPanel documentationJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove Lists.newArrayList usagesJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove ltr parameter from WItemSlot's public constructorJuuxel
2020-05-16Merge branch 'master' into unstable/2.0Juuxel
2020-05-16Split item slot inserting and taking into different flagsJuuxel
2020-05-16Delegate WItemSlot peer creation to an overrideable methodJuuxel
2020-05-16Update to 20w20b1.9.1Juuxel
2020-05-09Simplify getTextAtJuuxel
2020-05-09Update to 20w19aJuuxel
2020-05-09Make WLabel.getTextAt and WText.getTextAt publicJuuxel
2020-05-09Split scroll panels and vertical boxesJuuxel
2020-05-08Optimize importsJuuxel
2020-05-08Add a scroll panelJuuxel
2020-05-08Fix various scroll bar bugsJuuxel
2020-05-08Fix slider scrolling with keysJuuxel
2020-05-08WScrollBar: Fix windowJuuxel
2020-05-08Fix left and right being swapped when dragging slidersJuuxel
2020-05-08Fix slider thumbs rendering 1 pixel to the rightJuuxel
2020-05-08Sliders now slide properly in inverse directions as wellJuuxel
2020-05-08Fix right-facing horizontal sliders (default)Juuxel
2020-05-08Add slider directions, fix scroll bars not scrolling properlyJuuxel
2020-05-08Make WScrollBar extend WAbstractSlider for better draggingJuuxel
2020-05-08Remove deprecated usages of color4f from ScreenDrawingJuuxel
2020-05-08Remove all deprecated membersJuuxel
2020-05-08Replace deprecated RenderSystem matrix usages in widget renderingJuuxel
2020-05-08Painting changesJuuxel
2020-05-08Use non-deprecated ModMenu APIJuuxel
2020-05-08Remove deprecated addInformationJuuxel
2020-05-08Merge branch 'master' into new-breakingJuuxel
2020-04-26Remove broken scaling from WItem1.9.0Juuxel
2020-04-26Fix WTexts being fixed-sizeJuuxel
2020-04-26Add Environment annotations to interaction methodsJuuxel
2020-04-26Add some label docsJuuxel
2020-04-26Improve labeled slider docsJuuxel
2020-04-26Improve panel and list docsJuuxel
2020-04-26Add Environment annotations to WWidget.tick overridesJuuxel
2020-04-26Improve WWidget documentation and add Nullable annotationsJuuxel
2020-04-26Fix #45Juuxel
2020-04-26Add missing alignment accessors to WTextJuuxel
2020-04-25Use better text wrappingJuuxel
2020-04-25Update to 20w17aJuuxel
2020-04-09Update to 20w15a, bump version to
2020-04-09Fix #43, fix null inventories not being converted to EmptyInventoryJuuxel
2020-03-29Make CottonCraftingController extend ScreenHandler directly, renameJuuxel
2020-03-20Add docs for WSprite UV fieldsJuuxel