path: root/items/FREE_COOKIE.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'items/FREE_COOKIE.json')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/items/FREE_COOKIE.json b/items/FREE_COOKIE.json
index bd668b35..4bd334b4 100644
--- a/items/FREE_COOKIE.json
+++ b/items/FREE_COOKIE.json
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:cookie",
"displayname": "§6Booster Cookie §8(FREE)",
- "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Consume to gain the §dCookie Buff\",1:\"§d§7for §b4 §7days:\",2:\"\",3:\"§8‣ §7Ability to gain §bBits§7!\",4:\"§8‣ §3+25☯ §7on all §3Wisdom §7stats\",5:\"§8‣ §b+15✯ §7Magic Find\",6:\"§8‣ §7Keep §6coins §7on death\",7:\"§8‣ §ePermafly §7on private islands and gardens\",8:\"§8‣ §7Access §6/ah §7and §6/bazaar §7anywhere\",9:\"§8‣ §7Sell items directly to the trades and cookie menu\",10:\"§8‣ §7AFK §aimmunity §7on your island and garden\",11:\"§8‣ §7Toggle specific §dpotion effects\",12:\"§8‣ §7Access to §6/anvil§7, §6/etable§7, and §6/hex\",13:\"§8‣ §7Access to §6/accessorybag§7, §b/fishingbag§7,\",14:\"§d/potionbag§7, and §e/quiver\",15:\"§8‣ §7Link your items in chat using §e/show\",16:\"§8‣ §7Insta-sell your Material stash to the §6Bazaar\",17:\"\",18:\"§8Cookie given for free! (Untradable!)\",19:\"\",20:\"§6§lLEGENDARY\"],Name:\"§6Booster Cookie §8(FREE)\"},ExtraAttributes:{cookie_free_player_id:\"c2a965d8-1e0d-4bb1-8ecd-ac48adeb4188\",id:\"FREE_COOKIE\"}}",
+ "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Consume to gain the §dCookie Buff §7for\",1:\"§7§b4 §7days:\",2:\"\",3:\"§8‣ §7Ability to gain §bBits§7!\",4:\"§8‣ §3+25☯ §7on all §3Wisdom §7stats\",5:\"§8‣ §b+15✯ §7Magic Find\",6:\"§8‣ §7Keep §6coins §7on death\",7:\"§8‣ §ePermafly §7on private islands and gardens\",8:\"§7§8‣ §7Quick access to some menus using their\",9:\"§7respective commands:\",10:\" §6/ah§7, §6/bazaar§7, §a/bank§7, §6/accessorybag§7, §b/fishingbag§7\",11:\" §f/anvil§7, §d/hex§7, §b/etable§7, §d/potionbag §7and §e/quiver\",12:\"§8‣ §7Sell items directly to the trades and cookie menu\",13:\"§8‣ §7AFK §aimmunity §7on your island and garden\",14:\"§8‣ §7Toggle specific §dpotion effects\",15:\"§8‣ §7Link your items in chat using §e/show\",16:\"§8‣ §7Insta-sell your Material stash to the §6Bazaar\",17:\"\",18:\"§8Cookie given for free! (Untradable!)\",19:\"\",20:\"§6§lLEGENDARY\"],Name:\"§6Booster Cookie §8(FREE)\"},ExtraAttributes:{cookie_free_player_id:\"c2a965d8-1e0d-4bb1-8ecd-ac48adeb4188\",id:\"FREE_COOKIE\"}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
- "§7Consume to gain the §dCookie Buff",
- "§d§7for §b4 §7days:",
+ "§7Consume to gain the §dCookie Buff §7for",
+ "§7§b4 §7days:",
"§8‣ §7Ability to gain §bBits§7!",
"§8‣ §3+25☯ §7on all §3Wisdom §7stats",
"§8‣ §b+15✯ §7Magic Find",
"§8‣ §7Keep §6coins §7on death",
"§8‣ §ePermafly §7on private islands and gardens",
- "§8‣ §7Access §6/ah §7and §6/bazaar §7anywhere",
+ "§7§8‣ §7Quick access to some menus using their",
+ "§7respective commands:",
+ " §6/ah§7, §6/bazaar§7, §a/bank§7, §6/accessorybag§7, §b/fishingbag§7",
+ " §f/anvil§7, §d/hex§7, §b/etable§7, §d/potionbag §7and §e/quiver",
"§8‣ §7Sell items directly to the trades and cookie menu",
"§8‣ §7AFK §aimmunity §7on your island and garden",
"§8‣ §7Toggle specific §dpotion effects",
- "§8‣ §7Access to §6/anvil§7, §6/etable§7, and §6/hex",
- "§8‣ §7Access to §6/accessorybag§7, §b/fishingbag§7,",
- "§d/potionbag§7, and §e/quiver",
"§8‣ §7Link your items in chat using §e/show",
"§8‣ §7Insta-sell your Material stash to the §6Bazaar",