{ "itemid": "minecraft:carpet", "displayname": "§dAnti-Bite Scarf", "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Rift Time: §a+110s\",1:\"§7Hearts: §a+1\",2:\"§7Intelligence: §a+22\",3:\"\",4:\"§9Living Metal §9܉§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§9܈ §8100%\",5:\"§6Full Set Bonus: Living Metal Suit\",6:\"§7Lets you survive the frostbite of\",7:\"§7the §bLiving Stillness§7.\",8:\"\",9:\"§6Ability: Helmets All The Way Around\",10:\"§7Regain §a+2ф §7when killing a\",11:\"§7monster.\",12:\"\",13:\"§7If you would take §c❤ §7damage,\",14:\"§7take §c0.5❤ §7less.\",15:\"\",16:\"§eHold and left-click to pick color!\",17:\"\",18:\"§d§lMYTHIC HELMET\"],Name:\"§dAnti-Bite Scarf\"},ExtraAttributes:{lm_evo:112,id:\"ANTI_BITE_SCARF_2\"}}", "damage": 14, "lore": [ "§7Rift Time: §a+110s", "§7Hearts: §a+1", "§7Intelligence: §a+22", "", "§9Living Metal §9܉§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§b|§9܈ §8100%", "§6Full Set Bonus: Living Metal Suit", "§7Lets you survive the frostbite of", "§7the §bLiving Stillness§7.", "", "§6Ability: Helmets All The Way Around", "§7Regain §a+2ф §7when killing a", "§7monster.", "", "§7If you would take §c❤ §7damage,", "§7take §c0.5❤ §7less.", "", "§eHold and left-click to pick color!", "", "§d§lMYTHIC HELMET" ], "internalname": "ANTI_BITE_SCARF_2", "crafttext": "", "clickcommand": "", "modver": "2.1.1-PRE", "infoType": "" }