diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'items/INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM.json')
-rw-r--r-- | items/INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM.json | 37 |
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/items/INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM.json b/items/INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9198914 --- /dev/null +++ b/items/INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "itemid": "minecraft:skull", + "displayname": "§9Inferno Minion Fuel", + "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"81bf73d5-5e33-3efe-bb18-42e32beca79e\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjAyYTExNjkzMDlmMDVlZjJmMDYxYjFmYTBmZTIyNWYyOWQ3M2EyNGY4ZjA3Y2NjMmE3MDVkZWVhY2EwNjlkMSJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Can be used as minion fuel\",1:\"§7exclusively in the Inferno\",2:\"§7minion for 24 hours§7!\",3:\"\",4:\"§7Replaces §c4/5 §7of the regular\",5:\"§7minion production with a\",6:\"§7§bspecialty §7item.\",7:\"\",8:\"§7Speed multiplier: §a10x\",9:\"§7Specialty: §bMagma Cream\",10:\"§7Specialty amount: §e1 to 3\",11:\"\",12:\"§9§lRARE\"],Name:\"§9Inferno Minion Fuel\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM\"}}", + "damage": 3, + "lore": [ + "§7Can be used as minion fuel", + "§7exclusively in the Inferno", + "§7minion for 24 hours§7!", + "", + "§7Replaces §c4/5 §7of the regular", + "§7minion production with a", + "§7§bspecialty §7item.", + "", + "§7Speed multiplier: §a10x", + "§7Specialty: §bMagma Cream", + "§7Specialty amount: §e1 to 3", + "", + "§9§lRARE" + ], + "recipe": { + "A1": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1", + "A2": "INFERNO_FUEL_BLOCK:1", + "A3": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1", + "B1": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1", + "B2": "FUEL_GABAGOOL:1", + "B3": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1", + "C1": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1", + "C2": "INFERNO_FUEL_BLOCK:1", + "C3": "MAGMA_CREAM_DISTILLATE:1" + }, + "internalname": "INFERNO_FUEL_MAGMA_CREAM", + "crafttext": "", + "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", + "modver": "2.1.0-REL", + "infoType": "" +}
\ No newline at end of file |