From 8bb8d972244f47857dc651c03330b63cd27893b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jani270 <> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:02:33 +0200 Subject: Added new Items, WIki Links and fixed some stuff (#727) --- items/KUUDRA;0.json | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+) create mode 100644 items/KUUDRA;0.json (limited to 'items/KUUDRA;0.json') diff --git a/items/KUUDRA;0.json b/items/KUUDRA;0.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8afbf00 --- /dev/null +++ b/items/KUUDRA;0.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +{ + "itemid": "minecraft:skull", + "displayname": "§f§f§7[Lvl {LVL}] §fKuudra", + "nbttag": "{overrideMeta:1b,HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"226ba0aa-272b-5b64-8442-192a70e0c40e\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"e3RleHR1cmVzOntTS0lOOnt1cmw6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWYwMjM5ZmI0OThlNTkwN2VkZTEyYWIzMjYyOWVlOTVmMDA2NDU3NGE5ZmZkZmY5ZmMzYTFjOGUyZWMxNzU4NyJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Combat Pet\",1:\"\",2:\"§7Health: §a{HEALTH}\",3:\"§7Strength: §a{STRENGTH}\",4:\"\",5:\"§6Crimson\",6:\"§7§7Grants §a{0}% §7extra crimson\",7:\"§7essence.\",8:\"\",9:\"§6Wither Bait\",10:\"§7§7Increases the odds of finding\",11:\"§7a vanquisher by §a{1}%§7.\",12:\"\",13:\"§7§8This pet\u0027s perks are active\",14:\"§8even when the pet is not\",15:\"§8summoned!\",16:\"\",17:\"§7§8This pet gains XP even when\",18:\"§8not summoned!\",19:\"\",20:\"§7§8This pet only gains XP on the\",21:\"§8§cCrimson Isle§8!\",22:\"\",23:\"§7§eRight-click to add this pet to\",24:\"§eyour pet menu!\",25:\"\",26:\"§f§lCOMMON\"],Name:\"§f§f§7[Lvl {LVL}] §fKuudra\"},ExtraAttributes:{petInfo:\"{\\\"type\\\":\\\"KUUDRA\\\",\\\"active\\\":false,\\\"exp\\\":0.0,\\\"tier\\\":\\\"COMMON\\\",\\\"hideInfo\\\":false,\\\"candyUsed\\\":0}\",originTag:\"PET_MENU\",id:\"KUUDRA;0\"},AttributeModifiers:[]}", + "damage": 3, + "lore": [ + "§8Combat Pet", + "", + "§7Health: §a{HEALTH}", + "§7Strength: §a{STRENGTH}", + "", + "§6Crimson", + "§7§7Grants §a{0}% §7extra crimson", + "§7essence.", + "", + "§6Wither Bait", + "§7§7Increases the odds of finding", + "§7a vanquisher by §a{1}%§7.", + "", + "§7§8This pet\u0027s perks are active", + "§8even when the pet is not", + "§8summoned!", + "", + "§7§8This pet gains XP even when", + "§8not summoned!", + "", + "§7§8This pet only gains XP on the", + "§8§cCrimson Isle§8!", + "", + "§7§eRight-click to add this pet to", + "§eyour pet menu!", + "", + "§f§lCOMMON" + ], + "internalname": "KUUDRA;0", + "crafttext": "", + "clickcommand": "", + "modver": "2.1.0-REL", + "infoType": "WIKI_URL", + "info": [ + "" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit