  "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
  "displayname": "§5Bal (Boss)",
  "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"35f02923-7bec-3869-9ef5-b42a4794cac81\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzg5NTdkNTAyM2M5MzdjNGM0MWFhMjQxMmQ0MzQxMGJkYTIzY2Y3OWE5ZjZhYjM2Yjc2ZmVmMmQ3YzQyOSJ9fX0\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Bal is a Boss located within Khazad-dûm\",1:\"§7in the Crystal Hollows. It guards the §eTopaz Crystal.\",2:\"§7It takes §c1 health §7of damage per hit,\",3:\"§7regardless of which weapon is used. At various points\",4:\"§7in the fight Bal will summon Fire Bats and Blazes.\",5:\"\",6:\"§c❤ Health§8: §c200\"],Name:\"§5Bal (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"BAL_BOSS\"}}",
  "damage": 3,
  "lore": [
    "§7The Bal is a Boss located within Khazad-dûm",
    "§7in the Crystal Hollows. It guards the §eTopaz Crystal.",
    "§7It takes §c1 health §7of damage per hit,",
    "§7regardless of which weapon is used. At various points",
    "§7in the fight Bal will summon Fire Bats and Blazes.",
    "§c❤ Health§8: §c200"
  "internalname": "BAL_BOSS",
  "clickcommand": "viewrecipe",
  "modver": "2.1.0-REL",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [
  "crafttext": "",
  "recipes": [
      "level": 100,
      "name": "§cBal",
      "panorama": "crystal_hollows",
      "render": "MagmaCube",
      "type": "drops",
      "drops": [
          "id": "FLAWED_RUBY_GEM:1",
          "chance": "5% per Hit"
          "id": "FLAWED_TOPAZ_GEM:1",
          "chance": "5% per Hit"
          "id": "YOGGIE:1",
          "chance": "4.5% per Hit"
          "id": "BAL;3",
          "chance": "0.126% per Hit"
          "id": "BAL;4",
          "chance": "0.0054% per Hit"