/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Elytrium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.elytrium.limboauth; import java.io.File; import net.elytrium.limboauth.config.Config; public class Settings extends Config { @Ignore public static final Settings IMP = new Settings(); @Final public String VERSION = BuildConstants.AUTH_VERSION; public String PREFIX = "LimboAuth &6>>&f"; @Create public MAIN MAIN; public static class MAIN { @Comment("Maximum time for player to authenticate in milliseconds. If the player stays on the auth limbo for longer than this time, then the player will be kicked.") public int AUTH_TIME = 60000; public boolean ENABLE_BOSSBAR = true; @Comment("Available colors: PINK, BLUE, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, PURPLE, WHITE") public String BOSSBAR_COLOR = "RED"; @Comment("Available overlays: PROGRESS, NOTCHED_6, NOTCHED_10, NOTCHED_12, NOTCHED_20") public String BOSSBAR_OVERLAY = "NOTCHED_20"; public int MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 4; @Comment("Max password length for the BCrypt hashing algorithm, which is used in this plugin, can't be higher than 71. You can set a lower value than 71.") public int MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 71; public boolean CHECK_PASSWORD_STRENGTH = true; public String UNSAFE_PASSWORDS_FILE = "unsafe_passwords.txt"; public boolean ONLINE_MODE_NEED_AUTH = true; public boolean FORCE_OFFLINE_UUID = false; @Comment({ "Forcibly set player's UUID to the value from the database", "If the player had the cracked account, and switched to the premium account, the cracked UUID will be used." }) public boolean SAVE_UUID = true; public boolean ENABLE_TOTP = true; public boolean TOTP_NEED_PASSWORD = true; public boolean REGISTER_NEED_REPEAT_PASSWORD = true; public boolean CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEED_OLD_PASSWORD = true; @Comment({ "If you want to migrate your database from another plugin, which is not using BCrypt.", "You can set an old hash algorithm to migrate from. Currently, only AUTHME is supported yet." }) public String MIGRATION_HASH = ""; @Comment("Available dimensions: OVERWORLD, NETHER, THE_END") public String DIMENSION = "THE_END"; public long PURGE_CACHE_MILLIS = 3600000; @Comment("QR Generator URL, set {data} placeholder") public String QR_GENERATOR_URL = "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data={data}&size=200x200&ecc=M&margin=30"; public String TOTP_ISSUER = "LimboAuth by Elytrium"; public int BCRYPT_COST = 10; public int LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 3; public int IP_LIMIT_REGISTRATIONS = 3; public int TOTP_RECOVERY_CODES_AMOUNT = 16; @Comment("Time in milliseconds, when ip limit works, set to 0 for disable.") public long IP_LIMIT_VALID_TIME = 21600000; @Comment({ "Regex of allowed nicknames", "^ means the start of the line, $ means the end of the line", "[A-Za-z0-9_] is a character set of A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _", "{3,16} means that allowed length is from 3 to 16 chars" }) public String ALLOWED_NICKNAME_REGEX = "^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16}$"; public boolean LOAD_WORLD = false; @Comment("World file type: schematic") public String WORLD_FILE_TYPE = "schematic"; public String WORLD_FILE_PATH = "world.schematic"; @Comment({ "Custom isPremium URL", "You can use Mojang one's API (set by default)", "Or CloudFlare one's: https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v1/user/%s", "Or use this code to make your own API: https://blog.cloudflare.com/minecraft-api-with-workers-coffeescript/", "Or implement your own API, it should just respond with HTTP code 200 only if the player is premium" }) public String ISPREMIUM_AUTH_URL = "https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/%s"; @Create public Settings.MAIN.WORLD_COORDS WORLD_COORDS; public static class WORLD_COORDS { public int X = 0; public int Y = 0; public int Z = 0; } /* @Create public Settings.MAIN.EVENTS_PRIORITIES EVENTS_PRIORITIES; @Comment("Available priorities: FIRST, EARLY, NORMAL, LATE, LAST") public static class EVENTS_PRIORITIES { public String PRE_LOGIN = "NORMAL"; public String LOGIN_LIMBO_REGISTER = "NORMAL"; public String SAFE_GAME_PROFILE_REQUEST = "NORMAL"; } */ @Create public MAIN.STRINGS STRINGS; @Comment("Leave title fields empty to disable.") public static class STRINGS { public String RELOAD = "{PRFX} &aReloaded successfully!"; public String RELOAD_FAILED = "{PRFX} &cReload failed, check console for details."; public String ERROR_OCCURRED = "{PRFX} &cAn internal error has occurred!"; public String NOT_PLAYER = "{PRFX} &cСonsole is not allowed to execute this command!"; public String NOT_REGISTERED = "{PRFX} &cYou are not registered!"; public String WRONG_PASSWORD = "{PRFX} &cPassword is wrong!"; public String NICKNAME_INVALID_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cYour nickname contains forbidden characters. Please, change your nickname!"; @Comment("6 hours by default in ip-limit-valid-time") public String IP_LIMIT = "{PRFX} &cYour IP has reached max registered accounts. If this is an error, restart your router, or wait about 6 hours."; public String WRONG_NICKNAME_CASE_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cThe case of your nickname is wrong. Nickname is CaSe SeNsItIvE."; public String BOSSBAR = "{PRFX} You have &6{0} &fseconds left to log in."; public String TIMES_UP = "{PRFX}{NL}&cAuthorization time is up."; public String LOGIN = "{PRFX} &aPlease, login using &6/login &a, you have &6{0} &aattempts."; public String LOGIN_WRONG_PASSWORD = "{PRFX} &cYou''ve entered the wrong password, you have &6{0} &cattempts left."; public String LOGIN_WRONG_PASSWORD_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cYou've entered the wrong password numerous times!"; public String LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully logged in!"; public String LOGIN_TITLE = "&fPlease, login using &6/login &a."; public String LOGIN_SUBTITLE = "&aYou have &6{0} &aattempts."; public String LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL_TITLE = "{PRFX}"; public String LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL_SUBTITLE = "&aSuccessfully logged in!"; @Comment("Or if register-need-repeat-password set to false remove the \"\" part.") public String REGISTER = "{PRFX} Please, register using &6/register "; public String REGISTER_DIFFERENT_PASSWORDS = "{PRFX} &cThe entered passwords differ from each other!"; public String REGISTER_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT = "{PRFX} &cYou entered too short password, use a different one!"; public String REGISTER_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG = "{PRFX} &cYou entered too long password, use a different one!"; public String REGISTER_PASSWORD_UNSAFE = "{PRFX} &cYour password is unsafe, use a different one!"; public String REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully registered!"; public String REGISTER_TITLE = "{PRFX}"; public String REGISTER_SUBTITLE = "&aPlease, register using &6/register "; public String REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL_TITLE = "{PRFX}"; public String REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL_SUBTITLE = "&aSuccessfully registered!"; public String UNREGISTER_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX}{NL}&aSuccessfully unregistered!"; public String UNREGISTER_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/unregister confirm"; public String PREMIUM_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX}{NL}&aSuccessfully changed account state to PREMIUM!"; public String PREMIUM_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/premium confirm"; public String NOT_PREMIUM = "{PRFX} Your account is not PREMIUM"; public String ALREADY_PREMIUM = "{PRFX} Your account is already PREMIUM"; public String FORCE_UNREGISTER_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &a{0} successfully unregistered!"; public String FORCE_UNREGISTER_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&aYou have been unregistered by administrator!"; public String FORCE_UNREGISTER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &cUnable to unregister {0}. Most likely this player has never been on this server."; public String FORCE_UNREGISTER_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/forceunregister "; public String CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully changed password!"; @Comment("Or if change-password-need-old-pass set to false remove the \"\" part.") public String CHANGE_PASSWORD_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/changepassword "; public String TOTP = "{PRFX} Please, enter your 2FA key using &6/2fa "; public String TOTP_TITLE = "{PRFX}"; public String TOTP_SUBTITLE = "&aEnter your 2FA key using &6/2fa "; public String TOTP_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully enabled 2FA!"; public String TOTP_DISABLED = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully disabled 2FA!"; @Comment("Or if totp-need-pass set to false remove the \"\" part.") public String TOTP_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/2fa enable &f or &6/2fa disable &f."; public String TOTP_WRONG = "{PRFX} &cWrong 2FA key!"; public String TOTP_ALREADY_ENABLED = "{PRFX} &c2FA is already enabled. Disable it using &6/2fa disable &c."; public String TOTP_QR = "{PRFX} Click here to open 2FA QR code in browser."; public String TOTP_TOKEN = "{PRFX} &aYour 2FA token &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}"; public String TOTP_RECOVERY = "{PRFX} &aYour recovery codes &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}"; public String DESTROY_SESSION_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &eYour session is now destroyed, you'll need to log in again after reconnecting."; } @Create public MAIN.AUTH_COORDS AUTH_COORDS; public static class AUTH_COORDS { public double X = 0; public double Y = 0; public double Z = 0; public double YAW = 0; public double PITCH = 0; } } @Create public DATABASE DATABASE; @Comment("Database settings") public static class DATABASE { @Comment("Database type: mysql, postgresql or h2.") public String STORAGE_TYPE = "h2"; @Comment("Settings for Network-based database (like MySQL, PostgreSQL): ") public String HOSTNAME = ""; public String USER = "user"; public String PASSWORD = "password"; public String DATABASE = "limboauth"; public String CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = "?autoReconnect=true&initialTimeout=1&useSSL=false"; } public void reload(File file) { if (this.load(file, this.PREFIX)) { this.save(file); } else { this.save(file); this.load(file, this.PREFIX); } } }