{ "Alchemist": { "requirement": [ "§6- 64x Mutant Nether Wart." ], "island": "hub", "x": 41, "y": 71, "z": -64 }, "Alixer": { "requirement": [ "§6- Have at least 4 Bingo Goals completed." ], "island": "hub", "x": 0, "y": 72, "z": -94 }, "Anita": { "requirement": [ "§6- Have Jacob's contact", "§6- 1x Gold Medal" ], "island": "hub", "x": 22, "y": 79, "z": -70 }, "Aranya": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -323, "y": 154, "z": -1007 }, "Bingo": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement." ], "island": "hub", "x": 2, "y": 72, "z": -92 }, "Blacksmith": { "requirement": [ "§6- 32.000.000 Coins" ], "island": "hub", "x": -28, "y": 71, "z": -125 }, "Builder": { "requirement": [ "§61x Builder's Wand." ], "island": "hub", "x": -51, "y": 73, "z": -27 }, "Captain Ahone": { "requirement": [ "§6- Part of Mage Faction Quest" ] }, "Dean": { "requirement": [ "§6- Part of Mage Faction Quest" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -16, "y": 125, "z": -882 }, "Duncan": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement." ] }, "Dusk": { "requirement": [ "§6- Kill a Runic Enderman." ], "island": "hub", "x": -38, "y": 70, "z": -126 }, "Elizabeth": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Abiphone Contacts Trio" ], "island": "hub", "x": -4, "y": 73, "z": -101 }, "Einary": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Einary's Red Hoodie" ], "island": "winter", "x": -17, "y": 77, "z": 63 }, "Elle": { "requirement": [ "§6- Part of Mage Faction Quest" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -365, "y": 82, "z": -476 }, "Fann": { "requirement": [ "§6- Give 1x Bat the Fish to Hootie" ], "island": "hub", "x": 39, "y": 71, "z": -88 }, "Fear Mongerer": { "requirement": [ "§6- 64x Purple Candy", "§6- 6x Ectoplasm" ], "island": "hub", "x": -3, "y": 72, "z": -43 }, "Fred": { "requirement": [ "§6- 64x Foul Flesh" ], "island": "mining_3", "x": -3, "y": 151, "z": -68 }, "Geo": { "requirement": [ "§6Flawless Gemstones in the following order:", "§6- §cRuby", "§6- §6Amber", "§6- §eTopaz", "§6- §aJade", "§6- §bSapphirre", "§6- §5Amethyst" ], "island": "mining_3", "x": 87, "y": 201, "z": -115 }, "George": { "requirement": [ "§6" ], "island": "hub", "x": 39, "y": 73, "z": -101 }, "Hoppity": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Fish Chocolat à la Vapeur" ], "island": "hub", "x": 6, "y": 72, "z": 8 }, "Igrupan": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -32, "y": 95, "z": -824 }, "Jacob": { "requirement": [ "§6- 10x Jacob's Ticket" ], "island": "hub", "x": 22, "y": 73, "z": -68 }, "Jax": { "requirement": [ "§6- 10,000,000 Coins or", "§6- Clear §cTarget Practice IV" ], "island": "hub", "x": 5, "y": 63, "z": -134 }, "Jotraeline Greatforge": { "requirement": [ "§6- §fCommon §6or", "§6- §aUncommon §6Abiphone" ], "island": "mining_3", "x": -7, "y": 147, "z": -19 }, "Kat": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Kat Flower" ], "island": "hub", "x": 34, "y": 73, "z": -100 }, "Kaus": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -595, "y": 115, "z": -642 }, "Kuudra Gatekeeper": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Blazing Resistance IV Attribute Shard." ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -371, "y": 116, "z": -1037 }, "Lumber Merchant": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Jungle Axe." ], "island": "hub", "x": -50, "y": 72, "z": -69 }, "Maddox the Slayer": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Maddox Batphone" ], "island": "hub", "x": -75, "y": 67, "z": -50 }, "Maxwell": { "requirement": [ "§6- 2x Ultimate Carrot Candies" ], "island": "hub", "x": 46, "y": 71, "z": -34 }, "Mort": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Saving Grace", "§6- 1x Spirit Mask" ], "island": "dungeon_hub", "x": -69, "y": 125, "z": 0 }, "Odger": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Any Diamond Trophy Fish." ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -374, "y": 209, "z": -810 }, "Ophelia": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Catacombs Expert Ring" ], "island": "dungeon_hub", "x": -63, "y": 123, "z": -6 }, "Oringo": { "requirement": [ "§6- 64x Silent Pearls" ], "island": "hub", "x": -5, "y": 72, "z": -45 }, "Pablo": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -131, "y": 129, "z": -815 }, "Plumber Joe": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "hub", "x": 56, "y": 72, "z": -78 }, "Queen Mismyla": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Royal Pigeon" ], "island": "mining_3", "x": 126, "y": 197, "z": 195 }, "Queen Nyx": { "requirement": [ "§6- §512,000ቾ Mage Reputation" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -118, "y": 107, "z": -755 }, "Rollim": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -146, "y": 108, "z": -853 }, "Rusty": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement" ], "island": "mining_1", "x": -20, "y": 80, "z": -325 }, "Shifty": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Scarleton Premium", "§6- 1x Red Thornleaf Tea" ], "island": "hub", "x": 114, "y": 75, "z": 174 }, "Sirih": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement." ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -700, "y": 133, "z": -887 }, "Sirius": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Sirius' Personal Phone Number" ], "island": "hub", "x": 91, "y": 77, "z": 176 }, "St. Jerry": { "requirement": [ "§6Type the following sentence in chat in front of him:", "§bI love the warmth of the Holidays despite the snow" ], "island": "winter", "x": -23, "y": 78, "z": 92 }, "Suus": { "requirement": [ "§7- No Requirement." ], "island": "crimson_isle", "x": -615, "y": 117, "z": -706 }, "Tia the Fairy": { "requirement": [ "§6- Wear a full set of Fairy Armor." ], "island": "hub", "x": 129, "y": 68, "z": 137 }, "Tomioka": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Titanic Experience Bottle." ] }, "Trevor": { "requirement": [ "§6- 24x Pelts", "§6- 1,000,000 Coins" ], "island": "farming_1", "x": 281, "y": 106, "z": -542 }, "Trinity": { "requirement": [ "§6- 2x Revive Stones." ] }, "Vicent": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Mole Pet." ], "island": "hub", "x": 98, "y": 74, "z": -102 }, "Walter": { "requirement": [ "§6- 1x Enchanted Sulphur Cube. (Must be Sulphur VII Collection or higher.)" ], "island": "mining_2", "x": 19, "y": 158, "z": -35 }, "Wool Weaver": { "requirement": [ "§6- 512x Enchanted Wool." ], "island": "hub", "x": -48, "y": 74, "z": -30 }, "Zog": { "requirement": [ "§6- Five Max Lvl Pets of Legendary tier or better in your pet menu." ], "island": "hub", "x": 34, "y": 73, "z": -97 } }