path: root/items/COMPACT;1.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'items/COMPACT;1.json')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/items/COMPACT;1.json b/items/COMPACT;1.json
index bc9e3a9b..e9921769 100644
--- a/items/COMPACT;1.json
+++ b/items/COMPACT;1.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"displayname": "§fEnchanted Book",
- "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§9Compact I\",1:\"§7Gain §3+1☯ Mining Wisdom §7and a\",2:\"§7§a0.2% §7chance to drop an\",3:\"§7enchanted item.\",4:\"\",5:\"§8Break 100 blocks for Tier II\",6:\"§8Break 500 blocks for Tier III\",7:\"§8Break 1,5k blocks for Tier IV\",8:\"§8Break 5k blocks for Tier V\",9:\"§8Break 15k blocks for Tier VI\",10:\"§8Break 50k blocks for Tier VII\",11:\"§8Break 150k blocks for Tier VIII\",12:\"§8Break 500k blocks for Tier IX\",13:\"§8Break 1M blocks for Tier X\",14:\"\",15:\"§e▲ §7Compact cannot be combined!\",16:\"§7Use this on an item in an Anvil\",17:\"§7to apply it!\",18:\"\",19:\"§6Source:\",20:\"§aI: §7Community Shop\",21:\"\",22:\"§6Applied To:\",23:\"§7- §fPickaxe\",24:\"§7- §fDrill\",25:\"§7- §fGauntlet\",26:\"\",27:\"§f§lCOMMON\",28:\"\",29:\"§7Cost\",30:\"§b4,000 Bits\"],Name:\"§fEnchanted Book\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"COMPACT;1\",enchantments:{compact:1}}}",
+ "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§9Compact I\",1:\"§7Gain §3+1☯ Mining Wisdom §7and a\",2:\"§7§a0.25% §7chance to drop an\",3:\"§7enchanted item.\",4:\"\",5:\"§8Break 100 blocks for Tier II\",6:\"§8Break 500 blocks for Tier III\",7:\"§8Break 1,5k blocks for Tier IV\",8:\"§8Break 5k blocks for Tier V\",9:\"§8Break 15k blocks for Tier VI\",10:\"§8Break 50k blocks for Tier VII\",11:\"§8Break 150k blocks for Tier VIII\",12:\"§8Break 500k blocks for Tier IX\",13:\"§8Break 1M blocks for Tier X\",14:\"\",15:\"§e▲ §7Compact cannot be combined!\",16:\"§7Use this on an item in an Anvil\",17:\"§7to apply it!\",18:\"\",19:\"§6Source:\",20:\"§aI: §7Community Shop\",21:\"\",22:\"§6Applied To:\",23:\"§7- §fPickaxe\",24:\"§7- §fDrill\",25:\"§7- §fGauntlet\",26:\"\",27:\"§f§lCOMMON\",28:\"\",29:\"§7Cost\",30:\"§b4,000 Bits\"],Name:\"§fEnchanted Book\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"COMPACT;1\",enchantments:{compact:1}}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
"§9Compact I",
"§7Gain §3+1☯ Mining Wisdom §7and a",
- "§7§a0.2% §7chance to drop an",
+ "§7§a0.25% §7chance to drop an",
"§7enchanted item.",
"§8Break 100 blocks for Tier II",
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@
"internalname": "COMPACT;1",
"crafttext": "",
"clickcommand": "",
- "modver": "2.1.0-REL",
+ "modver": "2.1.1-PRE",
"infoType": ""
} \ No newline at end of file