path: root/items
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-01Added new skins and some npcs (#1143)jani270
2024-03-28Added new skins and fixed some lores (#1142)jani270
2024-03-27Added missing npc's and fixed some lore (#1141)jani270
2024-03-24Added Locked Box and fixed 2 lores (#1140)jani270
2024-03-23Fixed random stuff (#1139)jani270
2024-03-21Added new skins and some lore fixes (#1136)jani270
2024-03-19Fixed Ender Slayer lore and more (#1134)jani270
2024-03-18Fixed a lot of pet lores and cleaned up petnums (#1132)jani270
2024-03-17Fixed lores of furniture and minion skins (#1131)jani270
2024-03-17update dungeon sack (#1130)CalMWolfs
2024-03-15Added new cosmetics (#1129)jani270
2024-03-14Added new skins and npc, fixed lore of cacuum (#1128)jani270
2024-03-13Fixed nbt of zombie pet (#1127)jani270
2024-03-13Added new items, fixed pets and some lores (#1126)jani270
2024-03-11fix: Pets have outdated petInfo NBT data (#1125)My-Name-Is-Jeff
2024-03-10fix: Pets have incorrect petInfo NBT data (#1124)My-Name-Is-Jeff
2024-03-08Fixed Magma Cube Pet stats and some lores (#1123)jani270
2024-03-07Added new barn skin (#1122)jani270
2024-03-06Add Maddox the Slayer NPC (#1121)Alexia
2024-03-05Fixed Dia & Gold Goblin Skulls and some lores (#1120)jani270
2024-03-01update RUNAANS_BOW.json (#1118)CalMWolfs
2024-02-25Fixed Phantom Fisher, Power scroll lore and undead mob (#1116)jani270
2024-02-22Fixed a "few" lores (#1115)jani270
2024-02-22Added wiki links (#1114)jani270
2024-02-22Add some Crimson Isle NPCs (#1099)Alexia
2024-02-22Fix: Update Day/Night Saver lore (#1112)martimavocado
2024-02-19Fixed wrong drop id of Plhlegblast (#1109)hannibal2
2024-02-17Update Sunder and Rainbow to VI and III respectively, as they are their new h...KTrain
2024-02-17PARTY_HAT_SLOTH fix Hatcessory (#1106)Thunderblade73
2024-02-14Added new lunar skins (#1105)jani270
2024-02-09Added new skin, fixed sa missing a gem slot and some lores (#1103)jani270
2024-02-07Removed recipes from books, fixed some other shit, added item and npc's (#1101)jani270
2024-02-02Added new skins (#1097)jani270
2024-02-01Added Golden/Dia Goblin, fixed 1 Lore and a reforge stone ability (#1096)jani270
2024-01-28Added Zombie Brain Mixin Recipe (#1095)Thunderblade73
2024-01-28Added Arachne Crystal Recipe (#1094)Thunderblade73
2024-01-25Added new Warden Dye (#1092)jani270
2024-01-24Fixed lore of turbo enchants, added geo, fixed 2 dagger (#1091)jani270
2024-01-24Add some NPCs (#1089)alexia
2024-01-19Added new skins and fix sniper helmet lore (#1090)jani270
2024-01-160.19.10 (#1087)jani270
2024-01-13Fixed HATCCESSORY -> HATCESSORY (#1086)jani270
2024-01-12Added new skins and fixed lore of deletor (#1085)jani270
2024-01-11Fixed some lores and added 2 npc's (#1084)jani270
2024-01-11Fix metal chestplate description (#1083)Phan Minh
2024-01-05Added new elephant skins and fixed lore of mushroom armor (#1082)jani270
2024-01-02Fixed lore from 33 items, added fetchur npc, fixed nbt of max ench book (#1081)jani270
2023-12-29Added new skins, fixed some lores (#1080)jani270
2023-12-25Added npc, fixed lore, fixed owl price, fixed craft count (#1079)jani270
2023-12-21Added skins, fixed 3 items (#1078)jani270