path: root/items
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-30Added Skins (Hypixel likes Money), changed Mobs to Heads, fixed a few things ...jani270
2021-03-25Champ rod level req fix (#446)Commander07
2021-03-25Possible Mobdrops Part 1, some Fixes and added a Item (#447)jani270
2021-03-21New Pet Skin (#445)MisterCheezeCake
2021-03-20Update REAPER_CHESTPLATE.jsonnopothegamer
2021-03-16portal lore swap (#441)fireflame606
2021-03-15shredder moment (#440)fireflame606
2021-03-14Changed Display name of End Portal to End Portal Frame (#439)panda3045
2021-03-14skele skull should be rare not common (#438)fireflame606
2021-03-13Fixed Things and Added Things (#437)jani270
2021-03-12Dungeon Bosses (#436)MisterCheezeCake
2021-03-12Added Warden HeartIRONM00N
2021-03-12new items and then some (#435)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-11Added Spider Queen's Stinger (#432)ZviWolf
2021-03-11Fix Hyperion things again (#434)riohorealhk
2021-03-11pain and sufferingIRONM00N
2021-03-10fixed legend rod (#431)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-10updated Daedalus Axe, added wiki links fixed some things (#430)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-10fixed some stuff ig (#429)riohorealhk
2021-03-09few more items and stuffIRONM00N
2021-03-09added new items (POG) (#427)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-08added Orca Blue Whale pet skin (#426)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-03some small fixes (#424)DeDiamondPro
2021-03-02Changed spellings of lore for mobs (#425)Hasnu666
2021-03-02A metric ton of mobs (#422)MisterCheezeCake
2021-02-28removed some uuids (#421)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-28added fire badges (#420)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-27Fix wheat crystal wiki link (#418)TymanWasTaken
2021-02-25[Visible Confusion]IRONM00N
2021-02-25Forgot to add wiki links, thanks jani (#417)apotato321
2021-02-23some fixes (#415)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-22Wiki Links for Ultimate Books also Enderpack Skin (#412)MisterCheezeCake
2021-02-20Wiki Links (#410)MisterCheezeCake
2021-02-20Remove uuids from items (#398)TymanWasTaken
2021-02-18Added A few Wiki Links (#408)MisterCheezeCake
2021-02-18FIxed some stuff from trello (#400)Swedengamer100
2021-02-18T3 Wart Hoe Fix (#407)apotato321
2021-02-18Some wiki links and fixes (#406)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-16added salmon opal and fixed sponge leggings name (#404)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-16things iron missed (#403)apotato321
2021-02-16Also fixed stuff from trello and more + new items (#401)DeDiamondPro
2021-02-16Apply some fixes from sharkey300#9117 (#399)TymanWasTaken
2021-02-15Added blast o lantern recipe, added oops the fish, spook the fish, kloonboat,...DeDiamondPro
2021-02-11New Skins (#394)MisterCheezeCake
2021-02-11More fixes for Griffin Stones and fix Wiki Links +Added Recipes for Beastmast...jani270
2021-02-11added reforge anvil, firework and necron's blade recipe + fixed withered bloo...DeDiamondPro
2021-02-09Enchanted < Enchnated 2.0 (#390)jani270
2021-02-09Game AnnihilatorIRONM00N
2021-02-08Fixed Griffin Upgrade Stones (#389)jani270
2021-02-08wiki links for fishing crystal (#388)riohorealhk