AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-06-18Updated some descriptions of items and added max level for scavenger (#1255)MisterCheezeCake
2024-06-17Fixed Glacite Golem and Giraffe Cost and Guardian Stat (#1257)jani270
2024-06-15Fix Scatha and Bat Pet (#1256)jani270
2024-06-14Correct eman slayer requirement for juju shortbow (#1254)Äkwav
2024-06-13Add gemstone constants (#1247)Madeleaan
2024-06-13Added new Panda Skin and fixed vampire fang chance (#1253)jani270
2024-06-13Updated rainbownames (#1252)jani270
2024-06-12Updated rainbownames (#1251)jani270
2024-06-11Add new balloon hat (#1250)jani270
2024-06-11Updated rainbownames (#1249)NopoTheGamer
2024-06-11Updated rainbownames (#1248)NopoTheGamer
2024-06-09Changed / to & for HOTM reqs and fixed nbt for dreadlord (#1246)jani270
2024-06-09Fixed a few dungeon mobs (#1245)MisterCheezeCake
2024-06-09Removed the word Collection from the crafttext (#1244)jani270
2024-06-09Updated rainbownames (#1243)jani270
2024-06-09Hot Fervor Leggings had duplicate True Defense stat (#1242)KTrain
2024-06-09add ender monocle to watcher drops (#1241)NopoTheGamer
2024-06-07Updated rainbownames (#1240)jani270
2024-06-07Updated rainbownames (#1239)jani270
2024-06-07Add Katgrade for rabbit and fix toxophilite (#1238)jani270
2024-06-06Add MF/Spirit 2-4 and Toxic Rain Slime (#1237)jani270
2024-06-06Updated rainbownames (#1236)jani270
2024-06-063 (#1233)Linnea Gräf
2024-06-06Add new squid skin (#1235)jani270
2024-06-06zorro cape (#1234)CalMWolfs
2024-06-05Add dyes for /neurename update (#1228)NopoTheGamer
2024-06-05Update New Bottle of Jyrre lore (#1230)Phan Minh
2024-06-05Add Campaign Poster (#1231)MisterCheezeCake
2024-06-03fixed enchanted book name (#1205)hannibal2
2024-06-03update alert for 2.1 (#1227)NopoTheGamer
2024-06-02Push prerelease into master (#1226)jani270
2024-06-02fix fish the rabbit api name (#1225)appable
2024-05-31Fixed Snail, added 2 skins (#1223)jani270
2024-05-29Added wiki links, 2 npcs and 1 item, also fixed some shit (#1221)jani270
2024-05-28Added new items from cf2.0 (#1220)jani270
2024-05-28hoppity alpha (#1212)CalMWolfs
2024-05-28Added hotm reqs to some collections items (#1219)jani270
2024-05-27Oops fixed typo (#1218)jani270
2024-05-27Added craft text to all forge items (#1217)jani270
2024-05-25Fixed Reaper Pepper lore (#1215)jani270
2024-05-25rabbit pet (#1213)CalMWolfs
2024-05-17Added new Grandma Wolf Skin (#1211)jani270
2024-05-15Cleanup Pet Skin Lores (#1210)jani270
2024-05-15Fixed more :: (#1209)jani270
2024-05-15Fix double colons in Power artifact (#1208)Ascynx
2024-05-15Fix Requires -> Requires: and fix armor of resistance lmao (#1207)jani270
2024-05-11Added ench umber recipe and removed some useless nbt (#1204)jani270
2024-05-11Data needed for hoppity pv page (#1200)CalMWolfs
2024-05-10some fixes (#1203)Madeleaan
2024-05-10Add new rose dye (#1202)jani270