package makamys.neodymium.renderer; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f; import makamys.neodymium.Config; import makamys.neodymium.util.BufferWriter; /* * This is what a quad looks like. * * 0--1 * | | * 3--2 * * We can glue quads together, forming a megaquad. * In the fragment shader we need to know which quad of the megaquad we are operating on. * For this reason, we store the "megaquad X" and "megaquad Y" coordinates in the vertices. * Their values at vertex 0: (0, 0) * Their values at vertex 1: (megaquad width, 0) * Their values at vertex 2: (megaquad width, megaquad height) * Their values at vertex 3: (0, megaquad height) */ public class MeshQuad { public float[] xs = new float[4]; public float[] ys = new float[4]; public float[] zs = new float[4]; public float minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; public float minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; public float minZ = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; public float maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; public float maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; public float maxZ = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; public float[] us = new float[4]; public float[] vs = new float[4]; public int[] bs = new int[4]; public int[] cs = new int[4]; // TODO normals? public boolean deleted; public boolean noMerge; public QuadNormal normal; public int offset; public ChunkMesh.Flags flags; // Is positive U direction parallel to edge 0-1? public boolean uDirectionIs01; public boolean isRectangle; // 0: quads glued together on edge 1-2 or 3-0 ("megaquad row length") // 1: quads glued together on edge 0-1 or 2-3 ("megaquad column length") private int[] quadCountByDirection = {1, 1}; public static int[] totalMergeCountByPlane = new int[3]; // When we merge with another quad, we forget what we used to be like. // Keep a reference to the quad we first merged with, and use it as a reminder. public MeshQuad mergeReference; private static Vector3f vectorA = new Vector3f(); private static Vector3f vectorB = new Vector3f(); private static Vector3f vectorC = new Vector3f(); private void read(int[] rawBuffer, int offset, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ) { for(int vi = 0; vi < 4; vi++) { int i = offset + vi * 8; xs[vi] = Float.intBitsToFloat(rawBuffer[i + 0]) + offsetX; ys[vi] = Float.intBitsToFloat(rawBuffer[i + 1]) + offsetY; zs[vi] = Float.intBitsToFloat(rawBuffer[i + 2]) + offsetZ; us[vi] = Float.intBitsToFloat(rawBuffer[i + 3]); vs[vi] = Float.intBitsToFloat(rawBuffer[i + 4]); bs[vi] = rawBuffer[i + 7]; cs[vi] = rawBuffer[i + 5]; i += 8; } } public void setState(int[] rawBuffer, int offset, ChunkMesh.Flags flags, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ) { resetState(); read(rawBuffer, offset, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); uDirectionIs01 = us[0] != us[1]; updateMinMaxXYZ(); updateIsRectangle(); if(!isRectangle) { // merging non-rectangles (e.g. Carpenter's Blocks wedge) is buggy, don't do it noMerge = true; } vectorA.set(xs[1] - xs[0], ys[1] - ys[0], zs[1] - zs[0]); vectorB.set(xs[2] - xs[1], ys[2] - ys[1], zs[2] - zs[1]); Vector3f.cross(vectorA, vectorB, vectorC); normal = QuadNormal.fromVector(vectorC); } private void resetState() { Arrays.fill(xs, 0); Arrays.fill(ys, 0); Arrays.fill(zs, 0); Arrays.fill(us, 0); Arrays.fill(vs, 0); Arrays.fill(bs, 0); Arrays.fill(cs, 0); minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; minZ = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; maxZ = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; deleted = noMerge = false; normal = null; offset = 0; flags = null; uDirectionIs01 = false; Arrays.fill(quadCountByDirection, 1); Arrays.fill(totalMergeCountByPlane, 0); mergeReference = null; } public void writeToBuffer(BufferWriter out) throws IOException { for(int vertexI = 0; vertexI < 4; vertexI++) { int vi = vertexI; int provokingI = 3; float x = xs[vi]; float y = ys[vi]; float z = zs[vi]; out.writeFloat(x); out.writeFloat(y); out.writeFloat(z); float u = us[vi]; float v = vs[vi]; if(Config.shortUV) { out.writeShort((short)(Math.round(u * 32768f))); out.writeShort((short)(Math.round(v * 32768f))); } else { out.writeFloat(u); out.writeFloat(v); } int b = bs[vi]; out.writeInt(b); int c = cs[vi]; out.writeInt(c); if(Config.simplifyChunkMeshes) { if((quadCountByUVDirection(false) == 1 && quadCountByUVDirection(true) == 1)) { // let the fragment shader know this is not a megaquad out.writeByte((byte)255); out.writeByte((byte)255); out.writeByte((byte)255); out.writeByte((byte)255); } else { out.writeByte(us[vi] == us[provokingI] ? 0 : (byte)quadCountByUVDirection(false)); out.writeByte(vs[vi] == vs[provokingI] ? 0 : (byte)quadCountByUVDirection(true)); out.writeByte(us[vi] == us[provokingI] ? (byte)0 : 1); out.writeByte(vs[vi] == vs[provokingI] ? (byte)0 : 1); } } assert out.position() % getStride() == 0; //System.out.println("[" + vertexI + "] x: " + x + ", y: " + y + " z: " + z + ", u: " + u + ", v: " + v + ", b: " + b + ", c: " + c); } } public int quadCountByUVDirection(boolean v) { if(v) { return quadCountByDirection[uDirectionIs01 ? 0 : 1]; } else { return quadCountByDirection[uDirectionIs01 ? 1 : 0]; } } public static int getStride() { return 3 * 4 // XYZ (float) + 2 * (Config.shortUV ? 2 : 4) // UV (float) + 4 // B (int) + 4 // C (int) + (Config.simplifyChunkMeshes ? 4 : 0) // megaquad XY (byte) ; } private boolean isTranslatedCopyOf(MeshQuad o, boolean checkValid) { if((!isValid(this) && checkValid) || !isValid(o) || normal != o.normal) return false; if(mergeReference != null) { return mergeReference.isTranslatedCopyOf(o, false); } for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { double relX = xs[i] - xs[0]; double relY = ys[i] - ys[0]; double relZ = zs[i] - zs[0]; if(o.xs[i] != o.xs[0] + relX || o.ys[i] != o.ys[0] + relY || o.zs[i] != o.zs[0] + relZ) { return false; } } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(us[i] !=[i] || vs[i] != o.vs[i] || bs[i] !=[i] || cs[i] != o.cs[i]) { return false; } } return true; } public void tryToMerge(MeshQuad o) { if(noMerge || o.noMerge) return; if(isTranslatedCopyOf(o, true)) { int numVerticesTouching = 0; boolean[] verticesTouching = new boolean[4]; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(xs[i] == o.xs[j] && ys[i] == o.ys[j] && zs[i] == o.zs[j]) { verticesTouching[i] = true; numVerticesTouching++; } } } if(numVerticesTouching == 2) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(verticesTouching[i]) { copyVertexFrom(o, i, i); } } if((verticesTouching[0] && verticesTouching[1]) || (verticesTouching[2] && verticesTouching[3])) { quadCountByDirection[0] += o.quadCountByDirection[0]; } if((verticesTouching[1] && verticesTouching[2]) || (verticesTouching[3] && verticesTouching[0])) { quadCountByDirection[1] += o.quadCountByDirection[1]; } totalMergeCountByPlane[getPlane().ordinal() - 1]++; mergeReference = o; o.deleted = true; } } } private void copyVertexFrom(MeshQuad o, int src, int dest) { xs[dest] = o.xs[src]; ys[dest] = o.ys[src]; zs[dest] = o.zs[src]; us[dest] =[src]; vs[dest] = o.vs[src]; bs[dest] =[src]; cs[dest] = o.cs[src]; updateMinMaxXYZ(); // TODO isn't doing this a waste? I should get rid of the min/maxXYZ variables entirely. } private void updateMinMaxXYZ() { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { minX = Math.min(minX, xs[i]); minY = Math.min(minY, ys[i]); minZ = Math.min(minZ, zs[i]); maxX = Math.max(maxX, xs[i]); maxY = Math.max(maxY, ys[i]); maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, zs[i]); } } private void updateIsRectangle() { isRectangle = vertexExists(minX, minY, minZ) && vertexExists(minX, minY, maxZ) && vertexExists(minX, maxY, minZ) && vertexExists(minX, maxY, maxZ) && vertexExists(maxX, minY, minZ) && vertexExists(maxX, minY, maxZ) && vertexExists(maxX, maxY, minZ) && vertexExists(maxX, maxY, maxZ); } private boolean vertexExists(float x, float y, float z) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(xs[i] == x && ys[i] == y && zs[i] == z) { return true; } } return false; } // maybe minXYZ and maxXYZ should be arrays instead public double getMin(int coord) { return coord == 0 ? minX : coord == 1 ? minY : coord == 2 ? minZ : -1; } public double getMax(int coord) { return coord == 0 ? maxX : coord == 1 ? maxY : coord == 2 ? maxZ : -1; } public boolean onSamePlaneAs(MeshQuad o) { return isValid(this) && isValid(o) && getPlane() == o.getPlane() && ((getPlane() == Plane.XY && minZ == o.minZ) || (getPlane() == Plane.XZ && minY == o.minY) || (getPlane() == Plane.YZ && minX == o.minX)); } public Plane getPlane() { return Plane.fromNormal(normal); } public static boolean isValid(MeshQuad q) { return q != null && !q.deleted; } public boolean isClockwiseXZ() { return (xs[1] - xs[0]) * (zs[2] - zs[0]) - (xs[2] - xs[0]) * (zs[1] - zs[0]) < 0; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f -- %.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", deleted ? "XXX " : "", minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ); //return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s[(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f), (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f), (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f), (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)]", deleted ? "XXX " : "", xs[0], ys[0], zs[0], xs[1], ys[1], zs[1], xs[2], ys[2], zs[2], xs[3], ys[3], zs[3]); } public static class QuadPlaneComparator implements Comparator { public static final QuadPlaneComparator[] quadPlaneComparators = new QuadPlaneComparator[]{ new QuadPlaneComparator(2, 1, 0), // PLANE_XY -> ZYX new QuadPlaneComparator(1, 2, 0), // PLANE_XZ -> YZX new QuadPlaneComparator(0, 2, 1) // PLANE_YZ -> XZY }; private int c0, c1, c2; public QuadPlaneComparator(int firstCoordToCompare, int secondCoordToCompare, int thirdCoordToCompare) { this.c0 = firstCoordToCompare; this.c1 = secondCoordToCompare; this.c2 = thirdCoordToCompare; } @Override public int compare(MeshQuad a, MeshQuad b) { if(a.getMin(c0) < b.getMin(c0)) { return -1; } else if(a.getMin(c0) > b.getMin(c0)) { return 1; } else { if(a.getMin(c1) < b.getMin(c1)) { return -1; } else if(a.getMin(c1) > b.getMin(c1)) { return 1; } else { if(a.getMin(c2) < b.getMin(c2)) { return -1; } else if(a.getMin(c2) > b.getMin(c2)) { return 1; } else { return (int)Math.signum(a.offset - b.offset); } } } } } public static enum Plane { NONE, XY, XZ, YZ; public static Plane fromNormal(QuadNormal normal) { switch(normal) { case POSITIVE_X: case NEGATIVE_X: return YZ; case POSITIVE_Y: case NEGATIVE_Y: return XZ; case POSITIVE_Z: case NEGATIVE_Z: return XY; default: return NONE; } } } public boolean isPosEqual(MeshQuad b) { return Arrays.equals(xs, b.xs) && Arrays.equals(ys, b.ys) && Arrays.equals(zs, b.zs); } }