package moe.nea.ledger.modules import moe.nea.ledger.ExpiringValue import moe.nea.ledger.ItemChange import moe.nea.ledger.ItemId import moe.nea.ledger.ItemIdProvider import moe.nea.ledger.LedgerEntry import moe.nea.ledger.LedgerLogger import moe.nea.ledger.TransactionType import import import import moe.nea.ledger.getDisplayNameU import moe.nea.ledger.getInternalId import moe.nea.ledger.getLore import moe.nea.ledger.unformattedString import moe.nea.ledger.useMatcher import moe.nea.ledger.utils.Inject import net.minecraft.init.Blocks import net.minecraft.item.Item import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import java.time.Instant import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds class DungeonChestDetection @Inject constructor(val logger: LedgerLogger) { /*{ id: "minecraft:chest", Count: 1b, tag: { display: { Lore: ["§7Purchase this chest to receive the", "§7rewards above. You can only open", "§7one chest per Dungeons run -", "§7choose wisely!", "", "§7Cost", "§625,000 Coins", "§9Dungeon Chest Key", "", "§7§cNOTE: Coins are withdrawn from your", "§cbank if you don't have enough in", "§cyour purse."], Name: "§aOpen Reward Chest" } }, Damage: 0s } { id: "minecraft:feather", Count: 1b, tag: { overrideMeta: 1b, ench: [], HideFlags: 254, display: { Lore: ["§7Consume a §9Kismet Feather §7to reroll", "§7the loot within this chest.", "", "§7You may only use a feather once", "§7per dungeon run.", "", "§eClick to reroll this chest!"], Name: "§aReroll Chest" }, AttributeModifiers: [] }, Damage: 0s } */ @Inject lateinit var itemIdProvider: ItemIdProvider @SubscribeEvent fun onKismetClick(event: GuiClickEvent) { val slot = event.slotIn ?: return if (!slot.inventory.displayName.unformattedText.unformattedString().endsWith(" Chest")) return val stack = slot.stack ?: return if (stack.getDisplayNameU() == "§aReroll Chest") { logger.logEntry( LedgerEntry( TransactionType.KISMET_REROLL,, listOf( ItemChange.lose(ItemId.KISMET_FEATHER, 1) ) ) ) } } data class ChestCost( val diff: List, val timestamp: Instant, ) var lastOpenedChest = ExpiringValue.empty() @SubscribeEvent fun supplyExtraIds(event: ExtraSupplyIdEvent) {"Dungeon Chest Key", ItemId("DUNGEON_CHEST_KEY"))"Kismet Feather", ItemId("KISMET_FEATHER")) } @SubscribeEvent fun onRewardChestClick(event: GuiClickEvent) { val slot = event.slotIn ?: return if (!slot.inventory.displayName.unformattedText.unformattedString().endsWith(" Chest")) return val stack = slot.stack ?: return val name = stack.getDisplayNameU() if (name != "§aOpen Reward Chest") return val lore = stack.getLore() val cost = itemIdProvider.findCostItemsFromSpan(lore) val gain = (9..18) .mapNotNull { slot.inventory.getStackInSlot(it) } .filter { it.item != Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.stained_glass_pane) } .map { it.getInternalId()?.singleItem() ?: itemIdProvider.findStackableItemByName(it.displayName) ?: Pair(ItemId.NIL, it.stackSize.toDouble()) } lastOpenedChest = ExpiringValue(ChestCost( { ItemChange.lose(it.first, it.second) } + { ItemChange.gain(it.first, it.second) }, )) } val rewardMessage = " .* CHEST REWARDS".toPattern() @SubscribeEvent fun onChatMessage(event: ChatReceived) { if (event.message == "You don't have that many coins in the bank!") { lastOpenedChest.take() } rewardMessage.useMatcher(event.message) { val chest = lastOpenedChest.consume(3.seconds) ?: return logger.logEntry(LedgerEntry( TransactionType.DUNGEON_CHEST_OPEN, chest.timestamp, chest.diff, )) } } }