{ "internalname": "ADAPTIVE_BOOTS", "itemid": "minecraft:leather_boots", "displayname": "§5Adaptive Boots ", "clickcommand": "", "damage": 0, "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Gear Score: §d233 §8(417)\",1:\"§7Strength: §c+15 §8(+30.15)\",2:\"\",3:\"§7Health: §a+90 HP §8(+180.9 HP)\",4:\"§7Defense: §a+35 §8(+70.35)\",5:\"§7Intelligence: §a+15 §8(+30.15)\",6:\"\",7:\"§6Full Set Bonus: Efficient training\",8:\"§7Every §b5 §7Catacombs levels,\",9:\"§7this armor piece gains +§a2%\",10:\"§a§7stats.\",11:\"\",12:\"§7Grants additional bonuses based\",13:\"§7on your selected dungeon class!\",14:\"\",15:\"§bBerserk§7: §7+§c20❁ Strength\",16:\"§bHealer§7: §7+§a10% §7HP regeneration and §7+§c40❤ Health\",17:\"§bMage§7: §7+§b50✎ Intelligence\",18:\"§7§bTank§7: §7+§a30❈ Defense§7 and reduces damage\",19:\"§7taken by §b5% §7for each piece you have equip if\",20:\"§7you are hit by the same monster within §e10\",21:\"§e§7seconds.\",22:\"§bArcher§7: §7+§95☣ Crit Chance §7+§915☠ Crit Damage\",23:\"\",24:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",25:\"§5§lEPIC DUNGEON BOOTS\"],color:12565682,Name:\"§5Adaptive Boots \"},ExtraAttributes:{color:\"191:188:178\",dungeon_item_level:5,id:\"ADAPTIVE_BOOTS\"}}", "modver": "1.1-REL", "lore": [ "§7Gear Score: §d233 §8(417)", "§7Strength: §c+15 §8(+30.15)", "", "§7Health: §a+90 HP §8(+180.9 HP)", "§7Defense: §a+35 §8(+70.35)", "§7Intelligence: §a+15 §8(+30.15)", "", "§6Full Set Bonus: Efficient training", "§7Every §b5 §7Catacombs levels,", "§7this armor piece gains +§a2%", "§a§7stats.", "", "§7Grants additional bonuses based", "§7on your selected dungeon class!", "", "§bBerserk§7: §7+§c20❁ Strength", "§bHealer§7: §7+§a10% §7HP regeneration and §7+§c40❤ Health", "§bMage§7: §7+§b50✎ Intelligence", "§7§bTank§7: §7+§a30❈ Defense§7 and reduces damage", "§7taken by §b5% §7for each piece you have equip if", "§7you are hit by the same monster within §e10", "§e§7seconds.", "§bArcher§7: §7+§95☣ Crit Chance §7+§915☠ Crit Damage", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON BOOTS" ], "crafttext": "", "infoType": "" }