package makamys.neodymium.renderer; import java.util.List; import makamys.neodymium.Neodymium; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; /** A container for the meshes that compose a chunk (16x256x16 region). It keeps track of which meshes should be made visible and which ones should not. */ public class NeoChunk { int x, z; int lod = 0; boolean visible; boolean dirty; NeoRegion region; ChunkMesh[] chunkMeshes = new ChunkMesh[32]; public boolean[] isSectionVisible = new boolean[16]; NeoRenderer renderer = Neodymium.renderer; public NeoChunk(int x, int z, NeoRegion region) { this.x = x; this.z = z; this.region = region; } @Override public String toString() { return "NeoChunk(" + x + ", " + z + ")"; } public double distSq(Entity entity) { return Math.pow(entity.posX - x * 16, 2) + Math.pow(entity.posZ - z * 16, 2); } public void putChunkMeshes(int cy, List newChunkMeshes, boolean addOnly) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ChunkMesh newChunkMesh = newChunkMeshes.size() > i ? newChunkMeshes.get(i) : null; if(!addOnly || newChunkMesh != null) { if(chunkMeshes[cy * 2 + i] != null) { if(newChunkMesh != null) { // ??? why is this needed? newChunkMesh.pass = i; } renderer.removeMesh(chunkMeshes[cy * 2 + i]); chunkMeshes[cy * 2 + i].destroy(); } else { region.meshes++; } chunkMeshes[cy * 2 + i] = newChunkMesh; dirty = true; } } if(dirty) { Neodymium.renderer.neoChunkChanged(this); } } public boolean hasChunkMeshes() { for(ChunkMesh cm : chunkMeshes) { if(cm != null) { return true; } } return false; } public void tick() { setLOD(2); } public void setLOD(int lod) { if(lod == this.lod) return; this.lod = lod; Neodymium.renderer.neoChunkChanged(this); if(!dirty) { if(lod < 2) { for(int i = 0; i < chunkMeshes.length; i++) { if(chunkMeshes[i] != null) { chunkMeshes[i].destroy(); chunkMeshes[i] = null; region.meshes--; } } } } } public void destroy() { for(ChunkMesh cm: chunkMeshes) { if(cm != null) { cm.destroy(); region.meshes--; } } Neodymium.renderer.setVisible(this, false); } public boolean isFullyVisible() { if(!visible) return false; for(boolean b : isSectionVisible) { if(!b) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { for(ChunkMesh cm: chunkMeshes) { if(cm != null) { return false; } } return true; } }