path: root/src/main/java/io
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-18Fix title positioning for real this time, add title rendering controlJuuxel
2020-06-18Fix color of player inventory labels not matching the title color of the GUIJuuxel
2020-06-18Fix the screen title being drawn at an incorrect position, add title coordina...Juuxel
2020-06-18Fix dirty GL scissors being used when the screen applies no other scissorsJuuxel
2020-06-18Add a global scissor stack for nested scissor support (#59)Juuxel
2020-06-18Move WWidget.addTooltip to use StringRenderablesJuuxel
2020-06-18Alignment -> HorizontalAlignment, add vertical alignment for labelsJuuxel
2020-06-17Update to pre8Juuxel
2020-06-17Add fullscreen GUIsJuuxel
2020-06-17Make SyncedGuiDescription constructors take the screen handler typeJuuxel
2020-06-17Add missing since tagsJuuxel
2020-06-15RGB add simpler constructor without alphaFilip Weiss
2020-06-14ScreenDrawing: add ability to draw opaque textures (#63)Filip Weiss
2020-06-13implement a WTiledSprite widget (#62)Filip Weiss
2020-06-05CottonInventoryController -> SyncedGuiDescriptionJuuxel
2020-06-05CottonInventoryScreen: Add constructor with screen title, documentJuuxel
2020-06-05Document WLabel and WText methods, add missing accessors to WTextJuuxel
2020-05-22Document PropertyDelegateHolderunstable/2.0Juuxel
2020-05-21Add automatic scroll bar detection for scroll panelsJuuxel
2020-05-21Add focusing support for scroll barsJuuxel
2020-05-21Expose WAbstractSlider.isIncreasing/DecreasingKey as a public APIJuuxel
2020-05-21Add sub-widget focusing and item slot focusingJuuxel
2020-05-21Add toggle button focusing (#57)Juuxel
2020-05-21Fix player inventories resizing their labels to 18x18Juuxel
2020-05-21Add back WTextField.setSuggestion(String)Juuxel
2020-05-21Make WTextField.suggestion be a proper TextJuuxel
2020-05-21WPlayerInvPanel: title -> label, don't resize other widgets than the default ...Juuxel
2020-05-21Add focus cycling to panelsJuuxel
2020-05-21Revert "Make WScrollBar extend WAbstractSlider for better dragging"Juuxel
2020-05-20Add WWidget.getParentJuuxel
2020-05-20Add focusing support for buttonsJuuxel
2020-05-20Make WLabel properly resizeableJuuxel
2020-05-20Remove the ability to use PropertyDelegateHolders on blocksJuuxel
2020-05-20Fix item slots being offset one pixel to the left and upJuuxel
2020-05-20Add Inventory label for player inventory panelsJuuxel
2020-05-20Add horizontal axis support for boxes, document scroll widgetsJuuxel
2020-05-20Set the max value of scroll bars be at least the windowJuuxel
2020-05-20Fix panels in scroll panels being the wrong sizeJuuxel
2020-05-20Merge branch 'unstable/2.0' into scroll-panelJuuxel
2020-05-19Don't use client-only getStackForRender() in WItemJuuxel
2020-05-16Use logger instead of println in ValidatedSlot, improve ctor param namesJuuxel
2020-05-16Add documentation for WListPanel constructorJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove deprecated ValidatedSlot methodsJuuxel
2020-05-16Rename BackgroundPainter.VANILLA_9PATCH to VANILLA, make it the defaultJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove unused StyleEntry classJuuxel
2020-05-16WWidget + GuiDescription docs, improve "host is null" logging messageJuuxel
2020-05-16Fix typo in WPanel documentationJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove Lists.newArrayList usagesJuuxel
2020-05-16Remove ltr parameter from WItemSlot's public constructorJuuxel