From 0fc21e2afa29be0add898361be3739a3eb19900c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DeDiamondPro <> Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:01:49 +0100 Subject: new items and then some (#435) * added new god potion * updated old god pot * Update GOD_POTION_2.json * fixed an oopsie * new items (still searching for recipe of reaper orb and warden helmet) * uuid removal * uuid removal 2 * added recipes (thanks Jani) * reaper gem * fixed grandma wolf stats * also updated nbt * more stuff starred bows done by Jani * uuid removal duty * parents * recipes (provided by Jani) * wiki links * *confused noises* * Jani * wiki links v2 --- items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) create mode 100644 items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json (limited to 'items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json') diff --git a/items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json b/items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1499ca2c --- /dev/null +++ b/items/SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "itemid": "minecraft:skull", + "displayname": "§6Shard of the Shredded", + "nbttag": "{overrideMeta:1b,HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"9ddf6967-40de-3534-903f-4d5d9c933d55\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzBjNWNjNzI4Yzg2OWVjZjNjNmUwOTc5ZThhYTA5YzEwMTQ3ZWQ3NzA0MTdlNGJhNTQxYWFjMzgyZjAifX19\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The core of a powerful weapon,\",1:\"§7dropped by the Atoned Horror.\",2:\"\",3:\"§eRight-click to view recipes!\",4:\"\",5:\"§7§4☠ §cRequires §5Zombie Slayer 8\",6:\"§6§lLEGENDARY\"],Name:\"§6Shard of the Shredded\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED\"},AttributeModifiers:[]}", + "damage": 3, + "lore": [ + "§7The core of a powerful weapon,", + "§7dropped by the Atoned Horror.", + "", + "§eRight-click to view recipes!", + "", + "§7§4☠ §cRequires §5Zombie Slayer 8", + "§6§lLEGENDARY" + ], + "internalname": "SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED", + "crafttext": "", + "clickcommand": "", + "modver": "2.0.0-REL", + "infoType": "" +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit