{ "AMBER_MATERIAL": { "internalName": "AMBER_MATERIAL", "reforgeName": "Ambered", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "mining_speed": 25 }, "UNCOMMON": { "mining_speed": 31 }, "RARE": { "mining_speed": 38 }, "EPIC": { "mining_speed": 46 }, "LEGENDARY": { "mining_speed": 55 }, "MYTHIC": { "mining_speed": 65 } } }, "BLESSED_FRUIT": { "internalName": "BLESSED_FRUIT", "reforgeName": "Blessed", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "AXE/HOE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 10000, "LEGENDARY": 10000, "MYTHIC": 10000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Grants §6+5☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+1☯ Farming Wisdom§7.", "UNCOMMON": "Grants §6+7☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+2☯ Farming Wisdom§7.", "RARE": "Grants §6+9☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+3☯ Farming Wisdom§7.", "EPIC": "Grants §6+13☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+4☯ Farming Wisdom§7.", "LEGENDARY": "Grants §6+16☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+5☯ Farming Wisdom§7.", "MYTHIC": "Grants §6+20☘ Farming Fortune §7and §3+6☯ Farming Wisdom§7." }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "speed": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "speed": 7 }, "RARE": { "speed": 9 }, "EPIC": { "speed": 13 }, "LEGENDARY": { "speed": 16 }, "MYTHIC": { "speed": 20 } } }, "BULKY_STONE": { "internalName": "BULKY_STONE", "reforgeName": "Bulky", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 4, "defense": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 6, "defense": 3 }, "RARE": { "health": 9, "defense": 5 }, "EPIC": { "health": 12, "defense": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 15, "defense": 13 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 20, "defense": 21 } } }, "BURROWING_SPORES": { "internalName": "BURROWING_SPORES", "reforgeName": "Rooted", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 2, "farming_fortune": 4 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 5, "farming_fortune": 6 }, "RARE": { "health": 8, "farming_fortune": 8 }, "EPIC": { "health": 11, "farming_fortune": 10 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 14, "farming_fortune": 12 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 17, "farming_fortune": 14 } } }, "BLAZE_WAX": { "internalName": "BLAZE_WAX", "reforgeName": "Waxed", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000, "DIVINE": 400000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 5, "crit_chance": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 6, "crit_chance": 3 }, "RARE": { "health": 8, "crit_chance": 4 }, "EPIC": { "health": 10, "crit_chance": 5 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 12, "crit_chance": 6 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 15, "crit_chance": 7 }, "DIVINE": { "health": 20, "crit_chance": 8 } } }, "CANDY_CORN": { "internalName": "CANDY_CORN", "reforgeName": "Candied", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Increases the chance to find §7candy during the §6Spooky §6Festival §7by §a+1%§7.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 1, "defense": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 2, "defense": 1 }, "RARE": { "health": 4, "defense": 2 }, "EPIC": { "health": 6, "defense": 3 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 8, "defense": 4 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 10, "defense": 5 } } }, "DEEP_SEA_ORB": { "internalName": "DEEP_SEA_ORB", "reforgeName": "Submerged", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 50000, "UNCOMMON": 150000, "RARE": 350000, "EPIC": 600000, "LEGENDARY": 750000, "MYTHIC": 800000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "crit_chance": 2, "sea_creature_chance": 0.5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "crit_chance": 4, "sea_creature_chance": 0.6, "fishing_speed": 1 }, "RARE": { "crit_chance": 6, "sea_creature_chance": 0.7, "fishing_speed": 2 }, "EPIC": { "crit_chance": 8, "sea_creature_chance": 0.8, "fishing_speed": 3 }, "LEGENDARY": { "crit_chance": 10, "sea_creature_chance": 0.9, "fishing_speed": 4 }, "MYTHIC": { "crit_chance": 12, "sea_creature_chance": 1, "fishing_speed": 5 } } }, "DIAMONITE": { "internalName": "DIAMONITE", "reforgeName": "Fleet", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 15000, "UNCOMMON": 30000, "RARE": 60000, "EPIC": 125000, "LEGENDARY": 250000, "MYTHIC": 500000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "mining_speed": 9 }, "UNCOMMON": { "mining_speed": 15 }, "RARE": { "mining_speed": 25 }, "EPIC": { "mining_speed": 40 }, "LEGENDARY": { "mining_speed": 55 }, "MYTHIC": { "mining_speed": 75 } } }, "DIRT_BOTTLE": { "internalName": "DIRT_BOTTLE", "reforgeName": "Dirty", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD/ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 1000, "UNCOMMON": 5000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 15000, "LEGENDARY": 50000, "MYTHIC": 75000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 2, "ferocity": 2, "bonus_attack_speed": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 4, "ferocity": 3, "bonus_attack_speed": 3 }, "RARE": { "strength": 6, "ferocity": 6, "bonus_attack_speed": 5 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 10, "ferocity": 9, "bonus_attack_speed": 10 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 12, "ferocity": 12, "bonus_attack_speed": 15 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 15, "ferocity": 15, "bonus_attack_speed": 20 } } }, "DRAGON_CLAW": { "internalName": "DRAGON_CLAW", "reforgeName": "Fabled", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Critical hits have a chance to deal up to §a15% §7extra damage.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 30, "crit_damage": 15 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 35, "crit_damage": 20 }, "RARE": { "strength": 40, "crit_damage": 25 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 50, "crit_damage": 32 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 60, "crit_damage": 40 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 75, "crit_damage": 50 } } }, "DRAGON_HORN": { "internalName": "DRAGON_HORN", "reforgeName": "Renowned", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Increases most stats by §a1%", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 3, "crit_chance": 2, "crit_damage": 3, "bonus_attack_speed": 1, "health": 2, "defense": 2, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 3 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 4, "crit_chance": 4, "crit_damage": 4, "bonus_attack_speed": 1, "health": 3, "defense": 3, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 4 }, "RARE": { "strength": 6, "crit_chance": 6, "crit_damage": 6, "bonus_attack_speed": 2, "health": 4, "defense": 4, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 6 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 8, "crit_chance": 8, "crit_damage": 8, "bonus_attack_speed": 3, "health": 6, "defense": 6, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 10, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 10, "bonus_attack_speed": 4, "health": 8, "defense": 8, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 10 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 12, "crit_chance": 12, "crit_damage": 12, "bonus_attack_speed": 5, "health": 10, "defense": 10, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 12 } } }, "DRAGON_SCALE": { "internalName": "DRAGON_SCALE", "reforgeName": "Spiked", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 30000, "UNCOMMON": 75000, "RARE": 150000, "EPIC": 300000, "LEGENDARY": 600000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 3, "crit_chance": 3, "crit_damage": 2, "bonus_attack_speed": 1, "health": 2, "defense": 2, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 3 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 4, "crit_chance": 4, "crit_damage": 4, "bonus_attack_speed": 1, "health": 3, "defense": 3, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 4 }, "RARE": { "strength": 4, "crit_chance": 6, "crit_damage": 6, "bonus_attack_speed": 2, "health": 4, "defense": 4, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 6 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 8, "crit_chance": 8, "crit_damage": 8, "bonus_attack_speed": 3, "health": 6, "defense": 6, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 10, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 10, "bonus_attack_speed": 4, "health": 8, "defense": 8, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 10 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 12, "crit_chance": 12, "crit_damage": 12, "bonus_attack_speed": 5, "health": 10, "defense": 10, "speed": 1, "intelligence": 12 } } }, "DIAMOND_ATOM": { "internalName": "DIAMOND_ATOM", "reforgeName": "Perfect", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 25000, "UNCOMMON": 50000, "RARE": 150000, "EPIC": 300000, "LEGENDARY": 600000, "MYTHIC": 800000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Increases §a❈ Defense §7by §a+2%", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 25 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 35 }, "RARE": { "defense": 50 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 65 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 80 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 110 } } }, "ENDSTONE_GEODE": { "internalName": "ENDSTONE_GEODE", "reforgeName": "Hyper", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 20000, "EPIC": 50000, "LEGENDARY": 100000, "MYTHIC": 200000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Gain §a+1 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s", "UNCOMMON": "Gain §a+2 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s", "RARE": "Gain §a+3 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s", "EPIC": "Gain §a+4 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s", "LEGENDARY": "Gain §a+5 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s", "MYTHIC": "Gain §a+6 §f✦ Speed §7for §a5s" }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 2, "bonus_attack_speed": 2, "speed": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 4, "bonus_attack_speed": 3, "speed": 1 }, "RARE": { "strength": 6, "bonus_attack_speed": 4, "speed": 2 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 7, "bonus_attack_speed": 5, "speed": 2 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 10, "bonus_attack_speed": 6, "speed": 3 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 12, "bonus_attack_speed": 7, "speed": 5 } } }, "ENTROPY_SUPPRESSOR": { "internalName": "ENTROPY_SUPPRESSOR", "reforgeName": "Coldfused", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "§8Only if Wisp is equipped §c+75❁ Strength §9+55☠ Crit Damage §7Deal §62x §7to fire pillars, breaking one §7grants §f+30❂ True Defense §7and §c+1.15x §cdamage §7for §a60s§7.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "magic_find": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "magic_find": 2 }, "RARE": { "magic_find": 2 }, "EPIC": { "magic_find": 2 }, "LEGENDARY": { "magic_find": 2 }, "MYTHIC": { "magic_find": 2 } } }, "FLOWERING_BOUQUET": { "internalName": "FLOWERING_BOUQUET", "reforgeName": "Blooming", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 20000, "EPIC": 50000, "LEGENDARY": 100000, "MYTHIC": 200000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "speed": 4, "farming_fortune": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "speed": 4, "farming_fortune": 2 }, "RARE": { "speed": 5, "farming_fortune": 3 }, "EPIC": { "speed": 5, "farming_fortune": 4 }, "LEGENDARY": { "speed": 6, "farming_fortune": 5 }, "MYTHIC": { "speed": 6, "farming_fortune": 6 } } }, "FROZEN_BAUBLE": { "internalName": "FROZEN_BAUBLE", "reforgeName": "Festive", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 25000, "UNCOMMON": 75000, "RARE": 150000, "EPIC": 250000, "LEGENDARY": 400000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "intelligence": 5, "sea_creature_chance": 0.05, "fishing_speed": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "intelligence": 10, "sea_creature_chance": 0.05, "fishing_speed": 3 }, "RARE": { "intelligence": 15, "sea_creature_chance": 0.1, "fishing_speed": 4 }, "EPIC": { "intelligence": 20, "sea_creature_chance": 0.15, "fishing_speed": 6 }, "LEGENDARY": { "intelligence": 25, "sea_creature_chance": 0.2, "fishing_speed": 8 }, "MYTHIC": { "intelligence": 30, "sea_creature_chance": 0.25, "fishing_speed": 10 } } }, "FULL_JAW_FANGING_KIT": { "internalName": "FULL_JAW_FANGING_KIT", "reforgeName": "Fanged", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 12500, "RARE": 25000, "EPIC": 50000, "LEGENDARY": 100000, "MYTHIC": 250000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Every 7th melee hit on an enemy deals +100% damage.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 30, "bonus_attack_speed": 2, "crit_chance": 3 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 35, "bonus_attack_speed": 3, "crit_chance": 4 }, "RARE": { "strength": 40, "bonus_attack_speed": 4, "crit_chance": 5 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 50, "bonus_attack_speed": 6, "crit_chance": 7 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 60, "bonus_attack_speed": 9, "crit_chance": 8 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 65, "bonus_attack_speed": 10, "crit_chance": 10 } } }, "GIANT_TOOTH": { "internalName": "GIANT_TOOTH", "reforgeName": "Giant", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 50 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 60 }, "RARE": { "health": 80 }, "EPIC": { "health": 120 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 180 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 240 } } }, "GOLDEN_BALL": { "internalName": "GOLDEN_BALL", "reforgeName": "Bountiful", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "HOE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "§7Grants §a+1 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break.", "UNCOMMON": "§7Grants §a+2 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break.", "RARE": "§7Grants §a+3 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break.", "EPIC": "§7Grants §a+5 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break.", "LEGENDARY": "§7Grants §a+7 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break.", "MYTHIC": "§7Grants §a+10 §6☘ Farming §6Fortune§7, which increases your chance for multiple crops. §7Grants §a+0.2 §7Coins on crop break." }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "speed": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "speed": 2 }, "RARE": { "speed": 3 }, "EPIC": { "speed": 5 }, "LEGENDARY": { "speed": 8 }, "MYTHIC": { "speed": 13 } } }, "HARDENED_WOOD": { "internalName": "HARDENED_WOOD", "reforgeName": "Stiff", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 4000, "UNCOMMON": 7500, "RARE": 15000, "EPIC": 40000, "LEGENDARY": 75000, "MYTHIC": 150000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 1, "strength": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 2, "strength": 4 }, "RARE": { "sea_creature_chance": 2, "strength": 6 }, "EPIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 3, "strength": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "sea_creature_chance": 5, "strength": 10 }, "MYTHIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 7, "strength": 12 } } }, "HOT_STUFF": { "internalName": "HOT_STUFF", "reforgeName": "Heated", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000, "DIVINE": 600000 }, "reforgeAbility": "§7Grants §aincreased §6⸕ Mining Speed §7the deeper you venture." }, "JERRY_STONE": { "internalName": "JERRY_STONE", "reforgeName": "Jerry's", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 1, "UNCOMMON": 2, "RARE": 3 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 50 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 50 }, "RARE": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 50 } } }, "JADERALD": { "internalName": "JADERALD", "reforgeName": "Jaded", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "mining_speed": 5, "mining_fortune": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "mining_speed": 12, "mining_fortune": 10 }, "RARE": { "mining_speed": 20, "mining_fortune": 15 }, "EPIC": { "mining_speed": 30, "mining_fortune": 20 }, "LEGENDARY": { "mining_speed": 45, "mining_fortune": 25 }, "MYTHIC": { "mining_speed": 60, "mining_fortune": 30 } } }, "KUUDRA_MANDIBLE": { "internalName": "KUUDRA_MANDIBLE", "reforgeName": "Chomp", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeAbility": "§7Lava Sea Creatures have their max Health reduced for each unique lava sea creature that you've killed with this rod!", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 5, "crit_chance": 5, "fishing_speed": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 10, "crit_chance": 10, "fishing_speed": 2 }, "RARE": { "strength": 17, "crit_chance": 17, "fishing_speed": 4 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 25, "fishing_speed": 6 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 35, "crit_chance": 35, "fishing_speed": 8 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 50, "crit_chance": 50, "fishing_speed": 10 } } }, "LAPIS_CRYSTAL": { "internalName": "LAPIS_CRYSTAL", "reforgeName": "Magnetic", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 250, "UNCOMMON": 500, "RARE": 1000, "EPIC": 2500, "LEGENDARY": 5000, "MYTHIC": 10000, "DIVINE": 15000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Gain §a+10% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "UNCOMMON": "Gain §a+12% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "RARE": "Gain §a+14% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "EPIC": "Gain §a+16% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "LEGENDARY": "Gain §a+18% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "MYTHIC": "Gain §a+20% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining.", "DIVINE": "Gain §a+22% §7extra experience§r§7 when mining." }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 4 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 5 }, "RARE": { "defense": 6 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 10 }, "DIVINE": { "defense": 14 } } }, "LARGE_WALNUT": { "internalName": "LARGE_WALNUT", "reforgeName": "Earthly", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "AXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 20000, "EPIC": 50000, "LEGENDARY": 100000, "MYTHIC": 200000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 4 }, "RARE": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 6 }, "EPIC": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 8 }, "LEGENDARY": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 10 }, "MYTHIC": { "speed": 1, "farming_fortune": 12 } } }, "LUXURIOUS_SPOOL": { "internalName": "LUXURIOUS_SPOOL", "reforgeName": "Silky", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ACCESSORY", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 250, "UNCOMMON": 500, "RARE": 1000, "EPIC": 2500, "LEGENDARY": 5000, "MYTHIC": 10000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "crit_damage": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "crit_damage": 6 }, "RARE": { "crit_damage": 8 }, "EPIC": { "crit_damage": 10 }, "LEGENDARY": { "crit_damage": 15 }, "MYTHIC": { "crit_damage": 20 } } }, "LUCKY_DICE": { "internalName": "LUCKY_DICE", "reforgeName": "Lucky", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 1, "magic_find": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 2, "magic_find": 2 }, "RARE": { "sea_creature_chance": 2, "magic_find": 3 }, "EPIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 3, "magic_find": 4 }, "LEGENDARY": { "sea_creature_chance": 5, "magic_find": 5 }, "MYTHIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 7, "magic_find": 6 } } }, "MIDAS_JEWEL": { "internalName": "MIDAS_JEWEL", "reforgeName": "Gilded", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "LEGENDARY": 5000000, "MYTHIC": 10000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Upon killing an enemy you have a low chance to grant a random amount of coins to another player around you", "reforgeStats": { "LEGENDARY": { "damage": 75, "strength": 75 }, "MYTHIC": { "damage": 90, "strength": 90 } } }, "METEOR_SHARD": { "internalName": "METEOR_SHARD", "reforgeName": "Fortified", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000, "DIVINE": 400000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 12 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 14 }, "RARE": { "defense": 17 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 20 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 25 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 30 }, "DIVINE": { "defense": 36 } } }, "MOIL_LOG": { "internalName": "MOIL_LOG", "reforgeName": "Moil", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "AXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 1000, "UNCOMMON": 5000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 15000, "LEGENDARY": 50000, "MYTHIC": 75000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Gain §a+1% §7more Foraging exp.", "UNCOMMON": "Gain §a+1% §7more Foraging exp.", "RARE": "Gain §a+2% §7more Foraging exp.", "EPIC": "Gain §a+2% §7more Foraging exp.", "LEGENDARY": "Gain §a+3% §7more Foraging exp.", "MYTHIC": "Gain §a+3% §7more Foraging exp." }, "reforgeStats": {} }, "MOLTEN_CUBE": { "internalName": "MOLTEN_CUBE", "reforgeName": "Cubic", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 4000, "UNCOMMON": 7500, "RARE": 15000, "EPIC": 40000, "LEGENDARY": 75000, "MYTHIC": 150000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Decrease damage taken from Nether mobs by §a2%", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 3, "health": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 5, "health": 7 }, "RARE": { "strength": 7, "health": 10 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 10, "health": 15 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 12, "health": 20 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 15, "health": 25 } } }, "NECROMANCER_BROOCH": { "internalName": "NECROMANCER_BROOCH", "reforgeName": "Necrotic", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 1000000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "intelligence": 30 }, "UNCOMMON": { "intelligence": 60 }, "RARE": { "intelligence": 90 }, "EPIC": { "intelligence": 120 }, "LEGENDARY": { "intelligence": 150 }, "MYTHIC": { "intelligence": 200 } } }, "ONYX": { "internalName": "ONYX", "reforgeName": "Fruitful", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 100, "UNCOMMON": 250, "RARE": 500, "EPIC": 1000, "LEGENDARY": 2500, "MYTHIC": 15000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants §a+3 §6☘ Mining §6Fortune§7 which increases your §7chance for multiple drops.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 3, "intelligence": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 4, "intelligence": 1 }, "RARE": { "defense": 5, "intelligence": 1 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 7, "intelligence": 1 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 9, "intelligence": 1 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 12, "intelligence": 1 } } }, "OPTICAL_LENS": { "internalName": "OPTICAL_LENS", "reforgeName": "Precise", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "BOW", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 30000, "UNCOMMON": 75000, "RARE": 150000, "EPIC": 300000, "LEGENDARY": 600000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Deal §a+10% §7extra damage when arrows hit the head of a mob.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 3, "crit_chance": 8, "crit_damage": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 7, "crit_chance": 9, "crit_damage": 10 }, "RARE": { "strength": 12, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 18 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 18, "crit_chance": 11, "crit_damage": 32 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 13, "crit_damage": 50 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 34, "crit_chance": 15, "crit_damage": 70 } } }, "OVERGROWN_GRASS": { "internalName": "OVERGROWN_GRASS", "reforgeName": "Mossy", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "speed": 3, "farming_fortune": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "speed": 3, "farming_fortune": 10 }, "RARE": { "speed": 5, "farming_fortune": 15 }, "EPIC": { "speed": 5, "farming_fortune": 20 }, "LEGENDARY": { "speed": 7, "farming_fortune": 25 }, "MYTHIC": { "speed": 7, "farming_fortune": 30 } } }, "PETRIFIED_STARFALL": { "internalName": "PETRIFIED_STARFALL", "reforgeName": "Stellar", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 25000, "UNCOMMON": 50000, "RARE": 100000, "EPIC": 200000, "LEGENDARY": 400000, "MYTHIC": 800000, "DIVINE": 800000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Deals §a+1 §7extra damage to §5Star Sentries §7and increases the chance for §9Starfall §7to drop from them by §a20%§7.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 5, "defense": 5, "mining_speed": 3 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 8, "defense": 8, "mining_speed": 6 }, "RARE": { "strength": 12, "defense": 12, "mining_speed": 9 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 16, "defense": 16, "mining_speed": 12 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 20, "defense": 20, "mining_speed": 15 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 25, "defense": 25, "mining_speed": 20 }, "DIVINE": { "strength": 30, "defense": 30, "mining_speed": 25 } } }, "PRECURSOR_GEAR": { "internalName": "PRECURSOR_GEAR", "reforgeName": "Ancient", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 20000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 40000, "LEGENDARY": 50000, "MYTHIC": 60000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants §a+1 §9☠ Crit Damage §7per §cCatacombs §7level.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 4, "crit_damage": 3, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 6 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 8, "crit_chance": 5, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 9 }, "RARE": { "strength": 12, "crit_chance": 7, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 12 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 18, "crit_chance": 9, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 16 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 25, "crit_chance": 12, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 20 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 35, "crit_chance": 15, "health": 7, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 25 } } }, "PREMIUM_FLESH": { "internalName": "PREMIUM_FLESH", "reforgeName": "Undead", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Decreases damage taken from Zombie Pigmen, Zombies, Withers, and Skeletons by §a+2", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 1, "bonus_attack_speed": 1, "health": 8, "defense": 6 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 2, "bonus_attack_speed": 2, "health": 8, "defense": 8 }, "RARE": { "strength": 2, "bonus_attack_speed": 3, "health": 12, "defense": 12 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 3, "bonus_attack_speed": 4, "health": 18, "defense": 18 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 5, "bonus_attack_speed": 5, "health": 25, "defense": 25 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 7, "bonus_attack_speed": 6, "health": 33, "defense": 33 } } }, "PRESUMED_GALLON_OF_RED_PAINT": { "internalName": "PRESUMED_GALLON_OF_RED_PAINT", "reforgeName": "Blood-Soaked", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000, "DIVINE": 400000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Heal 1.15x more from Vampirism and Lifesteal.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 6, "defense": 1, "vitality": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 8, "defense": 2, "vitality": 1 }, "RARE": { "health": 8, "defense": 3, "vitality": 2 }, "EPIC": { "health": 9, "defense": 4, "vitality": 2 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 10, "defense": 5, "vitality": 3 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 12, "defense": 6, "vitality": 3 }, "DIVINE": { "health": 14, "defense": 7, "vitality": 4 } } }, "PURE_MITHRIL": { "internalName": "PURE_MITHRIL", "reforgeName": "Mithraic", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 15000, "UNCOMMON": 30000, "RARE": 60000, "EPIC": 125000, "LEGENDARY": 250000, "MYTHIC": 500000, "DIVINE": 500000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants a §a10% §7chance to gain §a1 §7extra §fMithril when mining Mithril Ore.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "mining_speed": 6 }, "UNCOMMON": { "mining_speed": 12 }, "RARE": { "mining_speed": 20 }, "EPIC": { "mining_speed": 30 }, "LEGENDARY": { "mining_speed": 40 }, "MYTHIC": { "mining_speed": 55 }, "DIVINE": { "mining_speed": 70 } } }, "PITCHIN_KOI": { "internalName": "PITCHIN_KOI", "reforgeName": "Pitchin'", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 20000, "RARE": 40000, "EPIC": 80000, "LEGENDARY": 120000, "MYTHIC": 280000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "fishing_speed": 1, "sea_creature_chance": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "fishing_speed": 2, "sea_creature_chance": 1 }, "RARE": { "fishing_speed": 4, "sea_creature_chance": 2 }, "EPIC": { "fishing_speed": 6, "sea_creature_chance": 3 }, "LEGENDARY": { "fishing_speed": 8, "sea_creature_chance": 4 }, "MYTHIC": { "fishing_speed": 10, "sea_creature_chance": 5 } } }, "RARE_DIAMOND": { "internalName": "RARE_DIAMOND", "reforgeName": "Reinforced", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 2500, "UNCOMMON": 5000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 25000, "LEGENDARY": 50000, "MYTHIC": 100000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 25 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 35 }, "RARE": { "defense": 50 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 65 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 80 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 110 } } }, "RED_NOSE": { "internalName": "RED_NOSE", "reforgeName": "Ridiculous", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "HELMET", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Fart when you sneak. Reduces your §9☣ Crit Chance §7by §c20% §c§7for §a20s §7but grants §a+30 §a❈ Defense §7for §a5s §7and §7§b+50 §7mana. Requires at least §c20% §9☣ Crit Chance §7to activate.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "crit_chance": 1, "health": 10, "defense": 10 }, "UNCOMMON": { "crit_chance": 2, "health": 15, "defense": 15 }, "RARE": { "crit_chance": 3, "health": 20, "defense": 20 }, "EPIC": { "crit_chance": 4, "health": 25, "defense": 25 }, "LEGENDARY": { "crit_chance": 5, "health": 35, "defense": 35 }, "MYTHIC": { "crit_chance": 6, "health": 50, "defense": 50 } } }, "RED_SCARF": { "internalName": "RED_SCARF", "reforgeName": "Loving", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "CHESTPLATE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 30000, "UNCOMMON": 75000, "RARE": 150000, "EPIC": 300000, "LEGENDARY": 600000, "MYTHIC": 1200000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Increases ability damage by §a+5%", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 4, "defense": 4, "intelligence": 20 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 5, "defense": 5, "intelligence": 40 }, "RARE": { "health": 6, "defense": 6, "intelligence": 60 }, "EPIC": { "health": 8, "defense": 7, "intelligence": 80 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 10, "defense": 10, "intelligence": 100 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 14, "defense": 14, "intelligence": 120 } } }, "REFINED_AMBER": { "internalName": "REFINED_AMBER", "reforgeName": "Refined", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE", "SPECIAL", "VERY SPECIAL" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 10000, "MYTHIC": 10000, "LEGENDARY": 10000, "DIVINE": 10000, "SPECIAL": 10000, "VERY SPECIAL": 10000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Grants §3+1☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "UNCOMMON": "Grants §3+2☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "RARE": "Grants §3+3☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "EPIC": "Grants §3+4☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "LEGENDARY": "Grants §3+5☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "MYTHIC": "Grants §3+6☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "DIVINE": "Grants §3+7☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "SPECIAL": "Grants §3+8☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine.", "VERY SPECIAL": "Grants §3+9☯ Mining Wisdom§7.\nGain a §a0.1% §7chance to drop an enchanted item for ores that you mine." }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 7 }, "RARE": { "defense": 10 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 13 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 16 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 20 }, "DIVINE": { "defense": 24 }, "SPECIAL": { "defense": 20 }, "VERY SPECIAL": { "defense": 20 } } }, "ROCK_GEMSTONE": { "internalName": "ROCK_GEMSTONE", "reforgeName": "Auspicious", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "PICKAXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 20000, "UNCOMMON": 40000, "RARE": 80000, "EPIC": 150000, "LEGENDARY": 300000, "MYTHIC": 600000, "DIVINE": 600000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants §a+8 §6☘ Mining §6Fortune§7, which increases your §7chance for multiple drops.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "mining_speed": 7 }, "UNCOMMON": { "mining_speed": 14 }, "RARE": { "mining_speed": 23 }, "EPIC": { "mining_speed": 34 }, "LEGENDARY": { "mining_speed": 45 }, "MYTHIC": { "mining_speed": 65 }, "DIVINE": { "mining_speed": 75 } } }, "RUSTY_ANCHOR": { "internalName": "RUSTY_ANCHOR", "reforgeName": "Treacherous", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 5000, "UNCOMMON": 20000, "RARE": 40000, "EPIC": 80000, "LEGENDARY": 120000, "MYTHIC": 280000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 5, "sea_creature_chance": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 10, "sea_creature_chance": 2 }, "RARE": { "strength": 15, "sea_creature_chance": 2 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 20, "sea_creature_chance": 3 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 25, "sea_creature_chance": 5 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 30, "sea_creature_chance": 7 } } }, "SADAN_BROOCH": { "internalName": "SADAN_BROOCH", "reforgeName": "Empowered", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "§7Grants §a+10☄ Mending §7while in Dungeons, which increases your healing on others..", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "health": 10, "defense": 10 }, "UNCOMMON": { "health": 15, "defense": 15 }, "RARE": { "health": 20, "defense": 20 }, "EPIC": { "health": 25, "defense": 25 }, "LEGENDARY": { "health": 35, "defense": 35 }, "MYTHIC": { "health": 50, "defense": 50 } } }, "SALT_CUBE": { "internalName": "SALT_CUBE", "reforgeName": "Salty", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ROD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 2500, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 20000, "EPIC": 40000, "LEGENDARY": 80000, "MYTHIC": 120000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 2 }, "RARE": { "sea_creature_chance": 2 }, "EPIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 3 }, "LEGENDARY": { "sea_creature_chance": 5 }, "MYTHIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 7 } } }, "SKYMART_BROCHURE": { "internalName": "SKYMART_BROCHURE", "reforgeName": "Bustling", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "ARMOR", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 1000, "UNCOMMON": 2000, "RARE": 3000, "EPIC": 6000, "LEGENDARY": 10000, "MYTHIC": 15000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "farming_fortune": 1 }, "UNCOMMON": { "farming_fortune": 2 }, "RARE": { "farming_fortune": 4 }, "EPIC": { "farming_fortune": 6 }, "LEGENDARY": { "farming_fortune": 8 }, "MYTHIC": { "farming_fortune": 10 } } }, "SPIRIT_DECOY": { "internalName": "SPIRIT_DECOY", "reforgeName": "Spiritual", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "BOW", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants a §a10% §7chance to spawn a Spirit Decoy when you kill a enemy in a dungeon.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 4, "crit_chance": 7, "crit_damage": 10 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 8, "crit_chance": 8, "crit_damage": 15 }, "RARE": { "strength": 14, "crit_chance": 9, "crit_damage": 23 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 20, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 37 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 28, "crit_chance": 12, "crit_damage": 55 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 38, "crit_chance": 14, "crit_damage": 75 } } }, "SUSPICIOUS_VIAL": { "internalName": "SUSPICIOUS_VIAL", "reforgeName": "Suspicious", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 60000, "UNCOMMON": 125000, "RARE": 250000, "EPIC": 500000, "LEGENDARY": 1000000, "MYTHIC": 2000000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Increase weapon damage by §a+15", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "crit_chance": 1, "crit_damage": 30 }, "UNCOMMON": { "crit_chance": 2, "crit_damage": 40 }, "RARE": { "crit_chance": 3, "crit_damage": 50 }, "EPIC": { "crit_chance": 5, "crit_damage": 65 }, "LEGENDARY": { "crit_chance": 7, "crit_damage": 85 }, "MYTHIC": { "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 110 } } }, "SEARING_STONE": { "internalName": "SEARING_STONE", "reforgeName": "Strengthened", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000, "DIVINE": 400000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "defense": 3, "strength": 2 }, "UNCOMMON": { "defense": 4, "strength": 3 }, "RARE": { "defense": 5, "strength": 4 }, "EPIC": { "defense": 6, "strength": 5 }, "LEGENDARY": { "defense": 8, "strength": 6 }, "MYTHIC": { "defense": 10, "strength": 7 }, "DIVINE": { "defense": 12, "strength": 8 } } }, "SHINY_PRISM": { "internalName": "SHINY_PRISM", "reforgeName": "Glistening", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC", "DIVINE" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 7500, "UNCOMMON": 15000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 75000, "LEGENDARY": 150000, "MYTHIC": 300000, "DIVINE": 400000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "intelligence": 2, "mining_fortune": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "intelligence": 3, "mining_fortune": 6 }, "RARE": { "intelligence": 4, "mining_fortune": 8 }, "EPIC": { "intelligence": 5, "mining_fortune": 10 }, "LEGENDARY": { "intelligence": 6, "mining_fortune": 12 }, "MYTHIC": { "intelligence": 7, "mining_fortune": 15 }, "DIVINE": { "intelligence": 8, "mining_fortune": 16 } } }, "TERRY_SNOWGLOBE": { "internalName": "TERRY_SNOWGLOBE", "reforgeName": "Snowy", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 25000, "RARE": 50000, "EPIC": 100000, "LEGENDARY": 200000, "MYTHIC": 300000 }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 0.2, "fishing_speed": 0.5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "sea_creature_chance": 0.2, "fishing_speed": 1 }, "RARE": { "sea_creature_chance": 0.4, "fishing_speed": 1.5 }, "EPIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 0.6, "fishing_speed": 2 }, "LEGENDARY": { "sea_creature_chance": 0.8, "fishing_speed": 2.5 }, "MYTHIC": { "sea_creature_chance": 1, "fishing_speed": 3 } } }, "TOIL_LOG": { "internalName": "TOIL_LOG", "reforgeName": "Toil", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "AXE", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 10000, "RARE": 10000, "EPIC": 10000, "LEGENDARY": 10000, "MYTHIC": 10000 }, "reforgeAbility": { "COMMON": "Gain §a+1% §7more Foraging exp.", "UNCOMMON": "Gain §a+2% §7more Foraging exp.", "RARE": "Gain §a+3% §7more Foraging exp.", "EPIC": "Gain §a+4% §7more Foraging exp.", "LEGENDARY": "Gain §a+5% §7more Foraging exp.", "MYTHIC": "Gain §a+6% §7more Foraging exp." }, "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 5, "crit_damage": 5 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 7, "crit_damage": 7 }, "RARE": { "strength": 10, "crit_damage": 10 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 13, "crit_damage": 13 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 16, "crit_damage": 16 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 20, "crit_damage": 20 } } }, "AOTE_STONE": { "internalName": "AOTE_STONE", "reforgeName": "Warped", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY" ], "reforgeCosts": { "RARE": 5000000, "EPIC": 5000000, "LEGENDARY": 5000000 }, "reforgeStats": { "RARE": { "damage": 165, "strength": 165 }, "EPIC": { "damage": 165, "strength": 165 }, "LEGENDARY": { "damage": 165, "strength": 165, "intelligence": 65 } } }, "WITHER_BLOOD": { "internalName": "WITHER_BLOOD", "reforgeName": "Withered", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "SWORD", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 10000, "UNCOMMON": 20000, "RARE": 30000, "EPIC": 40000, "LEGENDARY": 50000, "MYTHIC": 60000 }, "reforgeAbility": "Grants §a+1 §c❁ Strength §7per §cCatacombs §7level.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 60 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 75 }, "RARE": { "strength": 90 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 110 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 135 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 170 } } }, "SALMON_OPAL": { "internalName": "SALMON_OPAL", "reforgeName": "Headstrong", "reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone", "itemTypes": "BOW", "requiredRarities": [ "COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC", "LEGENDARY", "MYTHIC" ], "reforgeCosts": { "COMMON": 15000, "UNCOMMON": 30000, "RARE": 60000, "EPIC": 125000, "LEGENDARY": 250000, "MYTHIC": 500000 }, "reforgeAbility": "§7Deal §a+8% §7extra damage when arrows hit the head of a mob.", "reforgeStats": { "COMMON": { "strength": 2, "crit_chance": 10, "crit_damage": 4 }, "UNCOMMON": { "strength": 5, "crit_chance": 11, "crit_damage": 8 }, "RARE": { "strength": 10, "crit_chance": 12, "crit_damage": 16 }, "EPIC": { "strength": 16, "crit_chance": 13, "crit_damage": 28 }, "LEGENDARY": { "strength": 23, "crit_chance": 15, "crit_damage": 42 }, "MYTHIC": { "strength": 33, "crit_chance": 17, "crit_damage": 60 } } } }