path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-02Reduce simple mesh tricountmakamys
2021-05-30better GC printmakamys
2021-05-30rename onWorldUnload to onServerTickmakamys
2021-05-29Move debug mode toggle to config file, config max simple mesh heightmakamys
2021-05-25Use renderViewEntity for getting player locationmakamys
2021-05-24Fix snow disappearing when it's nearbymakamys
2021-05-24Add config options for fog start and end, and mod enablednessmakamys
2021-05-24Tweak fog rendering, skybox edge is no longer visiblemakamys
2021-05-23Ignore BOP logs and GT6 tile entities in, make blacklist configurablemakamys
2021-05-23Override fog of other modsmakamys
2021-05-21Disable keys to toggle world and lod rendering unless in debug modemakamys
2021-05-21SimpleChunkMesh: Don't access server's WorldChunkManager on client threadmakamys
2021-05-20Leave tree trunks out of simple meshesmakamys
2021-05-20When a chunk is loaded, update its modelmakamys
2021-05-19Make amount of chunk loads per tick configurablemakamys
2021-05-19Only tick once per tickmakamys
2021-05-19Fix NPE that can happen in onWorldUnloadmakamys
2021-05-19Disable chunk meshes because they're so memory leakymakamys
2021-05-11Set FOG_END as wellmakamys
2021-05-11Do writing on threadmakamys
2021-05-10Rewrite ChunkMesh#{readIntAt, readShortAt} to be faster hopefullymakamys
2021-05-10Change save interval to 60 secondsmakamys
2021-05-10Unload non-visible ChunkMeshes from memory completely, reload periodicallymakamys
2021-05-10Make seabeds darkermakamys
2021-05-10Fix regions not getting tickedmakamys
2021-05-10Fix yet more visibility issuesmakamys
2021-05-10Unload regions based on distancemakamys
2021-05-10Fix chunk load queue getting reset when the player movesmakamys
2021-05-10Fix invisible chunks in OptiFinemakamys
2021-05-10Move my render hook before renderSortedRenderersmakamys
2021-05-10Maintain mesh visibility when replacing a meshmakamys
2021-05-10A little refactor in LODRenderer#onWorldRendererRendermakamys
2021-05-10Setup fog distance using Forge eventmakamys
2021-05-10Don't hold onto distant Chunk objectsmakamys
2021-05-10Track NBT arrays in ChunkMesh RAM usagemakamys
2021-05-10Make things work nicer if LODRenderer is inactivemakamys
2021-05-10Fix buildmakamys
2021-05-10Make simple chunk meshes less darkmakamys
2021-05-10Render snow im simple chunk meshesmakamys
2021-05-10Fix simple mesh grass colormakamys
2021-05-10Print messages on savemakamys
2021-05-10Reduce RAM usage by storing invisible chunk meshes in NBT formmakamys
2021-05-09Improve memory trackingmakamys
2021-05-09Revert "Don't save the model of chunks on the edge of the loaded world"makamys
2021-05-09Patch RenderBlocks to not render sides of water on the edge of the worldmakamys
2021-05-09Render first pass without blending, fix GCmakamys
2021-05-09Use correct player pos for cameramakamys
2021-05-09Don't crash on NBT errorsmakamys
2021-05-09Sort pass 2 meshesmakamys
2021-05-09Render in two passes, no more G to sortmakamys