import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import type { Alias } from 'vite'; const projectPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../'); const pkgJsonCache = new Map(); // /src/ or \src\, depending on platform const SRC_DIR_PATH = `${path.sep}src${path.sep}`; const resolver: Alias = { find: /^(~\/.+)/, replacement: '$1', async customResolver(source, importer) { let root: null | string = null; if (importer) importer = path.normalize(importer); // source is the path imported on typescript, which always use / as path separator const [_, sourcePath] = source.split('~/'); const relativeImporter = importer?.replace(projectPath, ''); if (relativeImporter && relativeImporter.includes(SRC_DIR_PATH)) { const [pkg] = relativeImporter.split(SRC_DIR_PATH); root = path.join(projectPath, pkg, 'src'); } else if (importer) { const pathObj = path.parse(importer); let parent = pathObj.dir; while (parent !== pathObj.root) { parent = path.dirname(parent); let hasPkgJson = pkgJsonCache.get(parent); if (hasPkgJson === undefined) { try { await fs.stat(path.join(parent, 'package.json')); pkgJsonCache.set(parent, (hasPkgJson = true)); } catch { pkgJsonCache.set(parent, (hasPkgJson = false)); } } if (hasPkgJson) { root = parent; break; } } if (root === null) throw new Error(`Failed to resolve import path ${source} in file ${importer}`); } else { throw new Error(`Failed to resolve import path ${source} in file ${importer}`); } const absolutePath = path.join(root, sourcePath); const folderItems = await fs.readdir(path.join(absolutePath, '..')); // sourcePath is derived from the path imported on typescript, which always use / as path separator const item = folderItems.find(i => i.startsWith(sourcePath.split('/').at(-1)!))!; const fullPath = absolutePath + path.extname(item); const stats = await fs.stat(fullPath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { const directoryItems = await fs.readdir(absolutePath + path.extname(item)); const indexFile = directoryItems.find(i => i.startsWith('index')); if (!indexFile) throw new Error(`Failed to resolve import path ${source} in file ${importer}`); return path.join(absolutePath, indexFile); } else { return fullPath; } }, }; export default resolver;