Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* one museum item and change contributors and discord stuff
* some new stuff from raffles
* wiki urls
* salmon hat
* no more colour names :sob:
* update golden ball reforge
* merge conflicts
* wiki urls
* century talisman
* Fixed horse lvl
* Fixed lore of blade and pet items
* Added more npc's
* Added new skins
* Added jerry npc's
* Fixed cake's and added some year 300 items
* Fixed Salmon hat and dicer
* Added ladder and skin
* Added Tali and Cake Pack
* Added new skins
* Removed wrong dye info
* Fixed lores
* First part
* Part 2
* Part III
* Part 4
* Fixed items
* Fixed Pets
* Fixed nbt
* Fixed name
* Fixed Mooshroom Cow lore
* Added wiki links
* Fixed shortbow lores
* Fixed Fel Sword lore
* Fixed drill recipe
* patch notes wtf
* More fixes
* Fixed Lavahorse name and toxic lore
* Added skins
* Added mob and npc
* Fixed Booster Cookie Lore
* Fixed Prec Eye lore
* Fixed annihilation cloak
* Fixed lore of Etherwarp Merger and added Hemobomb recipe
* Fixed Flying Fish Speed and lore
* Added new skins
* Added new items, fixed grizzly salmon and divan drill
* Fixed conflict enchant
* Fixed lore of Terror Armor
* Fixed lore of spirit armour
* Fixed thing in lore
* Fixed Kuudra Mandible Reforge
* Added new bingo items
* Fixed Tara Tier 3 and 4 name
* Fixed Fungi Cutter
* Fixed more lores
* Added new skins
* Fixed lore Endstone rose
* Fixed lore scarfs talis
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I am the [private] for SkytilsMod, a Minecraft Forge mod that provides quality of life features for Hypixel Skyblock. Skytils is located on GitHub at the repository
SkyblockFeatures appears to be based off a copy of SkytilsMod, available on the 0.x branch of Skytils/SkytilsMod, and contains large amounts of code from SkytilsMod and violates our open-source license.
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* SkyBlock Patch 0.19.1 - Item Linking, Leveling Update, Stash QoL, & Bug Fixes
* Added right click to sack
* Added undead to lore
* Fixed Wisp's and mana steal enchant
* Added new rune, added nether npc, removed some alpha items
* Added more npcs
* Fixed lore of boots and added brewing ingrdient to lores
* Fixed enigma soul and lore of power stone
* Added undead to more
* Removed weird npc
* Fixed lore catacombs skill items
* Added more mobs and npcs, fixed enderman pet lore
* Added Lifeguard Chair
* Added Vampire Slayer to crafttext
* Made Game Breaker and Annihilator very special
* Added Talbot and Kuudra Believer Npc
* Added special xp value for vampire
* Added fancy name
Co-authored-by: jani270 <>
* adding a few missed items
* adding to parents
* made mana regen reflect souls found
* new items
* Added another summer item
Co-authored-by: jani270 <>
fixed accessory in overlay, added more items and npc's (#949)
* Fixed tp pad lore fixed accessory bag overlay for 2 talis
* Added 1 new npc and one older npc
* Added recipe and removed timestamp
* Added Accessory
* Added burger
* Fixed rng meter values
* Fixed all pet skin lores
* Fixed drop chance of ench mutton
* Fixed lore of murder weapon
* Fixed not chicken monster breaking workflow
* Add new cosmetics
* Fixed Vampire Relic and Caducous steam lore
* Fixed lore of netherrack
* Fixed Blessed Stats
* Added recipe
* Added vamp slayer boss
* Fixed/added recipes and a wiki link
* Fixed lore of Safety Belt
* Added craft recipe to anti bite scarf
* Fixed some shit
* Fixed leech supreme mini boss
* Removed empty thing
* Removed roy npc
* Added rift npc
* Added 2 talis
* Added Flex Helmet
* Added more stuff
* Added parent for glyph
* Added more mobs and a npc
* Added Fledling
* Added more items and fixed mana cost of melon items
* Added the one enchant and 2 other items
Co-Authored-By: CalMWolfs <>
* Added more parents and fixed the one
* Added recipe
* Fixed frozille name and scroll price
* Added more undead stuff, added new recipes, fixed quantum and the one lore added rift exportable info and fixed pet releated items
* Fixed recipe
* Added more wiki links
* Fixed Tia Skin
Co-authored-by: CalMWolfs <>
Co-authored-by: jani270 <>
* Fixed chances for necron and fixed rng score numbers
* Fixed pattern and lore of totem
* Added new skin and fixed some spelling things
* Fixed lore of pet items
* Fixed lore of megalodon and shiny rod
* Added . to pet lores
* Fixed lore of fero mana 5
* Added new items and fixed lore of rev stone
* Fixed Carrot Items
* Added full support for dante ring and sloth party head
* Added wiki links
* Added §c.
* Added Right Click to open sack!
* Fixed lore of cole mayor
* Added new skin
* Fixed lore of drills and fixed nbt of fatal tempo
* Added dedication to enchants
* SkyBlock Patch 0.18.4 - Sack Additions & Bug Fixes
With data from
* Fixed lore and nbt of backpacks and fixed dso drop chance
* Fixed lore of leg pig
* Fixed lore of Bat Pet
* Fixed Crit 7 and Lavatears Lore and fixed drop chance of bal
* Added a lot of wiki links, added new items, fixed lore of some items, added new abiphone contact
maybe more coming soon
* Fixed lore of rat pet