{ "itemid": "minecraft:fishing_rod", "displayname": "§5Salty Auger Rod", "nbttag": "{ench:[],Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+80\",1:\"§7Sea Creature Chance: §c+9% §8(Salty +3%)\",2:\"\",3:\"§9Angler VI, §9Blessing V\",4:\"§9Caster VI, §9Frail VI\",5:\"§9Looting IV, §9Luck of the Sea VI\",6:\"§9Lure VI, §9Magnet VI\",7:\"§9Spiked Hook VI, §9Telekinesis I\",8:\"\",9:\"§7Breaks nearby ice blocks where\",10:\"§7it lands.\",11:\"\",12:\"§7Triples the chance of the sea\",13:\"§7creatures that you spawn to be\",14:\"§7winter sea creatures.\",15:\"\",16:\"§7Increases fishing speed by §950%\",17:\"\",18:\"§5§lEPIC FISHING ROD\"],Name:\"§5Salty Auger Rod\"},ExtraAttributes:{modifier:\"salty\",id:\"AUGER_ROD\",enchantments:{caster:6,spiked_hook:6,looting:4,frail:6,angler:6,telekinesis:1,luck_of_the_sea:6,magnet:6,lure:6,blessing:5},anvil_uses:1}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+80", "§7Sea Creature Chance: §c+9% §8(Salty +3%)", "", "§9Angler VI, §9Blessing V", "§9Caster VI, §9Frail VI", "§9Looting IV, §9Luck of the Sea VI", "§9Lure VI, §9Magnet VI", "§9Spiked Hook VI, §9Telekinesis I", "", "§7Breaks nearby ice blocks where", "§7it lands.", "", "§7Triples the chance of the sea", "§7creatures that you spawn to be", "§7winter sea creatures.", "", "§7Increases fishing speed by §950%", "", "§5§lEPIC FISHING ROD" ], "recipe": { "A1": "", "A2": "", "A3": "STICK:1", "B1": "", "B2": "STICK:1", "B3": "ENCHANTED_PACKED_ICE:64", "C1": "STICK:1", "C2": "", "C3": "ENCHANTED_PACKED_ICE:64" }, "internalname": "AUGER_ROD", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "1.0.0", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Auger_Rod" ], "crafttext": "Requires: Ice X" }