package makamys.neodymium.renderer; import static makamys.neodymium.Neodymium.LOGGER; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import makamys.neodymium.config.Config; import makamys.neodymium.ducks.IWorldRenderer; import makamys.neodymium.util.BufferWriter; import makamys.neodymium.util.RecyclingList; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; /** A mesh for a 16x16x16 region of the world. */ public class ChunkMesh extends Mesh { WorldRenderer wr; private int[] subMeshStart = new int[NORMAL_ORDER.length]; public static int usedRAM = 0; public static int instances = 0; private static RecyclingList quadBuf = new RecyclingList<>(() -> new MeshQuad()); private static ChunkMesh meshCaptureTarget; private static final QuadNormal[] NORMAL_ORDER = new QuadNormal[] {QuadNormal.NONE, QuadNormal.POSITIVE_Y, QuadNormal.POSITIVE_X, QuadNormal.POSITIVE_Z, QuadNormal.NEGATIVE_X, QuadNormal.NEGATIVE_Z, QuadNormal.NEGATIVE_Y}; private static final Comparator MESH_QUAD_RENDER_COMPARATOR = new MeshQuadRenderOrderComparator(); private static final int[] QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER; private static final Flags FLAGS = new Flags(true, true, true, false); static { QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER = new int[QuadNormal.values().length]; for(int i = 0; i < QuadNormal.values().length; i++) { int idx = Arrays.asList(NORMAL_ORDER).indexOf(QuadNormal.values()[i]); if(idx == -1) { idx = 0; } QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER[i] = idx; } } public ChunkMesh(WorldRenderer wr, int pass) { this.x = wr.posX / 16; this.y = wr.posY / 16; this.z = wr.posZ / 16; this.wr = wr; this.pass = pass; Arrays.fill(subMeshStart, -1); instances++; if(!quadBuf.getAsList().isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("Invalid state: tried to construct a chunk mesh before the previous one has finished constructing!"); } } public static void preTessellatorDraw(Tessellator t) { if(meshCaptureTarget != null) { meshCaptureTarget.addTessellatorData(t); } } private void addTessellatorData(Tessellator t) { if(t.vertexCount == 0) { // Sometimes the tessellator has no vertices and weird flags. Don't warn in this case, just silently return. return; } boolean errors = false; if(t.drawMode != GL11.GL_QUADS && t.drawMode != GL11.GL_TRIANGLES) { LOGGER.error("Error in chunk " + tessellatorToString(t) + ": Unsupported draw mode: " + t.drawMode); errors = true; } if(!t.hasTexture || !t.hasBrightness || !t.hasColor) { LOGGER.error("Error in chunk " + tessellatorToString(t) + ": Unsupported tessellator flags"); errors = true; } if(t.hasNormals && GL11.glIsEnabled(GL11.GL_LIGHTING)) { LOGGER.warn("Warning in chunk " + tessellatorToString(t) + ": Chunk uses GL lighting, this is not implemented."); } if(errors) { LOGGER.error("Skipping chunk due to errors."); return; } int verticesPerPrimitive = t.drawMode == GL11.GL_QUADS ? 4 : 3; for(int quadI = 0; quadI < t.vertexCount / verticesPerPrimitive; quadI++) {, quadI * (verticesPerPrimitive * 8), FLAGS, t.drawMode, (float)-t.xOffset, (float)-t.yOffset, (float)-t.zOffset); } } private static String tessellatorToString(Tessellator t) { return "(" + t.xOffset + ", " + t.yOffset + ", " + t.zOffset + ")"; } public void finishConstruction() { List quads = quadBuf.getAsList(); if(Config.simplifyChunkMeshes) { ArrayList> quadsByPlaneDir = new ArrayList<>(); // XY, XZ, YZ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { quadsByPlaneDir.add(new ArrayList()); } for(MeshQuad quad : quads) { if(quad.getPlane() != MeshQuad.Plane.NONE) { quadsByPlaneDir.get(quad.getPlane().ordinal() - 1).add(quad); } } for(int plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) { quadsByPlaneDir.get(plane).sort(MeshQuad.QuadPlaneComparator.quadPlaneComparators[plane]); } for(int plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) { List planeDirQuads = quadsByPlaneDir.get(plane); int planeStart = 0; for(int quadI = 0; quadI < planeDirQuads.size(); quadI++) { MeshQuad quad = planeDirQuads.get(quadI); MeshQuad nextQuad = quadI == planeDirQuads.size() - 1 ? null : planeDirQuads.get(quadI + 1); if(!quad.onSamePlaneAs(nextQuad)) { simplifyPlane(planeDirQuads.subList(planeStart, quadI + 1)); planeStart = quadI + 1; } } } } quadCount = countValidQuads(quads); buffer = createBuffer(quads, quadCount); usedRAM += buffer.limit(); quadBuf.reset(); } private static void simplifyPlane(List planeQuads) { // Exclude quads from merging if they have identical vertex positions to another quad. // Workaround for z-fighting issue that arises when merging fancy grass and the overlay quad // is a different dimension than the base quad. for(int i = 0; i < planeQuads.size(); i++) { MeshQuad a = planeQuads.get(i); for(int j = i + 1; j < planeQuads.size(); j++) { MeshQuad b = planeQuads.get(j); if(!a.noMerge && a.isPosEqual(b)) { a.noMerge = true; b.noMerge = true; } else { // Due to sorting, identical quads will always be next to each other break; } } } MeshQuad lastQuad = null; // Pass 1: merge quads to create rows for(MeshQuad quad : planeQuads) { if(lastQuad != null) { lastQuad.tryToMerge(quad); } if(MeshQuad.isValid(quad)) { lastQuad = quad; } } for(int i = 0; i < planeQuads.size(); i++) { planeQuads.get(i).mergeReference = null; } // Pass 2: merge rows to create rectangles // TODO optimize? for(int i = 0; i < planeQuads.size(); i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < planeQuads.size(); j++) { planeQuads.get(i).tryToMerge(planeQuads.get(j)); } } } private static int countValidQuads(List quads) { int quadCount = 0; for(MeshQuad quad : quads) { if(!quad.deleted) { quadCount++; } } return quadCount; } private ByteBuffer createBuffer(List quads, int quadCount) { ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(quadCount * 4 * MeshQuad.getStride()); BufferWriter out = new BufferWriter(buffer); boolean sortByNormals = pass == 0; if(sortByNormals) { quads.sort(MESH_QUAD_RENDER_COMPARATOR); } try { int i = 0; for(MeshQuad quad : quads) { if(i < quadCount) { if(MeshQuad.isValid(quad)) { int subMeshStartIdx = sortByNormals ? QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER[quad.normal.ordinal()] : 0; if(subMeshStart[subMeshStartIdx] == -1) { subMeshStart[subMeshStartIdx] = i; } quad.writeToBuffer(out); i++; } else if(sortByNormals){ break; } } } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } buffer.flip(); return buffer; } void destroy() { if(buffer != null) { usedRAM -= buffer.limit(); instances--; buffer = null; if(gpuStatus == Mesh.GPUStatus.SENT) { gpuStatus = Mesh.GPUStatus.PENDING_DELETE; } } } @Override public void destroyBuffer() { destroy(); } public int getStride() { return MeshQuad.getStride(); } static List getChunkMesh(int theX, int theY, int theZ) { WorldRenderer wr = new WorldRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, new ArrayList(), theX * 16, theY * 16, theZ * 16, 100000); wr.isWaitingOnOcclusionQuery = false; wr.isVisible = true; wr.isInFrustum = true; wr.chunkIndex = 0; wr.markDirty(); wr.updateRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); return ((IWorldRenderer)wr).getChunkMeshes(); } @Override public int writeToIndexBuffer(IntBuffer piFirst, IntBuffer piCount, int cameraXDiv, int cameraYDiv, int cameraZDiv) { if(!Config.cullFaces) { return super.writeToIndexBuffer(piFirst, piCount, cameraXDiv, cameraYDiv, cameraZDiv); } int renderedMeshes = 0; int startIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i < NORMAL_ORDER.length + 1; i++) { if(i < subMeshStart.length && subMeshStart[i] == -1) continue; QuadNormal normal = i < NORMAL_ORDER.length ? NORMAL_ORDER[i] : null; boolean isVisible = normal != null && isNormalVisible(normal, cameraXDiv, cameraYDiv, cameraZDiv); if(isVisible && startIndex == -1) { startIndex = subMeshStart[QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER[normal.ordinal()]]; } else if(!isVisible && startIndex != -1) { int endIndex = i < subMeshStart.length ? subMeshStart[i] : quadCount; piFirst.put(iFirst + (startIndex*4)); piCount.put((endIndex - startIndex)*4); renderedMeshes++; startIndex = -1; } } return renderedMeshes; } private boolean isNormalVisible(QuadNormal normal, int interpXDiv, int interpYDiv, int interpZDiv) { switch(normal) { case POSITIVE_X: return interpXDiv >= ((x + 0)); case NEGATIVE_X: return interpXDiv < ((x + 1)); case POSITIVE_Y: return interpYDiv >= ((y + 0)); case NEGATIVE_Y: return interpYDiv < ((y + 1)); case POSITIVE_Z: return interpZDiv >= ((z + 0)); case NEGATIVE_Z: return interpZDiv < ((z + 1)); default: return true; } } public double distSq(Entity player) { int centerX = x * 16 + 8; int centerY = y * 16 + 8; int centerZ = z * 16 + 8; return player.getDistanceSq(centerX, centerY, centerZ); } public static void setCaptureTarget(ChunkMesh cm) { meshCaptureTarget = cm; } public static class Flags { boolean hasTexture; boolean hasBrightness; boolean hasColor; boolean hasNormals; public Flags(byte flags) { hasTexture = (flags & 1) != 0; hasBrightness = (flags & 2) != 0; hasColor = (flags & 4) != 0; hasNormals = (flags & 8) != 0; } public Flags(boolean hasTexture, boolean hasBrightness, boolean hasColor, boolean hasNormals) { this.hasTexture = hasTexture; this.hasBrightness = hasBrightness; this.hasColor = hasColor; this.hasNormals = hasNormals; } public byte toByte() { byte flags = 0; if(hasTexture) { flags |= 1; } if(hasBrightness) { flags |= 2; } if(hasColor) { flags |= 4; } if(hasNormals) { flags |= 8; } return flags; } } private static class MeshQuadRenderOrderComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(MeshQuad a, MeshQuad b) { if(!MeshQuad.isValid(b)) { return -1; } else if(!MeshQuad.isValid(a)) { return 1; } else { return QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER[a.normal.ordinal()] - QUAD_NORMAL_TO_NORMAL_ORDER[b.normal.ordinal()]; } } } }