path: root/items/MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'items/MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER.json')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/items/MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER.json b/items/MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER.json
index cad3fdcc..c8c1210b 100644
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:skull",
"displayname": "§cMinos Champion (Mythological Creature)",
- "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"86e6b4be-1455-37b7-86e6-b4be1455f7b7\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"e3RleHR1cmVzOntTS0lOOnt1cmw6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmY3ZTc4NjUwODQyZTk1ZmFiMzk1MTRkYWQzYzYxM2Y3NzE2ZjYyYjYyNzkzYWExMzE3ZTgwYTIzMjg2YjgzYyJ9fX0\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Minos Champion is one of the rare mobs\",1:\"§7in the Mythological Ritual, and can only be\",2:\"§7found by using a epic or legendary Griffin Pet.\",3:\"§7It gains roughly 3 to 4% of a damage buff for each second\",4:\"§7it\u0027s lived for, capping at 600%, which is when it despawns.\",5:\"§7While alive, it can attack using a sword or a bow, if\",6:\"§7the Champion is unable to reach a player, it will spawn\",7:\"§7a lighting strike on the player once, similary\",8:\"§7to the Gaia Construct.\",9:\"\",10:\"§c❤ Health§8:\",11:\"§8[§5Griffin§8] §c2.000.000 ❤\",12:\"§8[§6Griffin§8] §c12.000.000 ❤\",13:\"\",14:\"§6§lPossible Drops:\",15:\"§8[§5Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x14-28\",16:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x14-28\",17:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aEnchanted Gold §8x3-6\",18:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Minos Relic\",19:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §9Dwarf Turtle Shelmet\",20:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Crochet Tiger Plushie\",21:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Antique Remedies\",22:\"\",23:\"§5§lEPIC\"],Name:\"§cMinos Champion (Mythological Creature)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER\"}}",
+ "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"86e6b4be-1455-37b7-86e6-b4be1455f7b7\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"e3RleHR1cmVzOntTS0lOOnt1cmw6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmY3ZTc4NjUwODQyZTk1ZmFiMzk1MTRkYWQzYzYxM2Y3NzE2ZjYyYjYyNzkzYWExMzE3ZTgwYTIzMjg2YjgzYyJ9fX0\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Minos Champion is one of the rare mobs\",1:\"§7in the Mythological Ritual, and can only be\",2:\"§7found by using a epic or legendary Griffin Pet.\",3:\"§7It gains roughly 3 to 4% of a damage buff for each second\",4:\"§7it's lived for, capping at 600%, which is when it despawns.\",5:\"§7While alive, it can attack using a sword or a bow, if\",6:\"§7the Champion is unable to reach a player, it will spawn\",7:\"§7a lighting strike on the player once, similary\",8:\"§7to the Gaia Construct.\",9:\"\",10:\"§c❤ Health§8:\",11:\"§8[§5Griffin§8] §c2.000.000 ❤\",12:\"§8[§6Griffin§8] §c12.000.000 ❤\",13:\"\",14:\"§6§lPossible Drops:\",15:\"§8[§5Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x14-28\",16:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x14-28\",17:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aEnchanted Gold §8x3-6\",18:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Minos Relic\",19:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §9Dwarf Turtle Shelmet\",20:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Crochet Tiger Plushie\",21:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Antique Remedies\",22:\"\",23:\"§5§lEPIC\"],Name:\"§cMinos Champion (Mythological Creature)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER\"}}",
"damage": 3,
"lore": [
"§7The Minos Champion is one of the rare mobs",
"§7in the Mythological Ritual, and can only be",
"§7found by using a epic or legendary Griffin Pet.",
"§7It gains roughly 3 to 4% of a damage buff for each second",
- "§7it\u0027s lived for, capping at 600%, which is when it despawns.",
+ "§7it's lived for, capping at 600%, which is when it despawns.",
"§7While alive, it can attack using a sword or a bow, if",
"§7the Champion is unable to reach a player, it will spawn",
"§7a lighting strike on the player once, similary",
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
"internalname": "MINOS_CHAMPION_MONSTER",
"clickcommand": "",
- "modver": "2.0.0-REL",
+ "modver": "2.1.0-REL",
"infoType": "WIKI_URL",
"info": [
- "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Minos_Champion"
+ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Minos_Champion",
+ "https://wiki.hypixel.net/Minos_Champion"
"crafttext": ""
+} \ No newline at end of file