plugins { id "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release" version "2.2.12" id "com.matthewprenger.cursegradle" version "1.4.0" id "com.modrinth.minotaur" version "1.2.1" } import com.modrinth.minotaur.TaskModrinthUpload import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit def getCommitVersion(){ try { def commitHashProc = "python3 ${projectDir}/".execute() commitHashProc.waitFor() if(commitHashProc.exitValue() == 0){ def commitHash = commitHashProc.text.trim() return commitHash } else { println commitHashProc.err.text throw new Exception(" exited with non-zero return value") } } catch(Exception e){ println "Failed to run " + e.getMessage() } return "UNKNOWN" // fallback } def buildVersion = getCommitVersion() def changeLogFile = new File("${projectDir}/") def changeLog = changeLogFile.exists() ? changeLogFile.getText('UTF-8') : "" ext.gameVersionsMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(file("gameVersions.json").getText('UTF-8')) ext.gameVersions = gameVersionsMap.keySet() def githubOK = project.hasProperty("githubToken") def curseOK = project.hasProperty("curseToken") && project.hasProperty("gameVersion") def modrinthOK = project.hasProperty("modrinthToken") && project.hasProperty("gameVersion") def debugPublish = project.hasProperty("debugPublish") && project.debugPublish.toBoolean() def useVPrefixForTag = project.hasProperty("useVPrefixForTag") && project.useVPrefixForTag.toBoolean() task build {} task assemble {} if(githubOK){ githubRelease { token project.githubToken // This is your personal access token with Repo permissions // You get this from your user settings > developer settings > Personal Access Tokens owner project.githubOwner // default is the last part of your group. Eg group: "com.github.breadmoirai" => owner: "breadmoirai" repo project.githubRepo // by default this is set to your project name tagName ((useVPrefixForTag ? "v" : "") + "${buildVersion}") // by default this is set to "v${project.version}" targetCommitish "master" // by default this is set to "master" releaseName "${project.releaseName} ${buildVersion}" body changeLog // by default this is empty draft false // by default this is false prerelease false // by default this is false releaseAssets getFiles() // this points to which files you want to upload as assets with your release overwrite false // by default false; if set to true, will delete an existing release with the same tag and name dryRun debugPublish // by default false; you can use this to see what actions would be taken without making a release apiEndpoint "" // should only change for github enterprise users client new OkHttpClient.Builder() .writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build() // Added because I kept getting SocketTimeoutExceptions } } else { println("Not configuring GitHub publish because project arguments are missing.") } if(project.hasProperty("gameVersion")){ def gameVersion = project.gameVersion def baseVersion = toBaseVersion(gameVersion) def files = getFiles(baseVersion) def shortest = null files.each { if(shortest == null || <{ shortest = it } } def additionalFiles = files - shortest if(curseOK) { curseforge { apiKey = project.curseToken project { id = project.curseID changelogType = 'markdown' changelog = changeLog releaseType = 'release' addGameVersion gameVersion addGameVersion "Forge" mainArtifact(file(shortest)) { displayName = "${releaseName} ${buildVersion} for Minecraft ${gameVersion}" } additionalFiles.each { addArtifact(it) } } options { debug = debugPublish javaIntegration = false forgeGradleIntegration = false javaVersionAutoDetect = false } } } else { println("Not configuring CurseForge publish because project arguments are missing.") } if(modrinthOK) { task publishModrinth (type: TaskModrinthUpload) { token = project.modrinthToken projectId = project.modrinthID versionNumber = "$gameVersion-$buildVersion" versionName = "$gameVersion-$buildVersion" // the doc says this defaults to the versionNumber, but it defaulted to the string "undefined" for me so i'm setting it uploadFile = shortest addGameVersion(gameVersion) additionalFiles.each { addFile(it) } addLoader('forge') changelog = changeLog detectLoaders = false } } else { println("Not configuring Modrinth publish because project arguments are missing.") } } def toBaseVersion(ver){ return String.join(".", ver.tokenize(".").subList(0, 2)) } def getVersionProjectPath(ver){ if(project.versionedProjectDirectories.toBoolean()){ return "${projectDir}/../${ver}" } else { return "${projectDir}/.." } } def getFiles(ver) { def files = [] new File("${getVersionProjectPath(ver)}/build/libs").eachFile(, { if(!("-sources.jar") ||"-dev.jar"))){ files << it } }) return files } def getFiles() { def files = [] project.gameVersions.collect({toBaseVersion(it)}).each { files += getFiles(it) } return files } // for debug task listFiles { doLast { project.gameVersions.collect({toBaseVersion(it)}).each { println("$it: ${getFiles(it)}") } } } def getBuildArgumentSets(ver) { def projectConfig = new Properties() projectConfig.load(file("../").newReader()) return projectConfig.enable_mixin ? ["", "-Pnomixin"] : [""] } project.gameVersions.each { ver -> def baseVer = toBaseVersion(ver) def dir = getVersionProjectPath(baseVer) task ("cleanBuild-$baseVer", type: Exec) { workingDir dir commandLine 'sh', '-c', "rm -f build/libs/* && " + String.join(" && ", getBuildArgumentSets(ver).collect({"./gradlew build ${it}"})) } } task cleanBuildAll(dependsOn: project.gameVersions.collect({"cleanBuild-${toBaseVersion(it)}"})) { }