From 9a7121c380f91006ab8d4e14e29d0cf0ca7226ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jani270 <> Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 21:55:05 +0200 Subject: Added and fixed some Stuff (#530) * Stuff * Another Fix --- items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json | 34 ---------------------------------- 1 file changed, 34 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json (limited to 'items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json') diff --git a/items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json b/items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json deleted file mode 100644 index 452fa9c3..00000000 --- a/items/TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -{ - "itemid": "minecraft:skull", - "displayname": "§6Tarantula Broodfather (Boss)", - "nbttag": "{ench:[],SkullOwner:{Id:\"7c63f3cf-a963-311a-aeca-3a075b417806\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2Q1NDE1NDFkYWFmZjUwODk2Y2QyNThiZGJkZDRjZjgwYzNiYTgxNjczNTcyNjA3OGJmZTM5MzkyN2U1N2YxIn19fQ\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Tarantula Broodfather is a slayer boss in\",1:\"§7the Spider Slayer track. \",2:\"\",3:\"§c❤ Health§8:\",4:\"§8[§aTier 1§8] §c750 ❤\",5:\"§8[§eTier 2§8] §c30.000 ❤\",6:\"§8[§cTier 3§8] §c900.000 ❤\",7:\"§8[§4Tier 4§8] §c2.400.000 ❤\",8:\"\",9:\"§6§lPossible Drops:\",10:\"§8[Tier §a1§8-§44§8] §aTarantula Web §a(1x-64x) §8(§2Guaranteed 100%§8)\",11:\"§8[Tier §e2§8-§44§8] §aToxic Arrow Posion §a(1x-64x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)\",12:\"§8[Tier §e2§8-§44§8] §5Bite Rune §a(1x) §8(§bRare 5%§8)\",13:\"§8[Tier §c3§8-§44§8] §9Spider Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)\",14:\"§8[Tier §c3§8-§44§8] §9Bane of Arthropods VI §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)\",15:\"§8[Tier §44§8] §5Fly Swatter §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\",16:\"§8[Tier §44§8] §5Tarantula Talisman §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\",17:\"§8[Tier §44§8] §6Digested Mosquito §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\"],Name:\"§6Tarantula Broodfather (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS\"}}", - "damage": 3, - "lore": [ - "§7The Tarantula Broodfather is a slayer boss in", - "§7the Spider Slayer track. ", - "", - "§c❤ Health§8:", - "§8[§aTier 1§8] §c750 ❤", - "§8[§eTier 2§8] §c30.000 ❤", - "§8[§cTier 3§8] §c900.000 ❤", - "§8[§4Tier 4§8] §c2.400.000 ❤", - "", - "§6§lPossible Drops:", - "§8[Tier §a1§8-§44§8] §aTarantula Web §a(1x-64x) §8(§2Guaranteed 100%§8)", - "§8[Tier §e2§8-§44§8] §aToxic Arrow Posion §a(1x-64x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)", - "§8[Tier §e2§8-§44§8] §5Bite Rune §a(1x) §8(§bRare 5%§8)", - "§8[Tier §c3§8-§44§8] §9Spider Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)", - "§8[Tier §c3§8-§44§8] §9Bane of Arthropods VI §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)", - "§8[Tier §44§8] §5Fly Swatter §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", - "§8[Tier §44§8] §5Tarantula Talisman §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", - "§8[Tier §44§8] §6Digested Mosquito §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)" - ], - "internalname": "TARANTULA_BROODFATHER_BOSS", - "clickcommand": "", - "modver": "2.0.0-REL", - "infoType": "WIKI_URL", - "info": [ - "" - ], - "crafttext": "" -} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit